Delayed Transfer - Chapter 214

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:58 AM

Chapter 214

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Looking at the dilapidated house two-story house, Mark wondered what type of monsters this haunted dwelling would surprise him with. He commanded the bush golems to enter first and in the living room, there were a couple of ghouls eating something. He thought that there would be nothing there and that jump scare would be the main theme of the house but looking at the creepy ghouls, he felt a bit relieved to see them.

Mark commanded the bush golems to engage the ghouls and he assisted in killing the monster by casting Void Bolt, Void Lightning, and Abyssal Thorn to avoid hitting the summons. He did the casting repeatedly until the ghouls were destroyed. There was only a single drop item, so he kept it in his inventory.

He re-summoned the bush golems to refresh their duration and commanded them to go to the kitchen located at the side of the living room. At first, the kitchen was quiet but suddenly he noticed that there was movement in the sink. The things located on the counter like broken pots and pans began moving by themselves.

He commanded the golems to approach the counter and when they near it, they were suddenly attacked. Three ghostly beings appeared on the counter and when Mark identified them, they were called Vengeful Ghosts. The ghosts looked like transparent zombies and what surprised Mark was that the golems were able to hit them just like regular monsters.

He thought the golems’ attack wouldn’t hurt the ghosts like the attack would somehow pass through their transparent bodies, but the ghosts were hit. He then knew that aside from the physical attack, the attack of the Bush Golems was also considered magical.

Mark cast Abyssal Thorn and saw that the thorns also were able to hit the ghosts. He then cast Thorn Whip and Thorn Spike to destroy the ghosts. Abyssal Thorn was weird. The rip in space where they would appear was random so when he pointed at the enemy and cast Abyssal thorn, a rip in the void would appear near its vicinity then the Void Thorn would attack them and the random part was, that he didn’t know which location the tear in the void would appear.

The ghosts were destroyed by the plant magic and Mark received a couple of dungeon items which he kept on his inventory. He refreshed the Bush Golems and commanded them to fully explore the kitchen to make sure that there were no monsters left in the room.

Mark wondered why the ghosts didn’t appear when the golems were attacked by the ghouls in the living room. They were only one room apart and the commotion was loud enough. Were they following some sort of program wherein they needed to stay in the room they were assigned?

Normally there were five to ten monsters per encounter but in this house, there were two ghouls in the living room and three vengeful ghosts in the kitchen already and there was still the dining room and three rooms upstairs.

In the dining room, there were two ghouls in the corner and when he commanded the golems to attack them, three vengeful ghosts appeared by the table and flew towards the golems to join the ghouls in attacking them. He was glad that the ghost attacked the golems instead of veering off and attacking him. He decided that on the second floor, he would cast Invisibility on himself before commanding the golems to explore the rooms.

Mark assisted the golems by casting Abyssal Thorn to hit the enemies. The golems were receiving substantial damage. He wondered if healing spells would affect the undead just like in games wherein they would be damaged instead of getting healed, so he tested it out by casting Bed of Daisies on the golems to heal them.

The Bed of Daisies healed the golems, but they also damaged the undead which delighted Mark. The damage that the undead was receiving from the healing spell was considerable almost double its healing capability so Abyssal Thorn and the Bed of Daisies together with the Bush Golems were enough to destroy the five monsters. At first, he thought that the healing from the plant mage tree would not damage the undead since it was a nature base spell instead of the holy or divine base which was deadly to the undead but surprisingly, it did damage them.

Only one drop appeared he kept it on his inventory and proceeded to explore the whole first floor to make sure that there were no monsters left.

Mark dismissed the Bush Golems since they would have difficulty in climbing the stairs and planned to re-summon them once he reached the second floor. When he did arrive on the second floor, he refreshed his defense spells and cast Floating Sunflower to make sure that his MP was topped up. He summoned the Bush Golems and then cast invisibility on himself. The Floating Sunflower which was following him looked like it was floating by itself.

He wondered if the Vengeful Ghosts who were invisible before attacking would be able to see him in his invisible state.

The first room had two beds and its worn state gave Mark a creepy feeling. He thought that being invisible would allow him to see invisible beings like ghosts, but he was not seeing anything in the room. He commanded the golem to enter and out of the bed, ghost-like beings different from the Vengeful Ghosts appeared.

The creatures were black and when he identified them, it said that they were Wraiths. The two wraiths attacked the golems and Mark helped the summons by casting the Dryad’s Circle spell to check what would happen and something wonderful did. The healing aura of the circle did damage the wraiths, but the wonderful part was, that the dryad attacked the wraiths and not in a physical way. The dryad cast nature spells like Thorn Whip. She also summoned translucent birds from somewhere that damaged the wraith considerably so together with the healing of the circle, the attack of the dryad, and the attack of the golems, the wraiths were destroyed almost immediately.

Before the spell Dryad’s Circle disappeared, the Dryad looked like an accomplished warrior who had just vanquished her enemies instead of the playful forest being that she usually was.

The next room looked like a large toilet and there were two Vengeful Ghosts and one Wraith. The Bush Golems and the Dryad’s Circle spell were enough to destroy them, and he didn’t even have to cast Abyssal Thorn. He kept the one loot from the previous room and the two ones from the new room on his inventory.

The master bedroom had a sinister-looking painting and from there an Elite Wraith appeared and two elite Vengeful Ghosts appeared from the bed but the Bush Golems, the Dryad from the Dryad’s Circle, and its healing, and one cast of Abyssal Thorn were enough to destroy them. Three items dropped so Mark kept them in his inventory to be identified later.

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