Delayed Transfer - Chapter 216

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:55 AM

Chapter 216

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The twins and Nedertu arrived just when Mark finished reading a couple of chapters of his favorite web novel that was translated from Chinese called “Demons Beside You.” The twins hugged Mark when they saw him, and Mark was glad that he felt that the boys were really treating him now as part of their family.

“How was it? Did everyone enjoy the movie?”

“They did but I think the circus is going to have a problem soon,” Isaac said.

“Why? What happened?” Mark turned to Nedertu.

“A lot of people came and wanted to intrude with the film showing. They declared that it was unfair for the circus to not show the movie to customers since they had been welcoming to us. Basically, they were the nobles who heard about the Star Wars movies somehow and they brought their retainers with them. They did have the decency to not bring any armed guards though so that meant that they did respect Hamil.”

Mark asked everyone to the table to start their dinner then Nedertu continued with his report.

“Hamil calmed everyone down by talking to them. I didn’t know what he told them though.”

“I forgot, which movie are you in now?” Mark asked.

“Tomorrow the movie would be the fourth one, Episode I The Phantom Menace.”

“I see. How are you finding the movies Nedertu? Do you enjoy them?”

“Just like the others, I love them. The adventure in other realms called planets that could only be traversed using ships that fly in the sky called spaceships, the ability to become warriors fighting for your realm or what they call their planet, the different creatures that governed the space, and the ability of the magic users although they call it the Force! It brought a sense of grand adventure to me and by the look of things, everyone had the same feeling.”

“I’m glad that you enjoy it.”

“By the way, Lossa told me that the day after tomorrow would be the weekend, and he and his colleagues and Natasha would be coming to visit you. Lossa said that he was planning to continue playing the game that he started with Natasha.”

Mark laughed when he heard that. After dinner, he allowed the twins to continue playing Knights of the Old Republic on the console and since Nedertu was interested, he taught the cat man how to play it on a second television and console.

Nedertu was so focused on playing the game that when Mark observed him, he looked like a cat on a hunt for food in a field somewhere and he laughed. After about an hour, he exited the game and told Nedertu to continue playing by himself and the cat man did.

After about an hour more of playing the console game, he asked the twins to stop, wash up, and prepare for bed. Mark wasn’t tired yet, so he went outside to wander around. He went to Hamil’s place to check out the details of what happened earlier and was glad to see that the caravan leader was still awake.

“Hamil, Nedertu told me that you had problems with some of the nobles earlier?”

“Good evening Mark. Yes, they did come wanting in, but I settled it. The day after tomorrow was the weekend so we’re going back to showing the movies to customers.”

“Are you planning to show the Star Wars movies then? What about the regular movies?”

“They ran for about a couple of weeks, so I planned to switch to the new ones. We’ll be out of here in three weeks anyway so I would like to get more money from the nobles before we’re gone.”

“Do you have any news about the teacher for the kids? Oh yes, did I mention that we would like the teacher to be our cook as well?”

“I sent news to the whole caravan, and it generated a lot of interest. Did you know that Nedertu had been bragging about the food that he’d been eating since you hired him? Not only that, but he was also telling everyone that you have been generous in giving out his salary.”

“After the weekend, my mornings would be free since the elven sisters would be gone and I would have a week off from my lessons. I would like to start interviewing then so please tell everyone interested to come to us then so we can begin interviewing.”

After his talk with Hamil, Mark noticed that it was getting late, so he went back to his RV to rest. He was planning to complete the twenty-fifth floor of his dungeon by tomorrow evening.

The next day after breakfast with the twins, Nedertu and Rendira, Mark went to the elven sisters. Before the lesson started, Eilintraee told him that they would be gone starting the next day and would be back next week so that meant that starting tomorrow, he would be free from his lessons. He was excited to know that he could be starting his magic lessons by next week and was glad that he was proficient enough in the local language to start it.

When Mark got back from his lessons and returned to his RV, he ate lunch together with the twins and Nedertu and after that, the twins took their afternoon nap. He asked Nedertu to look after the kids then he went directly to the twenty-fifth floor of his dungeon.

He arrived at the last location where had done battle and made sure to refresh his defense spells then moved forward slowly. He saw what looked like an abandoned village in the distance. Three ghouls were loitering at the entrance.

Mark summoned his Bush Golems, Tree Golems, and Forest Guardian and commanded them to attack the ghouls. The ghouls screamed and about four ghouls appeared from the village and five zombies crawled from the ground.

Not only that three ghosts appeared as well. When the golems and the monsters met, the battle started without further ado. Mark cast Forest Sanctuary amid the battle to help the golems and damage the undead.

The magical creatures that appeared together with the Forest Sanctuary assisted the golems in their battle against the undead. Whenever the duration of the Forest Sanctuary was over, Mark cast the spell again and after a while, the battle was over. He kept the loot that dropped in his inventory, proceeded to refresh his defense spells, and dismissed his summons.

Mark entered the abandoned village and saw that three dilapidated houses were still standing. The rest were destroyed or corroded over time from what they looked like.

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