Delayed Transfer - Chapter 222

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:48 AM

Chapter 222

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Mark arrived home around late in the afternoon. He saw that the twins were still playing just outside the RV together with their friends. When Isaac saw Mark, the boy shouted at him.

“Mark! We invited our friends for snacks. Is that okay?”

“Sure, let me go prepare. What kind of snacks do you want?”

“We want to have hot chocolate chip cookies with hot chocolate with marshmallows,” Aaron said with Isaac’s approval.

“That’s a lot of chocolate! Are you sure?”

The twins both said yes and when Mark agreed, they cheered. The other kids, not knowing that they would suffer a chocolate overdose cheered with them.

Mark went inside the RV and began replicating mugs of chocolate drinks with marshmallow and hot chocolate cookies. The good thing about his Replication skill, replicating everything just took him a few minutes. With the help of Nedertu, Mark gave the snacks to the kids.

While everyone was eating the snacks that he prepared, Mark told the twins that he had a surprise for them. He took out the dragon and the golem toy from his inventory.

“What are those!” Isaac exclaimed.

“They’re the magic item toys that I bought from the merchant’s quarters,”

Mark proceeded to put in mana stones to the toy and commanded the dragon toy to fly around and the golem toy to move around. The kids gaped at the toys their chocolate chip cookies forgotten on their hands. After a couple of minutes of the toys moving around, he commanded them to stop.

“Okay finish your snacks and I’ll teach you how to play with the toys.”

All of the kids devoured their cookies at a rapid pace and drank their chocolate drinks fast.

“Hey! You should eat slowly and savor the chocolate snacks.” Mark admonished everyone but the kids ignored him. When the snacks were all eaten, the twins and all of their friends looked at him expectantly.

Mark explained to the twins that only two other people could command the dragon and golem toys so he began keying the twin’s voices so they could command the toys and begin playing with them. He told them the words needed to make the toys move. After several minutes of testing, the boys got used to telling the toys what to do. Their friends looked at the boys’ new toys with envy, but Mark was surprised and happy when Isaac and Aaron assured their friends that they could all play with the new toys together.

He told the twins to take care of the toys and not to damage them. He was just glad that even though he couldn’t replicate magic items, he could still repair them using his inventory Item Restoration skill. Heck, with that skill alone, he could earn a lot of money repairing things and it the fact that not only did it repair things, but it also restored them to their utmost pristine condition, he would never need to wash anything in his life that could fit in his inventory.

Mark left the twins and their friends to their devices and went inside the RV although he noticed that Nedertu was polishing off the rest of the cookies.

“Do you want some more?” Mark asked the cat man.

“Can I still have more? I want to share them with my friends. Sometimes they don’t believe me when I describe to them the type of food that I’ve eaten here.”

Mark laughed and provided his coach with a box with a lot of chocolate chip cookies inside.

He went inside the RV and continued watching the latest anime that he had been watching with a headset. Mark lost track of the time and only noticed it when the twins and Nedertu entered the RV. He closed his laptop, looked at the window, and noticed that it was dark already. Checking the time, he saw that it was already six in the evening.

Mark saw that the twins looked guilty.

“What happened?”

“We made the dragon and the golem fight each other and the dragon’s wing broke, and the golem’s arm fell off,” Isaac said while Aaron was staring at the ground looking like he was about to cry.

Mark laughed and took the dragon and golem toys, put them in his inventory, and repaired them.

“Look, the toys are fixed. Don’t break them again okay?”

“They looked new again!” The twins gaped at the toys.

“Can you do that to people too?” Aaron asked.

“No, but I do have a spell that heals people,” Mark smiled at the kid.

The twins took the toys and continued playing with them while Mark prepared the food.

“Mark, can your spell fix anything?” Nedertu asked.

“Not only it can fix anything it can also clean them too!” Mark said proudly.

“I wish I knew that spell. It could save me a lot of time and headaches washing my clothes.”

“How long before you needed to clean your clothes?”

“About a week.”

“You know what, as one of the perks of being my employee, I can wash your clothes once a week.”

“Really! Thank you so much!”

Mark almost regretted the offer. Now, aside from being a cook, he was also a washing machine. But since it would only take him less than a minute to do it, it wasn’t that bothersome. Nedertu ran outside so fast while saying he was getting his laundry.

While Mark was laying down the food on the table, Nedertu brought something bulky and smelly inside.

“Eew, what’s that Nedertu?” Isaac asked when he smelled it.

“It’s my laundry,” Nedertu said embarrassingly.

Mark immediately put the laundry in his inventory since he didn’t want it to stink up the place any longer then used his Inventory Material Restoration on the cat man’s clothes. When he removed it from his inventory, Nedertu was pleasantly surprised at the state of his clothes.

“Everything looked brand new! And clean!”

“Yes, it’s one of my best spells,” Mark said proudly.

“Oh, so that’s why our clothes always looked new,” Isaac commented.

Mark laughed and told everyone to sit at the table so they could begin eating dinner which was simple, just hamburgers and fries. A salad for greens, and apple pie for dessert. Beer for the adults and fruit juice for the kids. Of course, the fruit juice was from actual fruits that he stored in his inventory and Mark had a lot of different varieties in his inventory since he quite like drinking fruit juices and shakes and since it would not spoil in his inventory he made sure to prepare before transmigrating.

After dinner, the twins continued playing with their new toys while Nedertu folded his clothes, exclaiming now and again how new they all looked.

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