Delayed Transfer - Chapter 223

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:48 AM

Chapter 223

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Early morning the next day, Mark heard knocking on his door which woke him and the twins up. When he checked the time it was only five in the morning and looking at the window, it was still dark. When he saw the kids about to get out of bed, he told them that it was still early and that they could go back to bed which they promptly did.

Mark opened the door and saw Hamil, Nedertu, Zenethor, the leader of the group who handled the animals, and Linuel, the leader of the actors in the circus.

“What happened? Why are you all here?” Mark asked everyone while he invited them in. He served everyone cups of hot coffee which they gratefully accepted since it was still very cold.

“Two of our men who were guarding the theater were injured, the other two were unconscious and one was missing. The laptop and the speakers were stolen,” Hamil said, and Mark could see the rage on the circus leader’s face.

“Are the men okay? I have a healing spell.”

“They are all fine. Norunta attended them.”

Mark saw that everyone was calming down when they saw that he didn’t have much reaction to his things getting stolen. Since everyone was there already, he served them a breakfast of French toast, omelet, and bacon together with more cups of coffee.

“When did this happen?” Mark asked Hamil when he saw that everyone had eaten a lot of the food already.

“It happened about a couple of hours ago. We guessed that one of our men betrayed us, the missing one. I’m also guessing that this was made by one of the nobles who coveted either our earnings or the movies themselves,” Linuel said.

Everyone ate all of the food and since they all looked like they could use some more, Mark replicated more and served them. He saw that the twins were already awake, so he invited them to sit and asked what breakfast they wanted. The boys said they would like to eat the same thing, so he served them some French toast, omelet, and bacon with orange juice and milk.

“Well, you don’t need to worry about the devices since without the generator and fuel, once the energy of the laptop ran out, they would not power up again. Not only that, but the laptop was also password protected, and only you Hamil, and the people you shared the password will know how to open the laptop screen.”

“Yes. At first, I found it weird that the device would not open without pushing certain keys in the devices in a specific way but that was actually a good security feature. The only thing they could do was to open the devices and see the insides.” Hamil said while he continued eating more bacon and omelet.

“Are you not angry about losing your devices, Mark?” Zenethor asked.

“Not really. If they did open up the devices and manage to create one from scratch, I would be thoroughly impressed. It took our people hundreds of years before we got to the point where we can make those devices.”

Mark replicated another laptop and entered the movies that were already shown to the circus’s people and customers in its storage, and he also replicated more speakers.

“So, you have a lot of these devices? That’s why you’re not angry? You don’t have to worry though since we will still be thoroughly investigating this issue with the help of the captain of the guards,” Hamil said.

Mark just shrugged and told Hamil that they could just inform him of the results of the investigation. In the meantime, they went to the theater to begin setting up the devices again since the movies would still be shown later for customers. Hamil was milking all of the customers for their money’s worth since they would be leaving the city soon and the villages between cities could hardly provide them the earnings that a rich city could.

Rendira arrived while Hamil, Zenethor, and Linuel were leaving. Nedertu left with them and said that he would need to help Zenethor with something which Mark allowed since they would all be staying in the RV anyway. Mark asked Rendira if she wanted to eat breakfast to which she declined saying that she ate already since she was the one who prepared the breakfast for her family.

Since it was the weekend, Mark informed Rendira that he forgot to mention that the kids’ study session should only be during the weekdays and the weekends should be her off days.

“Actually, I was going to talk to you about that but I’m glad that you brought it up. Regarding my son’s employment status, he’d already seen the first movie yesterday and would continue watching the rest this weekend. He would probably talk to you on Monday, is that all right?”

“Sure! I’m free next week anyway since my teachers are on a mission somewhere. I’ll be busy during the mornings though so he could see me during lunchtime and beyond.”

Rendira thanked Mark and left soon after. Mark asked the twins what they wanted to do since it was a vacation day. They shouted that they wanted to play outside with their friends, and they asked if they could bring the dragon and golem toys as well as the lightsaber toys and some of the action figures with them.

“I will need to follow you though since Nedertu is busy today and I’m free, but the sad part is, I’m not stealthy so you and your friends would see me lurking about is that okay?” Mark saw that the twins actually pouted when they heard that, and he laughed.

The twins gathered their toys and ran outside without waiting for Mark. He followed them outside and he lost them. He cast the spell Fly and flew upwards to check where the kids were. He saw that a lot of people were pointing at him, so he flew down immediately but he did see where the twins and their friends were.

Mark saw Hamil running towards him.

“What happened Hamil?”

“Somebody reported that they saw you flying, and I thought something happened, so I rushed here.”

Mark laughed and explained to the caravan leader that he would babysit the twins and their friends but lost sight of them, so he flew upwards to look for them. Hamil gave him an exasperated expression and went back to the theater.

In hindsight, Mark knew that he shouldn’t have made a commotion since a problem had just happened. He then walked toward where the twins and their friends were.

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