Delayed Transfer - Chapter 232

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:35 AM

Chapter 232

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Mark arrived at Hamil’s location and there he saw the Caravan Leader waiting for him. Hamil was wearing leather armor with a fur coat on top of it. Together with Hamil, he saw Dozon, the oldest of the acrobat brothers, who was also wearing the same leather set but a different type of fur coat. A dwarf who was wearing plate armor with the helmet’s visor down with a huge war axe was with Hamil and Dozon. Norunta the witch was there as well waiting.

“Mark, it would only be me, you, Barak and Dozon. Norunta said that since you’re coming she would not be needed and would stay here in case the circus needed her help.” Hamil said and Mark just nodded.

The messenger who brought the news to Hamil arrived from somewhere.

“I followed your instructions Hamil, and horses are already waiting for outside the south gate.”

“Are you not bringing anything with you?” Hamil asked Mark.

“I have everything I will need in my storage ring,” He replied, showing the caravan leader his ring which was actually the Ring of Sleep, with its additional stats and Sleep spell.

The messenger led the way and Hamil, Mark and the rest followed him to the south gate. While they were walking, the dwarf introduced himself to Mark. He wondered why he hadn’t seen the dwarf before but honestly, he could have. He couldn’t differentiate the dwarves from each other. Some he could, those with different beards, but most of them really looked the same to him. He nodded at the dwarf and continued following Hamil and the messenger.

When they arrived at the south gate, a few horses were led to them by a guard.

“I think I have a faster way to travel and more comfortable and convenient. Can we use it instead of the horses?” Mark suggested, not wanting to sit on a horse for hours.

Mark replicated a couple of couches and invited everyone to sit on the couches and when they were comfortable, summoned the Space Floating Disc.

“You’re right Mark, this is way more convenient,” Hamil said.

The disc floated six feet from the ground and Mark asked the messenger the way and the messenger pointed to the south. The Space Floating Disc began moving, slow at first for Mark to make sure that everyone got used to the idea of floating on air sitting on a couch then faster until it was fast as a horse running.

Mark asked the messenger to keep pointing to where they needed to go to avoid any deviation and he also asked everyone if they were comfortable.

“This is the most comfortable fast travel that I have ever experienced,” Dozon said.

Mark took some thick blankets from his inventory and gave them to everyone.

“You’re spoiling us Mark,” Hamil said, and Barak laughed.

Mark needed to cast his Floating Sunflower spell for MP management, and they continued traveling. After a few hours, he noticed that the temperature was rising and remembered they were going to the south. The forest they passed through was beginning to become thicker and full of life. He could smell the freshness of the untamed forest and it smelled good.

They stuck to the road, so they avoided any possible interruption from wild animals or even monsters. Mark could even see some goblins in the forest, but they just ignored the little buggers.

At lunchtime, they didn’t stop since it was comfortable enough to eat while they were moving and seated on the couches with blankets. At first, Hamil was getting some rations from his bag, but Mark told them that he had some food prepared. He asked everyone if they ate meat and when everyone said they did, he provided boxes containing large bacon hamburgers and French Fries with cheese. He also provided cans of soda and since Hamil and Dozon encountered them before, taught Barak and the messenger how to open the cans.

“This food is delicious, thank you, Mark,” Dozon said while eating the hamburger. Hamil, Bark, and the messenger just nodded while devouring the food.

“If you want more just tell me I have more and when you’re done please give me the boxes so I can keep them in my storage space.”

When he said that, everyone immediately requested for seconds so Mark immediately replicated more and kept the empty boxes in his inventory to be destroyed. After their lunch, everyone thanked Mark again while rubbing their bulging bellies.

Mark was focused on avoiding any accidents on the road and the messenger pointed the way once in a while. The messenger mentioned that his partner would be jealous of his experience. The other one needed to stay in the city to guide the adventurers from the city to the village.

At around two in the afternoon, Mark and the group saw some fires in the distance which made the messenger apprehensive.

“That fire in the distance is where my village at!”

“Prepare yourself. We may have a battle on our hands!” Barak said.

Mark cast his Space Shield and Bark Skin and refreshed his Floating Sunflower spell. When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they saw some houses were on fire and monsters attacking everyone. He canceled the Space Floating Disc and kept the couches in his inventory.

“Go ahead and kill the monsters on sight!” Hamil commanded.

Mark saw that Hamil and Dozon went together, and Barak ran to the village alone. The messenger went to the forest to hide. He cast Fly and began flying towards the village.

The first monster he saw was a couple of Kobolds attacking three men who were defending themselves using pitchforks. One of the men got slashed by the sword being wielded by a kobold and he went down making the defense of the men precarious.

Mark immediately cast Lightning Void and Lightning made from dimensional energy ripped the air apart and slammed into the kobold that wounded the man. He then cast Void Push to push the other kobold away and then he killed both kobolds using a combination of Lightning Void and Void Bolt. He avoided casting an area of effect spells to avoid friendly fire. When the kobolds were dead, he cast the Bed of Daisies spell to the men to heal them.

“The wizards from the city are here! We’re saved!” The men shouted while looking up at Mark who was amazed that all of their wounds were healing rapidly.

Mark flew around looking for all the monsters and some of them were already dead, killed by Hamil, Dozon, and Barak but most of the monsters consisting of Kobolds, Gnolls, and Trolls were concentrated on a building in the center of the village.


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