Delayed Transfer - Chapter 231

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:36 AM

Chapter 231

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Mark and the group enjoyed their lunch very much. Rodan and Luansa mentioned that it was one of the best food that they had ever eaten. He commented that the food they’d eaten was considered unhealthy food in the place where he came from.

“Why, is there something wrong with the food?” Natasha stopped eating as she asked.

Mark laughed.

“You don’t have to stop eating, there’s nothing wrong with the food. It’s just that it would be bad for your health if you eat it all the time since it can cause a person to be very fat which could lead to heart and liver disease.”

Mark could see that Natasha didn’t understand what he was saying regarding the food. First off, with the type of lifestyle she had, she would never get fat. Second, diseases could be cured by spells from a priest.

“Of course, it would be bad. Anything that you over-indulged in would be bad for you but it’s not the food’s fault! It’s the person’s fault!” Rendira said while she continued eating.

After lunch, Natasha, Lossa, and his colleagues said their goodbyes and left, and Natasha said that she would be back later. Mark gave her a questioning look, but she just smiled and left.

Rendira asked to speak to Mark about her son.

“Mark, I’m sorry about setting up your expectations regarding my son becoming your sitter and cook. After watching the movies, he told us that he got inspired and wanted to go back to adventuring. He decided to go back to where his old mercenary team was based and look for a new team. We knew this would happen. There would always be a reason and his father, and I were hoping that working for a mighty wizard such as yourself would alleviate his need for adventure, but I guess we were wrong.”

“That’s okay with me. Hamil did say that he would help me find someone. I’m sorry about your son but at least he still visits you from time to time.”

When Rendira left the twins said that they would like to play with their friends and Mark agreed allowing them to bring their toys with them.

Mark went outside to look for Hamil to talk to him about his request regarding finding a sitter for the boys who could be their cook as well.

When he arrived at Hamil’s place he saw the caravan leader talking to someone who looked like he just arrived from the state of his clothes. There was a panicky urgent look on the messenger’s face and when Hamil saw Mark, there was an evident relief on his face.

“Mark! I was just going to ask someone to look for you.”

“Did something happen?”

“You know the elven sisters went somewhere right? Well, they have a friend in a village a day from here who requested for them to close a recently opened dungeon. They should be able to handle it without any issues since as you know, the sisters are very powerful but from outside, the villagers saw that the dungeon mutated to a very high level one, so they sent a couple of messengers here. One already went to the council to ask for assistance, the other one went here to send me the message.”

“Dungeons mutate?” Mark gasped. He suddenly wondered if his dungeon would mutate.

“It very rarely happens. It would only do so if a high-level person enters a dungeon and sometimes the dungeon would mutate to accommodate the level of the adventurer and even then, it will rarely happen as I’ve said. I will need to go, Barak the dwarf, either one of the acrobat brothers, and Norunta. I was hoping you’ll join us.”

“Of course, I’ll join you. They are my teachers and my friends. Let me go and talk to Nedertu and the twins first and I’ll be back immediately.”

“Okay. We need to leave within the hour since we need to be there as soon as possible.”

Mark cast Fly and flew, looking for the twins and Nedertu. He found them immediately since their friends pointed at him and shouted. He shouted at them to return to the RV immediately since something came up. He expected the twins to immediately return home. What he didn’t expect was all of their friends ran with them.

He also looked for Nedertu and he found the cat man where the animals that were being kept by the zoo were located. Mark flew down and told Nedertu to return to the RV immediately since an urgent matter happened. He ran together with Nedertu, but the cat man was very fast and left him in the dust, so Mark teleported many times and arrived in the RV ahead of the cat man which greatly surprised his cart coach.

“What, you knew I’m a mage,” Mark commented.

The twin’s friends were still outside the RV looking like they were guarding the place. Mark and Nedertu went inside and found the boys waiting for them.

“The elven sisters went to close a dungeon, but the dungeon mutated to a high-level one. Hamil, someone called Barak, one of the acrobat brothers, Norunta and I will rescue them.”

The twins looked worried, and Mark pacified them.

“You don’t need to worry. I’m very powerful. You know I killed those three Ancient Beholders, and I was told that they were as powerful as dragons.” Mark was surprised that that statement calmed the boys.

“I will leave gallons of fuel beside the cart Nedertu. You know how to re-fuel the generators when needed. I will also make sure that our food storage is full before I leave and will leave you gold just in case. The village with the dungeon is only a day away from here so we should be back in four days at most.”

“I’ll make sure to take care of the boys, the home, and the cart so you don’t need to worry.”

Mark gave Nedertu several pouches full of gold coins.

“Can’t we come with you, Mark? You can leave us inside your dimension again,” Isaac said while looking like he was about to cry. Surprisingly, Aaron was the calm one this time since normally, Isaac was the calm one and took the lead in matters.

“You will need to get used to me going away. As I’ve said you don’t need to worry since Hamil, one of the acrobat brothers and Norunta will be with me. They will make sure I’m safe and back with you guys and will do the same for them.”

The twins hugged Mark and after that, he made sure that the food storage in the RV was full. He also replicated some gallons of fuel for the generators then he went to Hamil’s place to meet with the group who would be rescuing the elven sisters.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!