Delayed Transfer - Chapter 230

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:37 AM

Chapter 230

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Mark and the twins left Natasha, Lossa, and his colleagues playing and slept for the night. He was just glad that Natasha and Lossa were not noisy gamers and the fact that he provided wireless headsets to everyone helped a lot in making sure that it was quiet enough for the kids to sleep.

He woke up at around six in the morning upon checking on the clock beside the bed table and when he went outside, he was surprised that Natasha and Lossa were still gaming. They actually played the whole night and Lossa’s colleagues, Rodan and Luansa were still watching them.

Mark didn’t bother them and just prepared breakfast for everyone. He replicated omelets, bacon, French toast, fried tomatoes, orange juice, and coffee for everyone. When he laid down the food on the table, Rodan and Luansa were the first ones to smell the food.

Rodan tapped Lossa and informed him that breakfast was being served by Mark, so he paused the game. At the same time, the smell of the food must have woken up the twins since they came out from their beds and joined him on the table.

“Sorry for spending the whole night playing your game, Mark. We just want to finish the game before you leave the city with the circus since Hamil mentioned that in a week or so, the circus would be leaving,” Lossa said.

“And since it’s the start of the new week, I would be busy to play the game, so Lossa and I decided to just complete it last night. Give us an hour or two more and we will complete the game,” Natasha added.

“No worries, go ahead and complete the game. Before that though, you should give yourself more energy by eating breakfast.”

Mark invited everyone and while they were eating, Nedertu and Rendira came in, so he invited them to eat with them as well. After breakfast, Natasha and Lossa went back to gaming fully intending to finish the game and Rendira prepared for the twin's lessons.

While the twins would be learning from Rendira, Natasha, and Lossa together with his colleagues would be busy with the game for a couple more hours, Mark decided to tackle the twenty-sixth floor of the dungeon.

He informed everyone that he would need to go somewhere and would be back by lunchtime. Based on his previous twenty-fifth challenge, Mark got an inkling that he would only be able to tackle up to half the twenty-sixth floor.

Mark left and through the bedroom door, summoned the portal that would lead him directly to the dungeon floor. When he arrived on the twenty-sixth floor, it was the same as the twenty-fifth, dark and gloomy.

He cast all of his defense spells including Floating Sunflower and Fly then walked forward at a normal pace. The first place that he arrived at was unsurprisingly, a cemetery.

Even though he encountered it before on the twenty-fifth floor, everything still looked very scary to Mark. He summoned his Bush and Tree golems, and he added the powerful Forest Guardians. He commanded everyone to move forward and when they arrived at the cemetery, five zombies crawled out from the ground and five ghouls came out from the surrounding to attack the golems. There were also a couple of vengeful ghosts and three of the monsters were elite based on their size.

Mark didn’t hold back and cast Forest Sanctuary amid the golems and all sorts of forest creatures appeared and together with the golems, attacked the undead monsters. The monsters were dealt with by his summons and the only thing that he needed to do was cast Forest Sanctuary the moment it expired. He did need to cast Floating Sunflower for MP management.

He kept the dropped loot in his inventory and moved forward. The second group of monsters that he needed to battle with was a group of Skeleton Warriors, Archers, and Mages. Based on what he could see, there were five warriors, three archers, and three mages.

Mark did the same thing, summoned his golems, and cast Forest Sanctuary. He wanted the battle to be over fast so he assisted the summons by casting plant spells to make sure the summons would not be damaged by friendly fire. So, while his summons battle the undead skeletons, he also casts several spells like his Abyssal Thorn, Thorn Spike Barrage, and Field of Earth Spike.

Abyssal Thorn was particularly deadly with the black tentacled thorn appearing from the other dimensions attacking the undead skeletons. He was glad to see that the plant spells really did not attack his summons.

Because of the many spells he cast, the battle ended sooner than expected. Again, Mark kept the loot in his inventory and moved forward.

The only new monsters that appeared aside from the undead skeletons were the Gargoyles who at first Mark thought were the statue decoration in a cemetery, but they came alive and together with zombies, ghouls, ghosts, and skeletons, attacked his summons.

Still, together with all the spells that he had been casting, he made short work of the monsters from the twenty-sixth, and he was glad that he was getting used to the terror of the undead setting.

It would be embarrassing if he encountered the same setting outside and the other saw how scared he was but since he was now getting used to it, he hoped that when that happened someday, he would make himself proud.

Mark checked the time and when he saw that it was a few minutes after eleven in the morning, he decided to stop. Based on his experience, he was correct in assuming that he would be able to tackle up until halfway of the floor. He went to the portal at the beginning of the floor and went directly to his villa on the eleventh floor so he could take a shower before he presented himself to others.

When he got out, he saw that Rendira just finished tutoring the kids, and Natasha, Lossa, Rodan, Luansa, and Nedertu were talking to each other in the living room.

Mark immediately prepared lunch for everyone and the fact that he only needed to replicate the already available food in his inventory made it much easier. He replicated some pizzas, hamburgers, French fries, sodas, and beers in the true American obese-causing food. The good thing about the food in his inventory, all of it was gourmet since he made sure of that before transmigrating.

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