Delayed Transfer - Chapter 229

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:38 AM

Chapter 229

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It was still early, around four in the afternoon so Mark and the group decided to watch a movie that he promised earlier they would watch. They waited for Nedertu to come back before he asked everyone what movie they wanted to watch. When the cat man arrived, he provided a couple of options first.

“The first movie I decided to let you guys watch is an animated movie and the second one was a fantasy film. The animated movie is about a family who decided to live in the countryside and the daughters of the family who had a sick mother encountered a magical being. The fantasy film is about a sub-species of halfings who went on an adventure to destroy a magical artifact that was being coveted by an evil sorcerer-king. Mind you, the fantasy film is also part of a series of films just like Star Wars.”

Mark was surprised that Natasha, Nedertu, and the twins actually talked to each other regarding which movie they wanted to watch. He heard some snippets of their conversation regarding the animated film would be a much more relaxing show and that the circus would leave the city in a week or two so she wanted something that she could watch without anticipating the next part.

After a few minutes of discussion, the group decided to watch the animated film. Mark prepared the television and the laptop, not forgetting to cast Comprehend Spell on the devices so everyone could understand the story. He also prepared popcorn and soda for everyone. When everything was ready, Mark dimmed the lights, and everyone started watching the film.

When the movie began, the twins laughed at how funny the characters looked and Mark told everyone that this animated film was one of his beloved movies. Everyone was watching when Professor Tatsuo Kusakabe and his family moved to an old house to be closer to the hospital where the children's sick mother was staying.

Mark needed to reassure the twins that the mother was already healed but was just recovering from her long-term illness. Everyone was surprised to see that the old house that the family moved into was inhabited by house spirits and the twins sighed with relief when they learned that the spirits were not malicious beings.

The twins particularly loved seeing Totoro and requested a toy that looked like him. The kids almost cried when they learned the sister's mother’s planned visit home was postponed due to a setback in the treatment and Mark actually heard the boys pray for the mother to get better.

Everyone got worried when the younger sister got lost and the neighbors looked for her thinking she was dead. The older sisters then pleaded for Totoro to help them and the magical being summoned the cat bus, everyone cheered when they saw that the sister’s mother was just recovering from a cold when Totoro brought them to the hospital to see their mother.

Mark was surprised to see Natasha became teary-eyed when the sister’s mother finally arrived home, and that Totoro was watching the happy family.

“I now understand why this is one of your beloved movies. The story is simple, almost childlike but the innocence and the reality of the consequences of problems that could strike a family blended well. I was happy that the ending was a happy one.” Natasha commented.

“I wish we had a Totoro, maybe mother and father would have lived,” Isaac suddenly said. Then the twins cried. Mark hugged both children. He sometimes forgets how young the twins were and that a tragedy did take their parent's lives.

The twins cried for at least fifteen minutes before they stopped.

“Can you summon Totoro Mark? So, we would always be safe and be a family,” Aaron said.

“I can’t summon Totoro, but you don’t need to worry. I’m very powerful and planning to become more powerful so nothing can threaten our lives. One of my goals is for us to be a happy family always.”

Mark brought the twins to their bed so they could take a nap. He thought that the twins were exhausted from all the adventures they had that day which contributed to their crying bouts. He planned to wake them up after an hour so they could eat dinner and could sleep a full night sleep later.

“I liked the movie, Mark, and I’m happy to have seen it. Let me leave you and Natasha, I need to arrange my new things in the cart.” Nedertu said then left the RV.

“I guess the twins were still sad about losing their parents,” Natasha said while drinking coffee.

“You will always be sad for losing your parents especially if they were wonderful to you. I still think of mine. They were one of the best parents a child could have, and I wished that they were still alive.”

“I envy you. My parents thought of me as someone who would contribute to the glory of the family. The sad thing was, it was ingrained in me that I could never do otherwise. I still have my brothers though and they were wonderful to me.”

“You mentioned that your family will plan the man who will marry you, how does that work? Is it all right with them for you to have a relationship with me?”

Natasha laughed and requested wine which Mark replicated and served.

“I’m still young and it’s okay for the nobility to be playful when they’re young. Even after I got married, they didn’t expect me or my husband to be faithful to each other. That’s just the reality of being a noble.”

“That’s sad! Maybe I was spoiled by all the movies and shows but I expect my love story to be something out of a movie. I will fall in love and my lover will fall in love with me and we will be faithful to each other forever.”

Natasha laughed so hard that the wine she was holding spilled everywhere. They began to clean it and Natasha told him again to never change.

After about an hour, Mark prepared dinner for everyone and woke up the twins. He was glad to see that the twins were back to their joyful selves happily eating and then after dinner, playing with their new toys. At around eight in the evening, Mark was surprised to see Lossa, and his colleagues visit them again and the mage informed him that he would like to complete the game. Natasha was actually waiting for Lossa which Mark totally forgot.

Mark set up the television and the console and let Natasha and Lossa continue playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic while Rodan and Luansa watched.

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