Delayed Transfer - Chapter 228

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:39 AM

Chapter 228

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It was around two in the afternoon when Mark, the twins, Natasha, and Nedertu finished their shopping adventure. They decided to take a snack in one of the cafes that littered the nobles' section. Mark was surprised that the concept of cafes was already prevalent in this world which he shouldn’t have been since this fantasy world was just as advanced as his home world it was just that its advancement was in the direction of magic instead of technology.

Probably, this world was much more advanced since their archmages or high wizards could already traverse different dimensions and his home world had only reached the moon and not to live on it, just visit which was a far cry from what the mages were doing on the other dimensions they conquered which was to gather resources they could use.

He suddenly wondered what would happen if an archmage reached his planet. Would they start a war for resources? Were there even resources that archmages would covet that were on his home planet? That horrifying thought suddenly gave him another reason to reach his goal of becoming a powerful archmage or legendary wizard. With that power, he could claim his planet as his dimension and if another being were interested in it, they could first start a war with him.

Mark also wondered that if a portal opened to his home world, would it be saturated with Mana allowing the people to become mages or to level up? So many questions that he couldn’t answer now so he focused on the important thing, which was to taste the delicious cake in front of him.

After their snacks, everyone was excited to get home. He didn’t know if it was because they wanted to watch the new movie which he hadn’t decided which movie yet or because for the twins, they wanted their hands on the new toys and for Nedertu, the magic sword that he promised. It was good that there were a couple of blue magic swords on the first floor of his dungeon that he kept there that dropped from the tenth and twentieth-floor bosses that he raided and from the twenty-fifth floor as well. He also had many leather sets from the dungeon. He wondered why his dungeon didn’t drop heavy armor set.

When they returned, he took all the purchases they made from his inventory and gave them to Nedertu and the twins. He also gave the things that Natasha purchased for herself, and she gave the extra gold that they didn’t spend back to him.

“Because of these purchases, you will need to store them in the boxes below the bunkbeds, kids. That meant that from now on, I would not be cleaning the RV alone. All laundry that you accumulate will have to be put in the hamper near the bathroom and I’ll handle it and we will need to clean the RV whenever it gets dirty, understood? Our new cook once he or she arrives will also be the one who will handle our food, which means that we will need to assist him or her in cleaning the dishes.”

The twins shouted their affirmative and Mark was glad that they were not resentful for the sudden appearance of chores.

“In one hour, we will watch the new movie. I will need to get the magic sword that I promised to Nedertu.”

The twins started playing and Natasha joined them. Nedertu went to the cart which was beside the RV to store the things that he purchased. Mark went to the first floor of the dungeon to retrieve a couple of sets of magic blue leather armor and the magic blue Sword of Invisible Metal that the boss from the twentieth floor dropped.

When he returned from the dungeon, he saw that everyone was waiting for him. He laid down the leather armor sets and the sword on the table.

“Nedertu, this is called Sword of Invisible Metal. It would add great strength to you when you use it and it had a skill called Invisible Metal that when you activate it, the sword will turn invisible, and you will be the only one who can see it. The skill would last three minutes, and it had twenty charges, but it would earn one charge per ten minutes.”

Nedertu and Natasha gasped when they heard it.

“Mark! That’s a legendary sword, I can’t accept that!” Nedertu shouted.

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. It’s not a legendary sword. It’s what I call a magic blue sword which was a tier below legendary. Now these leather armor sets will enhance you greatly when you wear them. They are magic items as well. For example, these bracers will enhance your strength and will provide you with defense. The leather helmet will increase your agility and give you defense as well. The armor will greatly enhance your vitality and defense. The pants will enhance your stamina and defense and the shoes will increase your speed and give you defense as well. Unfortunately, they don’t have any additional magic skills, but the stats enhancement will make you a great warrior, I think.”

Nedertu and Natasha, even the kids kept gaping at him.

“Now go ahead and test them out. The other leather set with the same parameters that I just mentioned is for you Natasha.”

Nedertu and Natasha closed their mouths and took the new things and wore them. Natasha went to the bedroom for her to wear the armor set and Nedertu went back to his cart. After a while, they returned wearing the leather armor sets and they looked good.

“Wow, Nedertu you look cool!” Isaac exclaimed.

“Yes! I want one as well Mark, can you give me one too?” Aaron wheedled.

“Of course. Once you’re older,” Mark promised the kids.

“I feel thrice as strong wearing everything! I feel like I can defeat any monsters,” Nedertu cried out.

“Nedertu is right Mark. These items are precious. Are you sure you’re giving these to us?” Natasha asked.

“Of course, I have plenty of those,” Mark boasted.

Nedertu said that he would try out the sword, so everyone followed him outside and went to where the trees were located. When he activated the sword, everyone saw that the sword disappeared and then Nedertu attacked one of the trees and large cuts appeared on the tree trunks. It was weird seeing him moving like he was wielding a sword but not seeing the actual sword.

“What do you see Nedertu? We couldn’t see the sword anymore,” Natasha said.

“The sword glowed blue but that’s it in my sight. You’re saying that you can’t see the sword anymore? That would be deadly against enemies, bandits, or monsters alike. I just feel so strong right now with this sword and wearing this leather set!”

Natasha agreed with Nedertu, and she took her sword from the storage ring that Mark gave her and tried some practice swings. There was actual wind generated from their sword swings.

After a while, Natasha stopped and kissed Mark saying thank you.

“I will defend you with my life Mark. That I promise you.” Nedertu exclaimed.

“Of course, you will defend us. That’s the only payment I need but of course not with your life, you will need to make sure that you survive. That’s the main reason I gave you the set.”

Mark, Natasha, and the twins went back to the RV and Nedertu went back to the cart to remove the leather set armor.


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