Delayed Transfer - Chapter 227

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:40 AM

Chapter 227

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The next store that Mark and his group visited was the weapon and armor store for adventurers called Boga’s Smithy. He really didn’t need a weapon since Natasha told him that the weapons and armor that were sold in the store weren’t magic items, but he was curious.

Before they went out of the mall-like clothing store though, Mark went and put in all the things they purchased in his inventory so they wouldn’t be encumbered.

When they entered the weapon store, the twins were well-behaved since Natasha informed them that unruly behavior was not allowed since the items inside could cause damage.

Mark and the twins observed the different types of weapons for sale. There were weapons that he had only seen on the internet like halberds, war hammers, and heavy great swords. When he surreptitiously identified one of them, they were just regular weapons. Nedertu expressed interest in buying one of the swords, but Mark told him not to since he had a better magic sword with skill and stats.

“I can’t accept that Mark! I’m sure it’s very expensive,” Nedertu exclaimed.

“Of course you can, you’re a part of our family and had the responsibility of defending us and you can do that better with a magic item. I’ll give it to you later.”

“Can you give us magic weapons too, Mark?” Isaac asked.

“Sure, but you will need to be older for me to do that. Your lightsaber is enough for you right now.”

“Those are toys!” Aaron exclaimed.

“Why, don’t you want them anymore? I’m sure Deo and his friends would be happy to get them if you think you don’t need them anymore since they’re not “real” weapons.”

That statement shut the twins up and besides, they knew for a fact that since Mark had promised them magic weapons when they got older, they would surely receive one from him since he had never lied to them, and they remembered the magic sword that Mark gave Natasha and how powerful it was.

The next store they visited after the weapon store was a store that sold books. The twins wanted to purchase adventure books and Mark did since he was interested in what passed as entertainment literature in this place. Nedertu also purchased many books since he mentioned that it would be best if there were books in the cart and he was planning to ask the dwarves to make him a bookshelf. Mark was surprised at how much money they spent on the books alone since Natasha told him that the gold he gave her was spent.

Mark gave her more since they were not done with shopping. He also kept the books in his inventory and Natasha happily stored her purchases on the storage ring that he gave her.

After the bookstore, the group decided to go to a restaurant since it was already lunch time and Natasha led them to a fairly high-class one. The good thing about being with Natasha was that they didn’t encounter any difficulty since she was a noble and captain of the guards. Everyone was very respectful of her, so they received the best service from everyone.

Mark asked Natasha to order for them since they didn’t know what type of food would be the best from that place. They were seated near a huge window that allowed them to view the outside scenery.

As per Natasha’s request, the waiter explained the food to them when their food arrived. They all sounded delicious but once they started eating, the twins declared that Mark’s food was better which Natasha and Nedertu agreed. Mark was embarrassed since the waiter was still near them and probably heard that statement.

After lunch, they visited a toy store, and he allowed the twins to purchase all the toys they wanted.

“Aren’t you spoiling them too much?” Natasha asked.

“That’s okay. I have the money and I’m sure that we would be able to make sure that they grow up fine and not spoiled brats.”

Mark, Natasha, and Nedertu were looking at the twins happily choosing toys they wanted to buy.

“I see you Mark and you’re happy aren’t you?” Natasha suddenly told him.

“What brought this on?”

“Your life in the circus is very enviable. You built yourself a family. You have all the money in the world, and you are a mighty wizard. Not everyone could be like you and sometimes I had this dream of leaving everything and going with you so I can experience that happiness for myself.”

Nedertu excused himself and joined the twins in looking closely at the toys and Mark was sure that the cat man did that to avoid the sudden awkward conversation.

“Before I got here, I thought my life would be full of conflict. Full of battles and endless blood. For some reason that was what I was expecting but then suddenly I was in this circus, living a life that would make anyone jealous. Yes, I’m happy. I still have some goals though. I planned to become a powerful wizard who could traverse dimensions since I wanted the power to get back home, not to stay mind you but just to visit and update my movies, shows, and novels.”

Mark paused and thought for a bit.

“If your goal is to become a powerful wizard, I’m sure that you will encounter that conflict that you have not encountered so far but please stay the way you are. I chose to stay here and fulfill my duty and someday have a family of my own that was chosen for me by my family, but I would like to think that somewhere in this world, there was this old lover who was a powerful wizard full of innocence and joy. I know it’s a dream but it’s a dream I want to have.”

“Thank you, Natasha. I want to stay happy as well and I know that conflict and issues will arise someday but those would be the problem of my future self. Today I just want to spend time with my new family happily, watch movies, eat good food, spend time with my friends, and travel the world with the circus.” Mark looked at Natasha and smiled at her. Natasha smiled back at him.

The twins completed their toy selections and Natasha paid for them. Mark then put the newly bought toys in his inventory. They decided to return to the RV so they could watch a new movie as Mark’s promised to everyone.

Mark thought of Natasha's statement regarding how idealistic his life had been and the only conflicts that he had been experiencing, aside from the mission from the council of Argent, was his daily dungeon dive. He suddenly had this worry that his life now was only the calm before the storm. He knew that his worries were nothing, but he was happy, and he didn’t want that happiness to be disrupted. It solidified his desire to become more powerful since that was the only way to make sure that he could defend his current lifestyle from the dangers of this fantasy world.

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