Delayed Transfer - Chapter 226

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:41 AM

Chapter 226

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Mark woke up earlier than Natasha the next day. The guard captain was exhausted from their shenanigan last night and the fact that they had to make sure that they were not too loud as to now wake up the boys added to the excitement and possibly exhaustion due to their love-making. He thought of trying to find an item that would allow an area to be enveloped in a Silence spell since he thought that carving a Silence rune on the bedroom door would not work since he would always destroy the RV and replicate a new one.

He slowly stood up to not wake up Natasha so he could prepare breakfast for them. Tomorrow would be the beginning of next week and hopefully, Rendira’s son, or anybody else for that matter would apply as the sitter slash cook for them.

When he got to the kitchen, he saw the twins were already awake sitting on the kitchen table waiting for breakfast.

“Why are you awake so early?” Mark asked the boys.

“We woke up much earlier since we heard a noise from your room and remembered Natasha was staying with you,” Isaac said.

“Are you two wrestling?” Aaron asked Mark which flabbergasted him.

“What do you mean wrestling?!”

“When our parents were alive, sometimes we would catch them wrestling with each other during the night and our mother explained to us that people who were together would sometimes do that to express their love to each other,” Isaac said.

“You’re too young to know about that. What do you want to eat for breakfast,” Mark said in a futile hope of changing the subject.

“That’s what our mother said when we asked for more explanation,” Aaron added.

“We would like the bread soaked in milk and sweet. I think it’s called friend toast or something.” Isaac said while Aaron nodded agreeing with his older brother on what breakfast they wanted to eat.

“It’s called French Toast.” Mark replicated the requested toast and some milk and juice for the kids to drink. For himself, he replicated some omelet rice and coffee. While they were eating, Nedertu arrived, and he asked the cat man what he would like for breakfast to which he answered hamburger. Even though he considered the dish too heavy for breakfast, Mark just shrugged and replicated it for the cat man.

Natasha woke up and when she saw them eating different types of breakfast food, she asked Mark for a hamburger as well after a couple of minutes of consideration. More than likely, it was the smell that urged her to order it.

“I would begin interviewing a sitter slash cook for us starting tomorrow. That meant no more ordering what food you wanted to eat. We will eat what the new cook will serve us every day and we will only eat the food I prepare during special occasions,” Mark told everyone.

Mark saw the twins pout when they heard that but to his amusement, he saw Nedertu and even Natasha making a sad face.

“The exception of course is when Natasha is visiting us. With her here, we can eat whatever you want.”

Everybody cheered when they heard that.

“What are we going to do today Mark?” Isaac asked.

“I decided that we will spend the day shopping! We will be visiting all sorts of stores and buying things we want like clothes, bags, toys, and anything we fancy as long as they accept gold and not Mana stone. We will also eat in a restaurant as well and once we’re all tired of that, we will return and watch a new movie!”

Everyone cheered when they heard and the kids were especially so, that once they were done with breakfast, the twins took a shower and changed to their best clothes. Natasha did as well and Nedertu went to his place to change. Before Nedertu left, he told the cat man that he should move in the cart since the place had heating and furniture and for him to take care of it to which the cat man happily agreed.

After about an hour, everyone was ready, so they started their shopping adventure in the city. The first thing Natasha did was flag a carriage that would bring them to their first destination, which was the merchant’s quarter.

When they arrived at the merchant’s quarter, they decided to walk since they wanted to check all the stores.

The first store they visited was the largest clothing store in the city and when they entered it, the place looked like a mall from Mark’s original world. The place was called Golden Deer Emporium, and they sold all kinds of things.

Mark gave Natasha pouches that contained hundreds of gold for her to handle their spending and informed her to ask him for more if needed.

They all went to the section that sold bags and there were different types. There were backpacks, shoulder bags, belt bags, basically all types that a regular person, a merchant, or an adventurer would need.

Even though he didn’t need it due to his inventory capable of storing untold amounts of things, he still bought a black backpack made of some sort of monster reptile. Natasha told him that it was made from a regular monster skin, not a magic beast since it would only cost them gold and not mana stone. Mark tested the bag by wearing it and looking at the mirror and he looked cool if he did say so himself.

Looking at Mark, the twins also chose to buy backpacks, but Isaac chose a red one and Aaron chose a blue one. Nedertu chose a huge saddle bag brown bag, but it looked really luxurious with its design being very prominent, and Natasha chose to purchase a purse.

After they chose the bags, they were given to a team of salespeople that was following them and Natasha informed him that it was normal for the store to do it especially since she was with them. Mark then remembered that Natasha was also a noble aside from being the captain of the guards.

The group then went to the ready-to-wear clothing section, and everyone went wild in their purchases. Mark chose whatever he fancied but he did tell everyone to choose clothing for all types of seasons.

After about an hour, everyone brought the clothes they chose to the team of salespersons again and they did purchase a lot except for Natasha. Mark and the group then went to the belt section, and they purchased some as well in different types of colors depending on their personal preferences.

The group then went to the shoes section and Mark bought five pairs of them of different types. Nedertu also purchased a lot and even the kids went wild choosing to buy at least three pairs of shoes.

In the first store alone, they already spent a couple of hours, and they were not done yet.


Glossary - Skill Tree and Description can be viewed on my Patreon freely by everyone. Spoiler alert though.

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