Delayed Transfer - Chapter 236

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:31 AM

Chapter 236

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The elven sisters were still not moving and were examining the storage ring they bought from Mark.

“This ring is unique. Its craftsmanship is the best I’ve seen,” Solinae muttered.

“Even though the space inside is small It’s incredibly complex, anybody can use it as long as they wear the ring because of how the runes were constructed in the ring. Even regular people as long as they wear it!” Monterra added.

“What?!” Hamil asked.

“At first I was not interested since I’m not a mage but if a regular person could use it, I want one. Do you have more Mark? I’m willing to pay more mana stone,” Hamil added.

“I don’t know. Let me check once we get home,” Mark replied.

He can farm level ten and level twentieth floor of his dungeon to get items and storage rings and even storage necklaces for some reason had a high drop rate. At first, he found it useless aside from some of them having additional stats since he had inventory, but he guessed that from now it would be a desirable product making it a hot commodity. He could earn a lot of mana stones. He still hadn’t found the time to study the stones but the fact that they were filled with magical energy gave him the idea that they could be used for something other than magical batteries for magical items.

Mark thought that maybe he could use the mana stones as a way to level up or level up his skills or at the very least as mana source, but he would still need to study it. Once they were back, he would prioritize studying the mana stones.

The group then went to the next floor to continue clearing out the dungeon. The next group of floors had the same enemies, kobolds, gnolls, and trolls. The only change was some of the monsters had professions like becoming an archer or a mage. Mark focused on killing the mages as soon as possible since they were an unstable factor and the spells that they could cast could be an attack spell or the tricky de-buff spells.

According to Hamil, the dive would have been extremely dangerous but because the summons was their frontline, it became a lot easier. Not only that, but Mark also had incredible healing spells and was able to restore their stamina and mana and even feed them once they got hungry allowing them to continue without rest.

The only time they would stop was at night to sleep and since they stopped in a place where they killed all the monsters, they didn’t even need to set up a guard. Having an incredibly convenient and beautiful home that was being summoned by Mark whenever they needed rest was greatly appreciated by everyone.

“I love this type of adventuring! Having a good place at night to stay with plenty of food and alcohol and having a good bed to sleep in without any worries after a good fight is a dream come true for me. If you’re a woman, I would have pursued you and would never give up until you’re mine Mark,” Barak told everyone which caused goosebumps to appear on Mark’s skin.

Everyone laughed when they heard what Barak declared.

“Why were you not using this when we were traveling to the city of Argent?” Hamil asked him.

“I had this idea that I have to be low-key because I’m a stranger here. I thought that maybe a powerful wizard would covet my things and imprison me or something.”

Everyone laughed again when they heard that.

“Anyone who would covet this is less powerful than you and more powerful wizards have their magical things which are as good or better than the things that you have so you don’t need to worry about that part,” Solinae said, and Mark was glad that everyone agreed with her.

“I do plan to use this on the next leg of our journey but only during the night. We would still use my cart to travel during the day. It wouldn’t matter so much anyway since I made the cart almost equally as comfortable.” Mark said.

The elven sisters were still using the master bedroom and the bunkbeds were being used by Mark himself and the old man Leonus, so he provided Hamil, Dozon, and Barak futons that they would use to sleep in the living room.

“These beds or “futons” as you call them are incredibly soft and they smelled so good. It felt like I was going to sleep in a cloud surrounded by flowers!” Dozon said while hugging the pillow and lying on the futons Mark provided them.

“I’m glad that you found them comfortable. If you get hungry, you can raid my food storage boxes.”

When Mark said that he saw Barak go to the boxes and take out a lot of food and alcohol and he sighed.

“Hey, you said when we get hungry. I’m hungry now!” Barak said.

“Barak! We just ate a while ago!” Hamil shouted at the dwarf.

“I’m always hungry and the wizard can just conjure some more!”

Mark just shrugged and went to the bunkbed to sleep. He took the top part since he didn’t want the old man to climb. He was glad that the bunkbed was comfortable as well.

Although there were painful moments because of this situation, Mark was happy about the dungeon dive since he saw on his System Interface that he was leveling up nicely. He thought that he might reach level ninety at the rate they were going. He was planning to examine his leveling up in detail once they returned home from conquering this dungeon.

The next day after breakfast, Mark and the group continued diving. They stopped at the twelfth floor of the dungeon.

They encountered new monsters which were kobolds riding dire wolves. Nevertheless, with the summons help, they dispatch the monsters without any severe consequences.

Mark found something peculiar. On one of their battles, he warned Dozon that he would summon vines that would hit the enemies and that he should run away from its range but when he cast his Abyssal Thorn earlier than expected, he thought that they would try to hit the acrobat, but the thorns didn’t. The Abyssal Thorn spells concentrated on hitting the enemies.

After that fight, he asked Barak for assistance with an experiment and the dwarf agreed.

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