Delayed Transfer - Chapter 239

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:23 AM

Chapter 239

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Mark, Hamil, Dozon, Barak, and the elven sisters arrived before dusk and everyone went to their respective places in the circus caravan compound. The elven sisters thanked Mark again and told him that they would need to prepare their caravan for travel and would start his magic lessons once their cart was ready.

Hamil told everyone that the circus would leave the city in four days so they should use those days to prepare for everything like cleaning their caravans and gathering enough supplies to last them for at least two weeks because the next village that was large enough to host them was two weeks from the city of Argent. It was called Greenwood Village and it had a large enough population that staying there would be somewhat profitable and it was one of the villages that was on the way to their next city.

Mark arrived in his RV and when the twins saw him, they ran to him and hugged him.

“We’re so glad that you’re back!” Isaac told him.

“I told you nothing untoward would happen to me,” Mark hugged the twins back.

They all went inside the RV and Mark prepared lunch for everyone. Nedertu was there and Rendira was still there.

“Mark we would like to eat hamburgers, fries, and milkshake,’ The twins both said.

“I would like a pizza and beer,” Nedertu requested no longer hesitant in ordering what he wanted to eat.

Rendira on the other had said that she would eat whatever he prepared so Mark just replicated another pizza and beer for her. For himself, he wanted to take a rest from meat and fast food so he prepared Caesar Salad and juice.

For a moment Mark got worried about the twin's diet but then he remembered that they would hire a cook that would travel with them so he just went with the flow and gave the twins what they requested.

“Remember once we have a cook we will need to eat whatever he or she will cook for us during our meals okay?” Mark told everyone.

“Did Hamil find you one already?” Rendira asked.

“Not yet but I’m sure there would be before we leave the city. According to him, there were plenty who had shown interest but he was being careful.”

Mark then told everyone what happened to the village where the elven sisters went. His audience gasped when they learned that the dungeon mutated and that the elven sisters almost died but were in awe when they heard how Mark and his group destroyed the monsters and rescued the sisters and the old man from the village. The twins were sad for a moment when they heard some of the villagers had died but then immediately bounced back. This was the reality of this world.

After lunch, Mark told Nedertu and the twins to prepare the cart since they would be leaving the city in four days. He then went to the guard station to talk to Natasha.

When he arrived at the guard station, he was immediately directed to the guard captain’s office.

“Mark! How’s the rescue?” Natasha kissed him when Mark entered her office.

“How did you know? Oh, I forgot another messenger was supposed to request rescue. What happened about that, do you know?”

“When I heard that you went with Hamil to where the elven sisters were I told them that you were powerful enough to handle it so they decided to wait until your group was back. More than likely someone is already talking to Hamil about the details of the dungeon and to check if we need to send someone to the village.”

“I see. Thank you for your confidence in me,” Mark said and Natasha laughed.

“So, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

“The circus is leaving after four days. I just want to personally tell you.”

“I see. That means we still have four days. I’ll take a leave then accompany you for two days.”

“Why only two?”

“Silly, I can only join you tomorrow and you will need time to prepare for leaving the city. I know you will let Nedertu handle everything but two days will be enough for us.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then. I’ll conjure a second RV just for us so we can have privacy.”

Natasha blushed and kissed Mark again.

When he returned home, the twins and Nedertu were still cleaning the caravan that they would be using to travel. Even though they had already cleaned it, Mark wanted them to do it again.

“Are we going to sleep here, Mark? It’s so tiny will we all fit?” Aaron asked while they were inside the RV.

“No, we’re not. We will just use this to travel. This caravan will be pulled by a Zzourta so you can get acquainted with that huge lizard mount. We will still use the RV every night to sleep.”

“What’s the name of the Zzourta?” Isaac asked.

“You know what I never did ask. Nedertu does our Zzourta have a name?”

“Yes they do but you were actually using three different ones from the zoo,” Nedertu answered.

Mark was taken aback when he was told that they were using three different animals when they were traveling to the city of Argent.

“Do I need to pay Zenethor more?”

“You don’t. You rented an animal and he provided you with one. He just wanted to make sure that you have a fresh well well-rested animal every time and the fact that you didn’t notice will break his heart.” Nedertu laughed.

“Oh, by the way, tomorrow Natasha will come here and I will summon another RV for just the two of us. She will stay for two days so that means you can't disturb us then, okay?” Mark told everyone.

“What about our food?” Aaron asked.

“I’ll give coins to Nedertu and he will handle it. When Hamil comes with someone who will be our sitter and cook before my time with Natasha is done, please handle it. You know our requirements.” Mark said to Nedertu.

The cat man nodded and after the caravan was clean, Mark asked everyone if they wanted to add more things.

“I was told the weather will be hotter in the next few weeks. Will it not be hot in here?” Isaac asked.

“No, do you see that device? It’s called an air conditioner. We haven’t used it before since it was winter but that device will spew out cold air that will make this caravan cold.”

They all went outside the caravan and the twins went outside to play with their friends while Nedertu went somewhere else after receiving the coins from Mark.

Mark then summoned a second RV in preparation for Natasha’s visit and he then went inside it to rest since it had been a busy week.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!