Delayed Transfer - Chapter 238

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:24 AM

Chapter 238

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The moment Mark and his group went outside the dungeon, they saw that the dungeon disappeared after a few minutes.

“Thank you for your assistance but I must check on the villagers to see the extent of the damage that was done,” Leonus said to everyone and then hurried to where the village was located.

The sisters followed him immediately and Mark, Hamil, Dozon, and Barak followed as well. When they arrived at the village they saw that the people there were in the process of rebuilding the destroyed houses. They stopped though when they noticed the old man Leonus.

“Leonus, your back! Is the dungeon gone?” A sturdy middle-aged man whom Mark recognized as the village chief approached the old mage.

“Yes. With the help of my friends, we conquered the dungeon and it’s now gone. Is everyone all right?”

“Five people had died when the monsters from the dungeon attacked us. Thankfully, your friends arrived or else once you’ve gone out of the portal you would have found an empty destroyed village.”

“If they hadn’t arrived me and the elven sisters wouldn’t have been able to go out and died inside the dungeon as well.”

When the villagers heard that the dungeon was now gone, everyone cheered. The chief of the village then turned to the elven sisters, Mark, and the rest.

“You must join us for a tiny celebration.”

“No, thank you. I must leave and return home. The twins are waiting for me and I’ve been gone for three days now. They would be worried,” Mark said to the village chief and everyone else for that matter.

“Yes, we need to get back. We will leave the city in a few days and continue on our journey,” Hamil added.

Solinae, Monterra, and Eilintraee then talked with Leonus alone for several minutes, and then after that, they told everyone that they would return with the rest of the group to prepare as well.

The village chief invited everyone to his house first to freshen up before they left and the group accepted. After about an hour when everyone had washed up, Mark, the sisters, and the rest were at the entrance of the village. Leonus and the rest of the villagers were saying their goodbyes and thanking them again for their help.

Mark then replicated two comfortable-looking huge couches and asked everyone to sit. Solinae, Eilintraee, and Monterra took one couch and Mark and the rest took the other. He then cast his Space Floating Disc below the couches and guided the spell to lift them gently. When they were floating about six feet from the ground, the disc began moving back to the city and the villagers were looking at them in awe. When they saw that Mark and his group were moving away, they began waving their hands.

The movement was slow at first to make sure that everyone got used to the idea of them moving then faster and faster until they were as fast as a running horse.

“Are you all comfortable? Do you need anything?” Mark asked everyone.

“I know the winter is over but it’s still cold. Can you lend us some blankets?” Hamil asked.

“Of course! Sorry about that.”

Mark then replicated thick blankets. One for each of them and distributed it to everyone.

Returning to the city floating on top of a disc seated on comfortable couches made everyone relaxed.

“This is the most comfortable fast travel that I’ve ever experienced,” Solinae said while looking at the surroundings.

“Can you do this on something larger like a whole cart?” Eilintraee asked Mark.

“I could but the amount of mana would be tremendous and it would not be comfortable for me. Besides, traveling in a cart surrounded by everyone in the circus relaxes me and calms my mind for some reason. There is a sense of adventure and at the same time, you know that you’re not alone since you’re with everyone. It’s a happy feeling.”

“That’s the feeling that we get! That’s why we stayed in the circus for years,” Monterra told Mark.

“I grew up in the circus. My father told me that we have been a part of it for six generations now and I will die in the circus and either Tobi or Deo will take over for me,” Hamil said.

While they were moving, Mark suddenly slowed down the disc since they heard a commotion in the forest.

“Should we check it out? We can do so without leaving the disc,” Mark asked everyone.

“We might as well since we can do so without leaving these comfortable couches,” Solinae said.

They saw four teenagers, a boy and three girls fighting with three huge spiders. The boy looked like a warrior and the girls were a combination of mage, archer, and healer. The spiders were as big as a cart and it suddenly struck the boy and he flew back to where the three girls at.

“Help them, Mark.”

Nobody bothered to stand up and leave their couches while they were covered with warm blankets.

Mark cast his Glacial Void spell on the three spiders and it froze the monsters.

“Are you okay? Do you need help?” Mark asked the children. They really looked like children to him. They couldn’t be more than eighteen.

“We’re okay sir mage. Leena healed me already. Thank you for your assistance.”

“You can go ahead and kill those spiders. They’re frozen so you should be safe. Take care okay,” Mark told the young adventurers then he commanded the disc to return to traveling back to the city.

“Do adventurers really start that young? They couldn’t be more than eighteen right?” Mark asked everyone.

Barak and Dozon were asleep and it looked like Hamil would follow them soon. Solinae was the one who answered him.

“Yes, that’s the normal age for humans who want to be adventurers. I’m thinking that even if we hadn’t arrived, they would have handled those spiders without any problem so you don’t have to worry about those young ones. They’re capable which is rare since most young adventurers have a high fatality rate.”

“That is sad but if I grew up here, I would have probably become an adventurer as well. As soon as the adventure bug bit you, nothing could stop you from exploring the world. I’m just happy I’m doing it now comfortably in the midst of friends.”

“True and being a powerful wizard able to conjure things that make your life comfortable helps a lot right?” Monterra asked and everyone awake laughed.

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