Delayed Transfer - Chapter 244

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:19 AM

Chapter 244

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Mark planned to spend all of his skill points later in at night when he was about to sleep. He first summoned the RV beside his cart when everything was settled down. Milena started cooking their dinner with Nedertu helping her. The cat man only assisted her because she was still not very familiar with the kitchen appliances but according to the snippets that he heard between them, once she knew how to use all the devices, Nedertu would probably leave her to her cooking.

Mark and the twins entered the RV to wait for their dinner. In the meantime, he heard one of the boys complain.

“We didn’t have to wait for dinner. You could have conjured us food instantly Mark. I miss pizza and hamburgers,” Isaac said while pouting.

“Hey! We had an understanding. Besides those foods are bad for you and we can’t eat them all the time. Later we’ll watch a new movie and I’m thinking now about what we should watch.”

Mark thought of what movie he wanted to introduce to the twins. At first, he thought of the Harry Potter movies but he wanted them to finish the books first.

“I want something with lots of fighting!” Isaac shouted.

“I want a movie where we can see the sea!” Aaron added.

Mark then thought of the Pirates of the Caribbean and wondered if it was all right for everyone to see that movie since it had guns in it. The Star Wars movies also had technology but the technology there was so far beyond them that it could be considered advanced tools by mages but guns were simple devices. He wondered if there were guns in this world.

He remembered reading some fantasy novels about dwarves knowing how to construct and use guns but it was just a passing thought. He decided then to let them watch Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl. He hadn’t seen the movie in a while and he missed it.

Mark then thought of when they would have their ocean adventure and he was sure that someday they would.

“I decided what movie we would watch and it’s a good movie that happened in the ocean and there is lots of fighting!” Mark told the twins.

“What movie?” Isaac asked.

“It’s called Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl!”

“What are pirates?” Aaron asked.

Mark was taken aback. Everybody in his old world young and old knew what a pirate was. A distorted view of pirates but still all somewhat knew but here he forgot that the twins grew up in a small village.

“Pirates are a gang of thieves. A gang of thieves in a ship in the ocean is called a pirate gang.”

“Wow and we’re going to see them fight each other and what is a pearl?” Isaac asked.

“A pearl is a valuable beautiful stone that could only be found inside a clam.”

“I know what a clam is! Our father told us a story once about him tasting a clam. He said it was a fish inside a shell and it tasted awful to him,” Isaac asked.

Mark laughed when he heard the boy say that.

“What your father said was correct. It’s some sort of sea creature living inside a shell. The taste however depends on how it was cooked. I have several dishes with clam in them and I'll share some after we watch the movie so you can decide if it’s awful.”

Mark and the twins waited for Milena’s cooking and after a while, she came in with Nedertu bringing in the food that she cooked. Everyone cheered since they were all beginning to get hungry. Mark was even tempted to replicate food from his inventory but he held off.

While they were eating dinner the twins told Nedertu and Milena that they would be watching a movie after dinner and it would be in an ocean. The cat man and their cook smiled when they heard that. It had been a while before they had last seen a movie.

After dinner, everyone prepared themselves to watch the film but before they started, they heard knocking on their door. When Milena answered, everyone saw that it was the elven sisters and she invited them inside.

“Mark we came here to tell you that we can start in teaching you the basics of magic tomorrow while we travel. We will have to do it in our cart since our books are in there and we believe it will be quieter there and much more conducive to learning magic.” Solinae said.

“Okay, I will come to your cart after breakfast tomorrow. In the meantime, we’re about to watch a movie. Care to join us?”

“Sure, thank you,” Monterra answered for all of them.

Mark then told everyone that he would serve a seafood snack after the movie since he promised the twins that they would let them know the taste of clams so he wouldn’t be providing snacks.

Everyone watched the adventure of Will Turner, Elizabeth, and Captain Jack Sparrow in the ocean. Mark could see that everyone was riveted by the scenes being depicted in the movie. The exotic islands in the ocean. The beautiful but deadly ocean. The magic of the curse and more.

“Mark I want to go to the ocean! Can we go please?” Isaac wheedled.

“One thing I can promise you, kids. In a week if you especially behave, I will immediately bring you to an oasis in a desert but the desert will not be hot and the oasis will be beautiful.”

“What is an oasis?” Isaac asked.

“It’s a lake in the middle of a desert surrounded by trees and flowers. Some of them are especially beautiful akin to finding a paradise in the midst of scorching hot terrain.” Eilintraee answered for Mark.

“Do you want to join us, Solinae, Monterra, and you Eilintraee,” Mark asked the elven sisters with a smirk on his face.

The eleven sisters saw Mark’s smirk and they knew that he had a way to fulfill that promise so they gave their assent that they would join them. Mark of course told everyone that Nedertu and Milena could join them and he scheduled it once they stopped in a village somewhere instead of the week. Since they would be arriving in a village after around three or four days, everyone cheered.

Mark then served the promised treat. He served everyone baked clams with bacon and garlic, clam risotto with bacon and chives, and linguine with clam, bacon, and tomato.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!