Delayed Transfer - Chapter 248

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:43:26 AM

Chapter 248

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Mark climbed the front seat of the cart while it was moving to join his family. It was moving slowly enough that it was an easy feat.

“Mark you’re back! I thought that you would study magic with the elven sisters?” Isaac asked.

“Apparently, I don’t have to stay with them and just memorize the spell books that they gave me.”

When he looked around, he saw that Milena was focused on the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and he doubted that she even noticed that he returned.

Mark remembered when he was young and he encountered the Harry Potter books, he felt disdained towards them. He was a snob when it came to fantasy books since he had been reading the likes of Tolkien, Eddings, Jordan, Modesitt Jr, Brooks, Lackey, and more since he was young, and he was used to epic fantasies. The thought of reading fantasy books catered toward children gave him a sense of superiority as a reader. The idea of reading something for kids when he was used to reading adult books gave him some sort of idiotic sense that he was the superior fantasy geek.

The only excuse that he could give was he was young and teenagers always had to experience the chunibyo syndrome once in their life. Mark still felt embarrassed when he remembered his chunibyo days.

Then the Harry Potter movies were advertised so to join in on the fun, he read the books before watching the movies and he fell in love with J.K. Rowling's world. She was then added to the hall where his favorite authors reside. He didn’t even care when people tried to cancel her since he hated the cancel culture very much anyway.

When Mark checked the time, he noticed that it was almost noon and Milena was still focused on her book so to give her a break, he asked everyone what lunch they wanted, and he would prepare it. The twins and Nedertu actually cheered when they heard that and it roused Milena from her book. She then realized the time, but Mark told her that he would be preparing their lunch and asked her what she wanted.

“I would like to try the food in Harry Potter like meat pie, stew, fried sausages, and steak and kidney pudding,” Milena said.

The twins shouted that they wanted those food too and Nedertu just followed along.

“You’re in luck! I have the complete meals from Harry Potter!” As a self-professed Harry Potter fan, why wouldn’t he collect different Harry Potter items including the food?

Mark gave everyone a lunch box filled with Harry Potter food like slices of meat pies and steak and kidney pudding, a small bowl of stew, fried sausages, lamb chops, and roast beef. He had the bento specially made and it even had the Harry Potter logo. He was such a geek.

When the twins saw the box with the Harry Potter logo, they asked Mark if they could keep the box since they wanted to put their treasure in it.

“What treasure?’ Mark asked.

The twins then showed him a bunch of different things like pebbles, feathers, twigs, buttons, and more which made Mark laugh and he agreed for them to keep the boxes as long as they clean them.

While they were eating Milena talked to him a bit.

“You don’t really need me as a cook do you Mark? You can conjure food anytime you want.”

“We hired you so you can help me look after the kids if I’m busy and as a cook because we want to get used to local cuisines so the twins will be used to eating local food again.”

Milena nodded when she heard that which meant that she agreed with his sentiments since she knew for a fact that Mark’s food was incredibly delicious and almost had inexhaustible variety. If the twins got used to only eating those, they may become picky someday which would be dangerous in their world because you couldn’t predict what situation you could be in at any time.

After lunch, everyone went back to reading their books including Mark. He started to read the spell book prestidigitation. When he started reading the spell book, the page explained what the spell did and how Mana applied to physical and verbal components will make the construct of the spell. The next information that was shown was extremely hard to understand as a whole since the words were arranged in a somewhat very illogical way but somehow when he tried reading it the word was printed to his mind like glowing lines. Since the spell was a cantrip, it only consisted of a few words or runes and after a while, the structure of the spell was in his mind.

Suddenly a pop-up window appeared in his view. It contained the following message.

“New magic system detected. The new magic system will be entered on a separate page and to summon its page, you will need to use the verbal or mind command of Circle Menu.”

Mark closed the window and summoned the new system interface page by mentally saying Circle Menu and a new window appeared.

The page was quite simple. It only contained the words Circle System at the top and below it was the word Cantrips. There were five boxes under cantrips meaning he could memorize five cantrips. There was also the ever-familiar question mark button beside major words like Cantrips and when he clicked it, it opened a help page that would update if new information appeared.

The help section said that Mark had only opened the section for cantrips and further sections would open once he memorized more spells. It also stated that a single spell could be put on the five box meaning that he could cast a single cantrip five times or five different spells. Once he cast a spell from the box, the spell and the box would have a one-hour cooldown. When Mark thought about it, the cooldown probably indicated the length needed to memorize the spell again once it was cast but his system simplified it to just him waiting instead of memorizing the spell.

When he clicked on the other empty boxes a list appeared, but it only contained one spell which was Prestidigitation. The help section also stated that once a spell located in a box was cast, that box would be on cooldown, and all other spells in the other boxes even if it were the same spell could be cast. Each box has its cooldown.

Furthermore, the level of the box corresponded only to the level of the circle the user had reached, and since the user only had reached the level of cantrips, he could only put cantrips on the boxes for cantrips. He could only change that through items or artifacts that indicated that he could put in higher-level spells on lower-level circle boxes.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!