Delayed Transfer - Chapter 249

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:43:25 AM

Chapter 249

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Mark was glad that the new additional system was very simple since having two complex systems would be too much. It was also a very familiar system. He used to play Neverwinter Nights and it was almost the same as the spell mechanics on that game. As a matter of fact, he had the game in one of his external drives in the gaming room in his villa. He suddenly wondered how the denizens of this world would react if they played a game like Neverwinter Nights. One or Two or even Baldur’s Gate.

He had an inkling before that the magic system of this world could be a bit similar to the magic system in Dungeons and Dragons but of course, he was just guessing since so far, he didn’t really know the magic system of this place.

One huge advantage that he had compared to the other wizards was he just needed to read and memorize a spell one time and it would remain in his interface. Once he cast the spell, he would just need to wait for the cooldown for him to be able to cast it again. Of course, he would not focus on the new system and more than likely he would only learn or use utility spells from the new magic system this early but once he had the time to fully explore both systems he was guessing that both systems were equally powerful. He couldn’t judge these things because he was really an ignorant boy from the countryside compared to the truly learned sages.

Once he memorized the spell Prestidigitation he was about to cast it to check its effect but noticed that the cart stopped. They reached their next campsite and the sun was already setting. In a few minutes twilight would come so once the cart was settled he summoned the RV and together with the twins, entered it to rest.

Milena set up the cart as a kitchen and started cooking their dinner. Nedertu came inside the RV.

“Mark I was told by Hamil that we would arrive in the next village the day after tomorrow.”

“Thanks for telling me Nedertu. Please tell Hamil that once we arrive in the village, me, the twins, you, Milena, and the three sisters will go for a quick vacation and will be back before we leave the village.”

Nedertu nodded and left to inform Hamil of what Mark said regarding their vacation plan. While he and the twins were waiting for their dinner, the kids played while Mark studied the new magic system.

Mark cast prestidigitation and a simple light work appeared in front of him and the twins which was what he intended and made the kids cheer. He then told the kids he was just practicing a new magic that the sisters gave him and they just went back to playing with their toys.

Mark saw that the first box in under Cantrips went on cooldown and only four boxes were available. When he clicked on the available boxes, he could see the spell Prestidigitation available and a timer appeared on the first box. He wanted to memorize the other two cantrips for him to have more spells for comparison and was about to start on the spell Minor Illusion but Milena arrived with Nedertu carrying their dinner.

“Yey, dinner is here! I’m so hungry I’m about to die!” Isaac shouted while Aaron nodded in agreement to his brother.

“Hey! We ate a lot of Harry Potter food how can you be so hungry?”

“It was a long time ago!” Aaron said.

Milena and Nedertu laid down the food on the table and everyone started to eat.

“Mark, are we going to watch the second movie of the Pirate Show?” Isaac asked while they were still eating.

Everyone looked at Mark since Nedertu and Milena were also interested in watching the films.

“I think it would be better if we rest tonight since I was planning for us to watch the rest of the film series when we go to my oasis the day after tomorrow. Did you know I have several small boats we can use to float on the lake? We can use it to play pirates!”

Mark purchased different varieties of inflatable floating toys and some of them looked like pirate ships. They were stored in the huge house that was constructed by his friends on the oasis floor of his dungeon. The lake was big enough for them to play with the inflatable toys and when his friends from Earth were vacationing in the oasis house, they used those toys a lot.

The twins gasped when they heard about the boat toys.

“Can we go now?!”

Mark laughed when the twins cajoled him into leaving for the oasis now.

“You can’t even swim and you want to go now. Once we arrive there the first thing that we need to do is to teach you boys how to swim.”

“I’m Captain Jack Sparrow!” Isaac shouted.

“No, I’m Captain Jack Sparrow!” Aaron argued.

The twins fought with each other about who would be the captain and surprisingly the younger brother, Aaron won. Although Aaron was only a couple of minutes younger than Isaac according to the village chief of the village where the twins hailed, Isaac kept that fact firmly in his mind.

Mark then heard Aaron declare that he was Captain Sparrow and Isaac saying that since he couldn’t be the captain, he would be Luke Skywalker and would come to the pirate’s sea and vanquish all of the pirates in the name of the Force. Mark laughed so hard when he heard it that Nedertu and Milena joined him.

After a while, the twins went and helped Milena clean the dishes and Mark concentrated on looking at his new magic system. He decided to memorize Minor Illusion to compare it to Prestidigitation so he took the book from his inventory.

Mark was about to finish memorizing the spell when the twins interrupted him and he experienced his first spell backlash. It only caused him a mild headache so it was fine.

“Mark we’re going to sleep, see you tomorrow!” Isaac said and both kids hugged him.

“Okay sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

“Silly Mark, we don’t have bed bugs,” Aaron giggled.

Milena followed the twins to their bed to continue reading them the second book of the Harry Potter series, he assumed.

In the meantime, Mark learned the reason why he shouldn’t memorize spell books where he could be easily interrupted. He wondered what would happen if it was a high-level spell. After a while, the headache disappeared and he went to his bedroom to start over memorizing Minor Illusion.

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