Delayed Transfer - Chapter 251

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:43:21 AM

Chapter 251

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Night arrived and the whole circus caravan stopped to rest. Mark waited for their cart to settle down then summon their modern traveling home. Milena busied herself on the cart preparing for the whole family’s dinner while Nedertu took care of the Zzourta.

The twins and Mark went inside the RV and then he continued focusing on the new system interface, and the twins played with their toys.

“Mark, are we going to watch a movie tonight? Something different from the pirate movie since you said that we’ll watch it during our vacation on the sea,” Isaac said interrupting Mark’s scrutiny of the new interface page.

“I’d rather that you rest tonight since we’ll be busy tomorrow once we visit my oasis. It’s not the sea it’s an oasis. We’ll do a lot of activities there like teaching you guys how to swim and playing with the toy boats and eating different delicious food.”

“Can we invite some of our friends?” Aaron asked.

“Maybe next time. I would like our first vacation on my oasis to just be us. Our family. Then when we visit next time, we’ll invite our friends.”

The twins obediently agreed with him and went back to playing with each other and their toys while they waited for Milena to finish cooking.

Mark decided to go outside the RV to cast all of his cantrips to check the effects and cooldowns of all the boxes. When he was outside, he walked further a bit so as to not disturb others with his spell casting.

He cast the spells one after another and when he was done, he heard a voice behind him.

“You’ve memorized all of the spells and based on your actions, you learned how to store spells in your mind multiple times. That means you're ready for a level one spell,” Solinae said.

Mark turned around and saw the three sisters gathered behind him.

“Thanks. I actually planned to ask for the level one spells once we arrived in my oasis but since you’re all here what do you think of my cantrips spell casting?”

“We noticed that you’re not using any verbal, or physical components and that’s one of the signs that a wizard is a master already,” Mentorra mentioned.

“My magic system does help me a lot with this new one that I’m learning. By the way, please prepare yourselves for our vacation tomorrow. You don’t have to bring anything since all the food and swimming suits will be provided.”

“It has been a long time since our last vacation to the sea. I can’t wait to see your realm,” Eilintraee said.

“Since you asked us not to bring anything tomorrow, I suggest that you go to our cart tonight so you can choose the first circle spells that you would like to learn,” Solinae said.

 “Okay, I will. Would you like to join us for dinner? Melina cooked for us since I’ve been training the twins to like local cuisine.”

“We would have liked to join you but since Melina cooked your dinner, will you have enough for us?” Mentorra asked.

“I will conjure more food for us so please join us.”

“That’s good. I miss your Caesar Salad and would like to have that,” Mentorra said.

Mark laughed at one of the sisters’ requests and after a while, they joined him since it promoted the idea that elves were herbivores then they all went to his RV. When Mark and the elven sisters joined them, Milena asked if they would like to wait for her to cook some more food but he declined her request saying that since there were more people, he would supplement her cooking with some conjured food.

Milena served the food that she cooked and everything looked tasty. Mark supplemented the food by replicating a huge bowl of Caesar Salad as requested by the sisters, some garlic bread since Milena cooked some sort of thick meat stew, and a huge bowl of steamed rice, since he missed eating it. Mark thought it was a good pair to Milena’s cooking. He also replicated some bottles of red and white wine and soda for the kids, and some cans of beer as per Nedertu’s request.

Everyone ate with gusto and Milena complimented the wines. Mark was proud of his liquor since it cost him a lot of money when he purchased them all over the world through one of his friends in England who was a noble. The twins ate rice with Milena’s stew and said it was a good pair as Mark suspected so everyone tried it and it was hit prompting Mark to summon more rice.

They were all satisfied with their dinner, and then Mark told the twins to help Milena with the dishes and then they had to prepare to rest since they would travel early the next day and would probably arrive in the village by afternoon. Then they will go on to the oasis. This information cheered the twins and they were energetic when they followed Milena to help her which made her sigh since according to her, it would have been faster without the twins helping her. It only made Mark laugh and then he left with the sisters to get the first circle spells from their cart.

Mark entered the sisters’ cart when they arrived there. They all went directly to their bookshelf and Mentorra gave him a list of level spells they had available and gave him a suggestion.

“It would be better if you choose to study three first circle spells first before adding some more although based on the amount of mana or power you have you can definitely study more if you want but you can choose to avoid getting overwhelmed.”

Mark told them that he would follow their suggestion and perused the list that Mentorra gave him. He saw that there were a lot of spells in the list, more than the ones located on the bookshelf. They were probably hidden in one of the storage dimension items of the sisters.

After checking the list of spells, Mark chose one of the staple first spells in one of his favorite games Neverwinter Nights 2, the Find Familiar spell. The second spell he chose was Alarm and the third was Disguise Self.

The sisters laughed when he told them the spells that he chose. They said that it was exactly the spells they thought that he would choose based on the cantrips that he chose and what he said before.

Mark thanked the sisters and went back to his RV happily, excited to learn the new spells and check how many First Circle boxes he would receive from the system in his system interface.

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