Delayed Transfer - Chapter 255

Published at 16th of May 2024 01:00:07 PM

Chapter 255

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Dusk arrived in the oasis and the beauty of the desert pearl was magnified tenfold. It made the elven sisters gasp in awe when the twinkling stars and three bright moons appeared.

They were in the midst of devouring the food on the table when the beautiful golden twilight arrived slowly as if a shy girl peeking from the horizon.

“Are those stars and moons real?” Mentorra asked Mark.

“I don’t know. I tried to fly as high as I could but I was blocked by some sort of magical shield.”

“Your realm is unbelievably beautiful. I would like to live in such a place and I don’t know if I would have the strength to leave,” Solinae said while observing the golden oasis.

“Especially with all those books in the library and movies and shows in your theater,” Eilintraee added.

“One of my oasis’s best features was that it doesn’t truly get dark here. Everything will just dim but remain visible like a soft purple light covering the whole area. The lake also has some interesting things like some of the fish glow!”

Everyone ran to the lake to view the fishes when Mark mentioned that some of the fishes glow and they saw that in the depths of the lake, they could see the glowing fishes glittering like jewels.

“I can see even to the deepest part of the lake!” Milena gasped.

“Yes so you can still swim even during the night,” Mark boasted.

Mark went to the laptop connected to the speaker, further decreased the volume, and switched to soft rock and jazz music.

“Mark, I’m tired I want to go to sleep,” Isaac said and his brother echoed him.

“Okay let me get you to your room.”

Milena offered to take the kids but Mark declined and asked her to enjoy the lake, music, and the food. He carried both boys in his arms and brought them to their room on the second floor of the mansion. He laid them down on their bed, turned on the fan for white noise, and covered them with a blanket. Not surprisingly the twins were asleep immediately exhausted since they had been very active since they arrived in the oasis.

When Mark returned to the lake Milena asked him to cast his Comprehend Language spell on her book, Harry Potter, and the Chamber of Secrets, and joined the sisters in their chairs reading their books. They were able to read them since there were soft lights near the chairs that allowed them to read unimpeded even during the night.

Nedertu went back to swimming since he said that he would like to view the glowing fishes closely.

“Don’t catch them since if you do they will just disappear from your hands. I’ve tried it before,” Mark told the cat man and Nedertu just nodded. He then joined the sisters and Milena on the beach chairs and read his web novel on his phone. He was really loving the web novel “Demons Beside You” and was so glad that he took the effort to have it professionally translated up to its then-current three thousand chapters. Before he left, he knew that the author was still updating the novel which impressed him for that author’s diligence.

Mark suddenly wondered how Natasha was doing. He wasn’t in love with her and was just really fond of her but the moments they shared were fun and if he had stayed in the city, things could have been…more between them. He wished her well in her endeavors.

After a while, Milena joined Nedertu in his night swimming and Mark decided to swim as well. Surprisingly, the sisters joined them as well. Their swim was relaxing and the reflection of the moons and the stars on the lake made everyone seem like they were flying in space like gods and goddesses amongst the stars.

Milena sighed when she saw the reflection of the stars and turned to Mark.

“When are we coming back here?”

“We’re still here and there’s two days left in our vacation and you’re asking when we’re returning?” Mark laughed.

“It’s just so beautiful here.”

“By the way Mark, the twins mentioned this was not the only realm that they had visited. They mentioned something about a huge house in a golden forest,” Solinae asked.

“It’s my villa in a realm that I also own. The realm is an autumn forest and it will be autumn there forever. It’s one of the loveliest places that I’ve ever seen and maybe someday, I’ll let you visit it.”

“You are incredibly wealthy Mark. Even I am beginning to covet what you own,” Mentorra sighed.

“It’s very important not to share these with anyone else, only with those of your family and friends,” Solinae said.

“I’m aware. I’ve been reprimanded so many times by my friends before about me being an over-sharer but I’m not one of those who hoard things to look at them by myself. I want to share my wealth with people I care about so we can all enjoy them together. To me, the meaning of happiness is happiness with everyone, not happiness alone.”

“I’m happy that you are that way, Mark. I hope nothing happens in your life that will change you. It’s naïve but in this world, you have the power to be naïve and it’s rare. Most powerful men that I’ve known were selfish, egotistical, and think only of themselves,” Milena said with contempt on her face when she talked about the men that she encountered.

“Thank you, Milena, I appreciate that.”

The whole group stayed in the lake swimming for a while enjoying the fact that even though it was night, the temperature of the water was still perfect for swimming.

“I’m going to retire to my bedroom to rest. There’s still food on the table if you guys want to eat,” Mark told everyone then swam towards the beach and went to the mansion to rest.

The rest stayed in the lake enjoying themselves swimming in the midst of a tiny paradise.

In his bedroom, Mark thought of finally spending the rest of his skill points but decided to hold it off since they were on vacation. Instead, he went outside again and went to the theater room and prepared the movies that they would watch during their stay. Of course, it would be the rest of the Pirates movie series and then he would ask everyone what they wanted to watch next.

When he looked outside, he saw that Nedertu and Milena were eating and the sisters were back to reading their books. Mark went back to his room to rest since he was sure that the twins would wake up before him and wake everyone up with their shouts.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!