Delayed Transfer - Chapter 254

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:43:18 AM

Chapter 254

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Mark looked at everyone eating the feast that was laid down on the table and remembered this very same scenario when he was on Earth. He wished that his friends from his old world were doing well and hoped that everything that he did with them would not affect them too much. It was too much to hope that it wouldn’t affect them at all but he hoped that the effect was not so great that it would come to ruin their lives.

He wondered if he was wasting too much time enjoying his life instead of striving for great power. The issue was he had not encountered any struggle or great enemies that would drive him to strive for more power. He knew that there were powerful beings in this world and some of them were contentious but he had been minding his own business.

Mark had been too open in sharing the Earth’s culture and someday some powerful being might get offended so he would have liked to have the power to defend his own when that time came. He promised himself that he would conquer all fifty levels of his dungeon soon. According to the help section, the next set of spells that he would receive was when he reached level one hundred and fifty. He would also complete the skill point spending after their vacation.

“Mark we're done eating! Can we get the toys from that room and play now?” Aaron asked.

“Sure, let me join you in getting them.”

Mark and the twins ran towards the mansion while everyone looked on indulgently. They ran back carrying two huge inflatable ships and a few more smaller inflatable toys. They threw the toys in the lake and the twins jumped without any hesitation which caused them to sink. Mark fished the kids using his Telekinesis.

“You both are so brave not knowing how to swim but still had the gall to jump towards the water!”

The twins just laughed at Mark’s scolding. Melina and Nedertu also joined them in the water while the elven sisters sat on the lawn chairs first with glasses of wine in their hands.

“Mentorra, Solinae, and Eilintraee, there are books in the library inside the mansion but unfortunately all of them are fantasy and science fiction. You should be able to read them since you’ve learned my language but please expect that some of the books there contained extreme ideas and technology just like Star Wars,” Mark told the sisters.

The sister left their drinks on the small table beside the chairs and immediately went inside the mansion, curious about the books that Mark mentioned.

Mark then began teaching the twins how to swim. He was using his Telekinesis spell so the kids enjoyed the lessons very much. Nedertu explored the whole lake swimming everywhere and diving underneath to study the fishes. Milena was slowly swimming around relaxing.

After a while, he told the kids to rest by riding the inflatable Pirate Boats. He asked the cat man to look after them while Mark went beside the lake to set up a speaker connected to the generator so they could have music while they frolicked around the water. He set up a playlist from famous rock and roll bands and left it not too loud, just background music then he went and joined the twins in their pirate adventure.

Mark, the twins, Nedertu, and Milena must have played in the water for at least three hours and exhaustion drove them to where the food was. There were still a lot of leftovers from lunch so the whole group ravenously devoured the remaining food then as one they all laid down on the chairs and since the temperature was comfortable and there was a breeze from somewhere, they all slept.

Mark was woken up by the sounds of laughter and saw the kids were back in the water playing. He also saw the elven sisters were back sitting in the chairs each of them carrying a book and reading intently. He noticed that Solinae was reading the first book of the Belgariad Series by David Eddings, The Pawn of Prophecy. Mentorra was reading the first book of The Sword of Shannara trilogy by Terry Brooks, The Sword of Shannara and Eilintraee was reading the first book of Heralds of Valdemar by Mercedes Lackey, Arrows of The Queen.

The three sisters chose different books from different authors and he wondered what prompted them to choose those particular books. He was curious enough that he went there.

“Mentorra, Eilintraee, and Solinae, what made you choose those books?”

“The paintings on the cover of the book intrigued me and I’ve read the synopsis located at the back. It was interesting so I chose it and I was right. I’m guessing that my sisters experienced the same things with the books they chose based on how deep they delved into reading them.” Mentorra said while the other two ignored him and just kept reading.

“The food is in there if you get hungry and the refrigerator where you can get cold drinks is just beside the table.”

Mentorra just nodded and went back to her reading. He understood them since he was the same way when he was reading his favorite books and the books they chose were truly great choices.

Mark went to the table swept the empty dishes away and put them in his inventory to be destroyed. He then replaced the food with different ones like pizzas, hamburgers, tacos, burritos, Subway sandwiches, some sushi choices for seafood options, and some bowls of salads and fruits for greens. He also filled the refrigerator with different drinks.

After making sure that the table and the refrigerator were full, he then jumped to the lake to join the kids, Nedertu and Milena.

“The Pirate King is here!” He shouted then splashed some water at the twins. The twins laughed loudly when they heard Mark.

During one of the lull moments, he told everyone that a new set of food was on the table so if they were hungry they could just go there and eat. He then turned to Nedertu.

“Nedertu, I thought you didn’t like water? It looks like you enjoy swimming.”

“Who told you I don’t enjoy water? I just don’t like to take a bath during winter since it’s very cold! I enjoy water very much thank you. Especially this type of water. Your place is magical Mark. Thanks for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome!” Mark said then he joined the twins in roughhousing in the water until hunger drove them towards the table full of food.

“I imagine this is how the very rich lives,” Milena said while eating a taco.

“That’s what I was thinking as well,” Nedertu added.

“I’m glad that you’re enjoying yourselves. We still have two more days here!”

Everyone cheered when they heard that and they continued eating the delicious food that Mark prepared.

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