Delayed Transfer - Chapter 253

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:43:19 AM

Chapter 253

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Mark went back to his RV and saw that Milena was already inside about to go to their cart to cook lunch.

“Milena don’t cook. We will go to my oasis shortly and I would prefer that starting today, it’ll be our vacation so all the food will be provided by me. Can you please find Nedertu and tell him to call the elven sisters here and please find the twins as well.”

Milena nodded and went outside the RV. Mark assigned his bedroom door as a portal directly to the twenty-first floor of his dungeon, which was the oasis villa. The last time he checked the mansion that everyone made it was still fully furnished with modern equipment connected to a generator. He didn’t stop there for very long since it brought back memories of him playing with his friends from Earth.

Milena and the twins entered the RV and the kids saw the portal.

“Is that the glowing door that will take us to your oasis? I thought that was the door to your huge house in that beautiful golden forest?”

“I have many places that I own, and this door will go directly to my oasis. We’ll wait for Nedertu and the elven sisters that we’ll go there immediately.”

After a few minutes of waiting Nedertu and the elven sisters entered the RV.

“Before we go in, I will need to cast a spell. It would heal all of us of any hidden affliction to make sure that we’re all healthy before we arrive there.”

Mark cast his Forest Sanctuary spell and all of them appeared inside an illusionary forest. The spell made sure that the twins were healthy since it would correct any abnormality in their bodies. He really didn’t need to “cleanse” them before going to the oasis, but he remembered that the twins never had any sort of health checkups, so he decided to let them undergo a general healing, detoxification, and cure disease under the Forest Sanctuary spell just to make sure.

Everyone marveled at the creatures that appeared within the sanctuary. Even the sisters who had seen them before were still happy to be able to see the mythical forest creatures. Since everything was illusionary, the furniture in the vehicle was not an obstacle to the spell. As a matter of fact, when the illusionary forest grew, they grew around the furniture as if everything naturally became a part of it. The sprites and small fairies were flitting between the glowing flowers, the dryads were laughing amongst the trees and the unicorn that was hidden in the bushes was eating the beautiful berries that were growing on it.

After a few seconds, the spell was complete.

“Okay everyone we’re all ready to go so please enter the portal,” Mark said to everyone.

The twins entered without hesitation since this was the third time they entered Mark’s portal. After the twins entered everyone entered one after another until only Mark was left.

Mark entered the portal and closed it. He would open it later when he visited the circus to check on everyone.

Everyone was full of wonder at the silent beauty of a pearl in the desert that was his oasis. The lake in the middle was glistening like a jewel that could only be viewed by kings and queens and the lush desert trees that surrounded it accentuated its beauty like tiny emeralds surrounding a huge blue diamond.

The mansion located at the side did not mar the loveliness of the place since it was carefully planned, designed, and constructed by his friends from Earth.

“Mark your oasis is so pretty! There are fishes in the lake that look like tiny gems!” Isaac shouted.

“Can we look around?” Aaron asked.

“Yes, you can look around. Nothing in here is dangerous. Even the tiny animals among the trees are very tame.”

The twins started running towards the mansion first, wanting to check their abode for the next three days.

“Everyone, that mansion is my house here. It’s equipped with all the trappings that you could see in my traveling home. The refrigerator is also fully stocked so you can have a snack anytime. There are several rooms inside that you can take and there will be clothes inside their cabinets. There will be blue plates for the men and pink plates for the women located at the door. You can wear any clothes that you find there and there will be swimming apparel so you can change anytime you want a dip in the oasis.”

Mark went inside the mansion to look for the twins while the others followed him. Once they were inside the elven sisters went to get their rooms on the second floor and Melina followed them.

Suddenly the twins appeared from the room on the first floor that Mark remembered as the place where he and his friends store all sorts of toys.

“Mark look at this room, there are hundreds of toys, and we see the pirate ships!”

“Hey kids you need to change to your swimming suits first. Go to a room on the second floor with a blue plate that has a huge picture of a cute bear on it. That will be your room and you will find clothes that should fit you there.”

Mark remembered that that was the room that Albert, his young friend from England that he cured of ALS took and the boy specifically told everyone that it was his official room and pasted a picture of a teddy bear that he drew on the door. He never removed the picture since it was a reminder of the fun he had with his friends from Earth.

“Okay, we’ll find it!” The kids shouted.

Milena came back from the second floor wearing a two-piece red swimsuit wrapped in a translucent sarong.

“Milena how daring! But it looks beautiful on you,” Mark complimented her.

“I know. If my previous clients saw me wearing this they would drool,” Milena said in a throaty low voice then she laughed.

“Go and tour the place if you want or rest in the armchairs located near the water. I’ll go ahead and prepare our food and drinks on that table.”

Mark pointed at a huge table located just outside that was covered by an umbrella. He then went there and replicated different types of food. He replicated a whole roasted pig, several whole roasted chickens, and ducks, and several huge plates containing different types of sushi, grilled pork, grilled chicken, and steaks. There were also different selections of bread and bowls of rice for those who preferred it like himself, and he also prepared several huge bowls of exotic fruits and bowls of salad.

For their drinks, Mark replicated boxes of ice on the side and several liters of different sodas, cans of beer, and bottles of liquor.

When Mark was finished, he saw Nedertu, the twins, and the elven sisters come out of the mansion. The elves were wearing modest one-piece swimsuits with huge sarongs wrapping them while Nedertu and the twins were wearing beach shorts and nothing else.

“Guys, food is ready!” Mark loudly shouted.

Everyone went to the table and Milena stood up from where she was sitting to join them. They examined the food that was laid, and he told all of them that if they had any request, they could just tell him, and he would conjure it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!