Delayed Transfer - Chapter 267

Published at 16th of May 2024 12:59:52 PM

Chapter 267

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Mark went outside his dungeon immediately wanting to show off his new Void Dragon to the twins and everyone else for that matter.

“Mark you’re back! Milena said that you’ll not be back for a while yet,” Isaac said both kids hugged him.

“What happened? Why are you both so clingy?”

“We just missed you,” Aaron answered.

“You’re so weird! I’ve been gone for just a few hours. I came back immediately because I wanted to show you an awesome spell and I couldn’t wait till later to show it off.”

“Oohh, what spell?” Isaac asked while Aaron waited excitedly.

“I can summon a dragon permanently!”

The twins were thoroughly excited and yelled that they wanted to see the dragon while Milena gasped. Even Nedertu looked at Mark in astonishment.

“The dragon is very large and we can ride it to fly up in the sky! But I need to tell everyone first so it will not cause a panic. My dragon will become the circus’s animal and our circus will become famous!”

“You’re willing to let the circus use your dragon!” Nedertu choked.

“It’s just a summon and it doesn’t have any sentience. I’ll tell Hamil first so he can announce it to everyone so when I summon it no one will panic and run. I remember that the circus encountered a disaster before because of a dragon.”

Mark then went to Hamil’s cart.

“Mark! I thought I wouldn’t see you until tonight?” Hamil said when he saw Mark.

“I just returned. I learned a very powerful spell and before I cast it I will need to warn you so you can warn everyone. It’s a summoning spell. It will allow me to summon a dragon permanently! The dragon will help defend the circus and you can use it as an act,” Mark said excitedly.

“The dragon will allow you to use it as an act in the circus?!” Hamil gasped.

“Sadly, the dragon that I will be able to summon doesn’t have sentience. Remember the tree golems that I summoned before? It will be just like them.”

Hamil paused thinking about what a dragon would mean for the circus.

“Give me an hour and I will tell everyone first then I’ll go to your cart to tell you that you can summon your dragon.”

“I’ll go to the sister’s cart first so I can tell them as well.”

Mark left for the elven sisters' cart. He wanted to tell them personally out of respect since they could be considered her magic teacher in this world.

“Mark, I thought you would be gone all day?” Solinae asked when she saw him. Solinae was the one currently driving the sisters’ cart.

“I came back early since I learned a new summoning spell. It’s a permanent summon so it will stay as long as I let it and it will help defend the circus. I told Hamil that he could also use it as an attraction. It’s a dragon so our circus will be famous!”

Solinae was astounded when she heard that Mark would summon a dragon and that he would treat it as a circus attraction. Monterra and Eilintraee both came out of the cart and looked at Mark with astonished faces.

“The dragon will allow you to treat it that way?” Solinae asked still astounded and her two sisters were still looking at him with surprised faces.

Mark laughed when he heard Solinae’s question.

“The dragon that I will be summoning doesn’t have any sentience. It’s a golem just like the bush and tree golems that I have summoned.”

The three sisters then nodded with comprehension.

“Since it would look like a dragon, will it not earn the ire of any dragon who would see?” Solinae asked Mentorra.

“I do not know. I have not heard of anyone shaping a golem into a dragon.” Mentorra answered.

Solinae’s questions made Mark worried a bit.

“If a dragon attacks us, it’s because it wanted to not because of any summons that we have. Dragons are selfish creatures and wouldn’t care about anyone as long as they are not interested. They are also prideful creatures and would not care about a golem that looked like them. If a high wizard sees a human golem serving as a servant in a lowly mage’s home, will it offend the high wizard? Once a dragon has taken an interest it would move and the only thing we can do is to defend ourselves. If that happens, a dragon golem summons will help us tremendously,” Eilintraee said.

What Eilintraee said brought relief to Mark. He thought that he wouldn’t be able to summon the dragon but he still would like everyone to see it. It was beautiful, terrifying, and awesome at the same time and it was his.

Mark said his goodbyes and went back to his cart.

“Are you going to summon the dragon now?” Aaron asked when he saw Mark.

“Not yet. Hamil is now telling everyone and we need to wait for his go-ahead first.”

Mark saw that Milena kept her book and was waiting together with the twins. Even Nedertu’s attention was divided between driving the Zzourta and Mark.

It was past three in the afternoon when Hamil arrived at Mark’s cart. The twins grumbled loudly that it took the caravan leader forever.

“Mark, can’t you wait until we stop before you summon the dragon?” Hamil asked.

“I want everyone to see the dragon while it is still bright. It’s magnificent Hamil!”

Hamil then told Mark that it was now fine for him to summon the dragon. Mark cast his Space Shield since it looked awesome and then he cast Flight so he could fly above his cart but not too high up. He wanted everyone to see him. Then he shouted nonsense words that sounded like verbal components of a spell. He almost didn’t finish the words since he wanted to laugh and then he summoned his Void Dragon.

An eighty-foot-long silver and smokey gray dragon appeared from a rip in space. The silver scales of the dragon were glowing golden because of the sun and Mark could hear shouts from the circus. He saw that some people were still panicking and he was a bit regretful. He also saw that Hamil was forced to give the command for the caravan to stop.

Mark flew down while he commanded the dragon to fly in circles above the circus. He wanted the circus people to get used to the dragon as soon as possible.

“You’re dragon is so beautiful Mark. Can we really ride it and fly?” Isaac asked.

“Yes, but we need to wait until everyone calms down.”

“Mark, Hamil said that we would camp here tonight,” Nedertu said.

He saw that everyone was preparing to camp for the night so after everything was settled down and everyone was organized, he summoned his RV beside the cart. Since it was only around five in the afternoon, it was still bright and everyone was looking at the dragon.

Mark commanded the dragon to land beside the circus so everyone could look at it closely. He told everyone that they could surround it and touch it and it would not harm them so the brave ones went near the dragon and touched it.

The twins were particularly brave since their trust in Mark was profound. They climbed the dragon’s back and the only thing the dragon did was look at them and blink. The twins shouted while they ran, exploring every inch of the dragon, touching every part of it. When everyone saw that nothing was happening to the twins, they joined them in touching the dragon and the twins’ friends even joined them at the back of the dragon climbing up the dragon.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!