Delayed Transfer - Chapter 90

Published at 21st of November 2023 01:17:11 PM

Chapter 90

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Mark took a rest on the abandoned camp after killing the zombies and the four Swamp Naga Necromancers.  It was a good thing that the monsters disappeared after death since there were no smell of the decaying zombies or blood.

Sitting on a log in front of a campfire that he lit, he marveled at the beauty of the jungle.  Yes, it was hot and humid and it was a bit dim but there was a sense of rawness of nature, the primeval feeling of the lack of civilization that can only be brought by an ancient jungle and  he was amazed at the power of the System to be able to replicate a natural ancient jungle.  Mark knew that it was far from an actual jungle since he wasn’t assaulted by mosquitos or any other insects for that matter.

Mark took his time eating his lunch and observing the surrounding environment.  He caught a glimpse of exotic reptile under a wet log in the distance and some exotic birds in the trees.  After sometime, he took a moment to think about how he fought his enemies so far.   Based on his skills, he could play as an arcane wizard using his Space and Void Chancellor skill tree or he could play as a druid using his Gaia’s Disciple skill tree but so far, his go to skill was the Space and Void Chancellor skills.  

Mark knew that he just got used to casting his Void Skills from the skill tree since they were the first skills he added points to and honestly, the feeling of ripping the life of his enemies using the power of the void made him feel like a powerful Jedi Master or a Void Archmage.

Mark stopped ruminating on the nature of his power and continued flying forward to destroy his enemies.  In the distance he smelled the disgusting swamp first before he actually saw it and he was thankful that he could fly.  He saw three ogres beside the swamp and when he identified it, they were called Swamp Ogres.  He wondered at the simplicity of the naming behavior of the System and thought that there was a possibility that the monsters were named that way to conform on how he could easily understood the creatures.  He remembered that he thought earlier that the system was designing his Interface and his Boon to what he could easily intuit.

Mark easily killed the Ogres by blasting them with his Glacial Void, Void Hurricane, Void Meteor and Void Chain Lightning.  The sensation of blasting his enemies with his skills really made him feel powerful that was why he liked playing the Diablo game series.  There was a cathartic feeling of just mowing the enemies down especially when you’ve just arrived from a very stressful work.  After keeping the loot, he continued flying forward.

Mark completed the 16th floor without any problem and went to the 11th floor to check his earnings.  He used his Inventory Material Destruction on all the rare green items and Identified all of the blue magic items.  His mage set was replaced with new ones but he kept the old one as a costume for events.   He thought of giving it to Enleed, Melissa or Elizabeth but it was really overpowered for their level and he felt that it was better to stick to his previous idea of letting the team wear what they’ve looted.

There were three other notable items, which although a bit unique, still magic blue item rarity.  One was storage amulet with two cubic meter but it also add plus eight to Intelligence.  The next one was a wand, called Nether Wand, presumably from one of the Swamp Naga Necromancers since it has the skill Nether Bolt.  It has 40 charges with 50 Nether Damage and would earn one charge per 10 minutes.  The third one was an interesting item called Nether Crown that would add eight to Wisdom with 20 Durability and 20 defense.  It has the skill Summon Swamp Zombie with 10 Charges and would earn one charge per 10 minutes.

The ring, wand and crown were perfect for a would be Necromancer build and he thought of giving it to Elizabeth since Donald would pay for the items and would increase the group real money funds for their daily life.  He didn’t worry about Melissa’s items since he would probably get another mage items on his solo dive.

Mark checked his level and he did level up from level 60 to 63.  His total stat points that he earned was 10 points plus the two remaining stat points already included.  His total skill points now was 45.  He added five stat points to Wisdom, increasing it to 55 from 50 so his base MP went up to 1100.  He also added five stat points to his Intelligence bringing it up to 55 as well which increased his base spell effectiveness multiplier to 11.  He noticed that the Interface changed the damage multiplier to effectiveness since not only the multiplier adds to damage, it also adds to spell defense and spell utility.

Regarding his 45 skill points, Mark decided to add it to his skill tree another day after giving it much more thought.

Mark went outside his bedroom and saw the group were already in the dining room eating.  Everybody welcomed him and Armina gave him his share of the food.  He told everybody that he had looted three brand new items from the 16th floor of the dungeon.  He shared the specs of the Storage Ring, the Nether Wand and the Nether Crown.

As expected, when Mark said that he would like to give the three items to a single person to work as a set, Melissa declined since she said that swamp zombies were “yucky”.  They’ve decided to sell it to Donald since he told everybody that they would split the money to everybody even though Sam vehemently said that he shouldn’t since he was the one who looted the items but Mark told them that he had plenty of money already.  He told them about the 20 Million plus dollars that a British noble and businessman gave him for healing his son of ALS and selling a ring that heal wounds.

Armina said that since that was the case they would gracefully accept the funds and Enleed said that they should help him buy a new car.  Armina and Melissa said they would also buy a car of their own and Sam would purchase a new house for his parents.  Melissa got a bit embarrassed and said that of course she would contribute for their parent’s new house.  Since everybody agreed, Mark decided to sell the three items to Donald.

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