Delayed Transfer - Chapter 95

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:55 AM

Chapter 95

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After Donald left, Mark decided to complete a dungeon floor since it was still early.  He sent a group message that he would be unavailable for the rest of the day.

Mark equipped his dungeon items and went directly to the 17th floor.  The jungle swamp theme continued but he really didn’t pondered his location too much.  He wanted to do some violence so after casting his self defense spells, he flew, looking forward to blasting his enemies to pieces. 

He was still angry at himself for not handling the Mexican gang the first time.  His reticence caused Luis’s life.  Mark knew that those type of people would not have been satisfied with the bag of money they’ve gotten from him and the spells that he cast back then was mild enough that they thought they could get away with more money using more violence if they were careful about Melissa who they thought was the “Bruja” who cast the spell.  He was so naïve in his thinking that he made a resolve that if something like this happened again on this world, he would be decisive.

The first group of enemies consisted of three Vampire Monkeys based on his Identification.  He flew towards them and immediately cast Glacial Void.  He then cast Void Chain Lightning,  Void Meteor and Void Hurricane which promptly killed the monkeys.

He looted the items then flew forward.  He was rushing and knew it was dangerous but he was overpowered for the 17th floor anyways and Mark just wanted to rip enemies apart.

The next group of enemies were a combination of Vampire Monkeys and Swamp Boars.  Mark hurled a Glacial Void on the creatures again and rip them apart using the Void Meteor, Void Hurricane, Void Tsunami and Void Chain Lightning.  He completed the 17th floor in merely four hours and aside from Vampire Monkeys and Swamp Boars, the other monsters that he encountered were the Swamp Nagas and their zombies, Swamp Flying Ferrets and Jungle Two Headed Snakes.  He ripped all of them apart using his Void Skills and knew that what he was doing was not only dangerous but not really healthy.

Mark decided to go to the 18th floor after depositing the unidentified items on the 11th floor.  He was not satisfied with the magic and mayhem that he did in the 17th floor and wanted to continue.  He promised himself that this would be the last floor that he would do reckless violence.

The jungle swamp on the 18th floor was much more raw and ancient compared to the previous floors.  The vines were thicker, the trees were larger and the swamp area were much bigger.  At that time, it didn’t matter to Mark.  He recklessly flew forward searching for enemies that he would like to rip to shreds with his magic.

The first group of enemies were big.  It consisted of two Swamp Naga Necromancers and tens of their summon zombies, Swamp Naga Archers and Swamp Naga Warriors.  Mark flew forward and cast Glacial Void and Swamp of Briar and their location.  He then hurled a Void Tsunami and Void Hurricane followed by Void Meteor and Void Chain Lightning, killing all of his enemies.

Mark was a bit thankful that he was overpowered on these levels and could afford to be reckless.  He stopped for a bit and made a simple camp to rest and eat.  He summoned the Bush Golems for company and thought about what he was doing.  Ripping his enemies to shred was satisfying but it didn’t actually helped him.  He didn’t know Luis well but he didn’t know why he was affected so much.  The feeling that he had right now was the same feeling that he felt a few days after hearing the news of his parent’s death.  Now he recognized it.  The feeling of being helpless.

Mark thought that since he had all these power, he would not feel that hateful feeling again.  He could heal cancer for crying out loud but at that time, when he remembered the grief on Sam, Melissa and their parent’s face for the death of Luis, the feeling of him being powerless, being helpless, came back with a vengeance.  That thinking made him feel restless so he dismissed the golems and flew forward searching for enemies to kill.

He flew forward and kill all of the enemies that he encountered.  He even wanted to leave the loot but good sense prevailed and waited for them to appear before flying off to search for new enemies.  It was really dark when he completed the 18th floor and when he checked, it was already midnight.  He went and stored the loot on the 11th floor, went to his bedroom for a shower and slept.

The next day, Mark checked his earnings and saw that running the two floor leveled him up to 68 from 73.  The total stat points that he had right now was 15 and the total skill points was 60.  Mark decided to skip assigning the points for now and headed directly to the 11th floor.  He only kept the magic blue rarity items so he identified them.  He updated his current equipment and kept the ones that had skills and there were five of them.

There were two accessory.  Magic Iron Ring and Magic Iron Amulet.  The ring was called Invisibility Iron Ring.  It added eight to Intelligence and it has the skill Invisibility that would make the user Invisible for five minutes when activated.  The Invisibility would be dispelled if the user took offensive action.  It had 10 charges and would earn one charge per 10 minutes.

The next accessory was called the Displacement Iron Amulet. It gave additional eight to Wisdom to the user and had the skill Displacement.  When activated, any enemy would see the user a few feet to the left instead on his actual location.  It would last for five minutes.  It had 10 charges and would earn one charge per 10 minutes.

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