Dense Fog - Chapter 20

Published at 1st of May 2024 07:11:31 AM

Chapter 20

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20. "The killer was a tiger."

The peace of a closed and cold vacation was finally broken on the last day by two major news stories.

It was afternoon and Wu Lin, still sleeping soundly, was even gripped up directly by his three roommates. The guy, who even shouted his name and slapped his face, made Wu Lin think he was having a nightmare.

The two news stories popped up almost simultaneously, less than a minute apart.

News 1

The percentage of wildly awakened people is 100%?

Our reporter (Awakened) conducted random street interviews in many countries in the hope of learning about the feelings and changes in the lives of the unawakened in the current social environment, but none of the randomly selected interviewees were unawakened.


At present, due to the lack of rapid testing methods, the exact number of awakened people in various countries is still unknown, and our station cannot guarantee that every interviewee is true, but through this interview, it can still give us a clearer understanding of the proportion of awakened people in the population.

News 2

Significant progress has been made in wild awakening research!

Scientists have detected a rare substance in preserved samples of fog gases, identifying it as the direct cause of triggering the wild awakening.

Laboratory personnel said that the substance should not be in the air, but it has become widespread in the air after the fog, a reality that all of humanity must now face.

The cause of the fog remains a mystery, and the research related to shutting down the awakening gene has made no progress. Scientists are calling for the awakened to do what they can at this stage, which is to remain calm, and the body is self-regulating, and it will slowly accept and adapt to the new changes.

After watching the news, Wu Lin's heart was calmer than expected.

It could be that I've been shocked too many times in the last few days, or it could be that a lot of things have been vaguely felt to be heading in the right direction.

But it would be a lie to say that there is no volatility at all.

This wild awakening came too suddenly and too bizarrely. In the past few days of Wu Lin's night tour, many times while walking through the promenade, there was a sense of a dream in the garden, as if the wild awakening was also such a time-limited dream, and when the time came, the sun came out, and like the night tourists, it would quietly disperse.

Now that dream is awake.

And then it turns out that dreams are reality.

"Some biologists have suggested that this could be an unprecedented leap in evolution in human history, and that all of humanity should embrace the wild awakening for a brand new future ......"

 Feiyu Ren continues to play the post-news video on her cell phone, and the outgoing sound carries throughout 333.

 Yang Xia was already upset, long legs to the fence, directly jumped down from the upper bunk, straight towards Feiyu Ren past: "Well experts say, show me, I have to appreciate this blind optimistic face--"

His bunk's climbing ladder had long ago become a nullity and was now gathering dust.

News after news made the Internet boiling again, some people worry about the world chaos, and some people can't wait to look forward to a brand new future. Worry, excitement, panic, restlessness ...... all kinds of emotions intertwined into an unsettled air, from the network spread to reality.

Even the promenade was quite chilled during the night tour.

Many of the students didn't come out, and even those who did were talking in hushed tones, no longer with the cheerful energy of the previous days.

Of course there are exceptions.

 Ye Wang is still focusing on his cell phone game as usual.

Yesterday it was Miss Squirrel's Tea Party, and today it's Detective Mr. Deer's Theater of Inference.

"Where did you find all these games?" In just a few days, Wu Lin felt like the door to a new world had been opened to him.

 Ye Wang was at the most critical stage of his reasoning and had no time for Wu Lin.

 Wu Lin doesn't think so, or has gotten used to it.

These days, he spends the midnight hours with Ye Wang and Sijie Yuan, and we can't say that they have a deep friendship, but they are quite familiar with each other. Yesterday, at Sijie Yuan's suggestion, the three of them added WeChat to each other.

After days of observation, Wu Lin has basically figured out Ye Wang's classmates.

The man has a poor temper, no patience, and wants to get on the kicks at the drop of a hat, but on the flip side, the man is relatively simple and direct, and says what he wants to say, quite painfully.

"The murderer is a tiger." Seeing that the deduction time on the other person's cell phone screen is about to run out, Wu Lin kindly points out a clue.

 Ye Wang finally looks at him, but then quickly looks down to continue the game screen, "No way."

 Wu Lin: "How is that impossible?"

 Ye Wang pondered for two seconds, "The murderer should be a rabbit."

 Wu Lin: "......"

Reasoning time is up.

 Ye Wang chose the rabbit.

Reasoning fails, Mr. Deer walks off into the distance, his back bleak.

Wu Lin was a bit saddened to see: "Don't make it difficult for yourself with the reasoning game in the future, it's good to open a restaurant and have a tea party."

 Ye Wang looked up again, this time at Wu Lin, "Why a tiger?"

 Wu Lin sighed, "Reasoning, you have to dish out logic, according to the designer's thinking, he must have had to throw out some smoke bombs first to confuse the item and make these a cover for the real murderer ......"

After talking for two minutes, Wu Lin felt that he had almost finished, and asked Ye Wang with anticipation, "Did you get it?"

 Ye Wang was silent for a moment, "I'd rather have a tea party."

 Wu Lin: "......"

The wood is too rotten to carve!

But then again, this deduction game, he'd kind of planted the seed, and had just spent half a day watching around, and it was immersive.

"Where's Sijie Yuan?" It was only after this immersion that Wu Lin realized that he was missing one of his classmates tonight.

"It didn't come out." Ye Wang put away his cell phone and relaxed his overused reasoning brain from earlier.

"Staying in the dormitory?" Wu Lin asked with concern, "Not feeling well?"

"There's nothing wrong with his body," Ye Wang said, not bothering to explain, and simply paraphrasing Sijie Yuan's words, "He said he was depressed after watching the news, and that he wanted to lie down on his bed and think about his future life."

Even Sijie Yuan, who is so optimistic, is so depressed that he doesn't want to move.

 Wu Lin, who had only eased up a little, began to go down again.

This uneasiness cannot simply be categorized as fear or dread, but rather a sense of confusion about the road ahead.

Looking around by the night light of the parlor, this confusion was on the face of almost every student.

Except for the one in front of me.

" Ye Wang ," Wu Lin was about to ask just now, "How come you don't seem to be worried at all?"

 Ye Wang had a strange look on his face, "Worried about what?"

"In the future," Wu Lin said, "we've all awakened, and in the future society, life, may be turned upside down, don't you worry?"

 Ye Wang asks rhetorically, "If I worry about it, it doesn't skyrocket?"

 Wu Lin: "Then we can't pretend nothing happened, right?"

"You can't stop what's coming," Ye Wang says indifferently, "but as long as you're tough enough, no one's going to fuck you over."

"......" Wu Lin boasts a good psychological quality, in the dormitory has been guiding Feiyu Ren it, however, at this moment, only really feel, there are people outside the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm.

His philosophy of life is - come, I greet, hardship, I overcome, life, I face.

But Ye Wang is - fuck whoever he loves.

The end of the November holidays kicked off fall with a little rain and plummeting temperatures.

The school was finally unsealed to a limited extent, and students were allowed to go out, but they had to register their entry and exit, indicating their destination, and they had to return to school before 5:00 p.m. The faculties would conduct evening roll-calls every day, and staying out at night was absolutely forbidden.

In contrast to the unsealing of the school gates, the internal arrangements have been extremely simplified and compressed, with the suspension of physical education classes and all student activities, which means that there are no activities other than classes every day. At the same time, many of the main classes of each major have been centralized into the 16:30-20:30 time slot, a temporary compromise to balance the different routines of day and night.

The school held another video assembly, the same old story of getting the students to learn and adapt to get along with the changes in their bodies, but emphasizing more than before that society functions normally and that the wild awakening shouldn't and won't disrupt our learning or our lives.

But is it really business as usual?

On the first weekend of the limited campus closure, Junchi Li helped an older sister to queue up for a seasonal cup at a coffee shop, and on the way back, her cell phone was snatched by someone.

333 didn't know about it until the evening, when Junchi Li came back from the police station after making a statement.

"What era is still robbing cell phones," Junchi Li speechless, "no fingerprints can not unlock, no passwords can not transfer accounts, a second cell phone can be more money, it would be better to rob me that limited cup."

"Didn't the police call the surveillance camera," Wu Lin listened to Junchi Li, but didn't understand this point, "They've got it on camera, but they still can't lock up the suspect?"

"Brother ah, you do not know how fast that goods run, whoosh a past from my eyes, I thought I did not see clearly, the results of the surveillance camera is even a shadow," deep sigh, Junchi Li before adding, "the police said that the technical means can be recovered, but have to wait. "

"You've lost your bank card," Yang Xia said, "and the flower chanting balance treasure microblogging wallet Jingdong white bar American group borrowing money all have to go through, okay, don't think that the phone to fingerprints to pay the password is foolproof, the thief does not run away from the empty you know, dare to rob the surely have a backstage! "

"Don't worry," Junchi Li said, "brother never spend money in advance, those who borrowed money pressure did not open, the balance of the treasure, WeChat wallet did not have a penny, spend money directly connected to the bank card, and now the bank card is also lost."

 Wu Lin, Yang Xia: "......"

This money security is worthy of being the #1 money making and money management tip of 333.

"But the cell phone was also paid for, it's all my money my money-" Junchi Li trumpeted to the heavens, sobbing at every word.

"Running so much faster than you, what could that be from awakening?" Feiyu Ren was curious about this because Junchi Li's motor nerves had been enhanced from before, but listening to the description, Junchi Li didn't even have a chance to chase after being robbed, and the person was gone in a flash.

"Cheetah," Junchi Li thought without thinking, "definitely cheetah, the fastest animal on land!"

"It doesn't have to be terrestrial," Wu Lin mused, "it could be gliding, like Yu Da, or it could even be a bird."

"Can't be," Junchi Li recalled thoughtfully, "He was fast, but I'm sure he wasn't flying and his feet were still on the ground."

"It's not that awakened birds necessarily fly," Wu Lin explains, "None of the currently recognized bird awakenings in several countries have actually flown, but all have become physically dexterous, and run as light and agile as a bird would fly."

 Yang Xia: "If it's a bird, it's much faster than a cheetah, which has a top speed of 115 kilometers per hour."

 Feiyu Ren : "No, I was reading a study the other day that said 115 is overestimated, it's only 90 km/h."

 Junchi Li : "More or less the same, the bird is fast there is nothing cheetah, the world's fastest bird ...... uh, what is it called?"

 Yang Xia, Feiyu Ren: "Sharp-tailed Swallow."

 Junchi Li : "Yes, the top speed can reach 352.5 km/h ......"

 Wu Lin quietly watched his roommates, who used to wail about their homework, discussing it enthusiastically, and was very pleased with the upwardly mobile learning atmosphere, as if he had seen a piece of dazzling slow illumination, which was the light from the right path.

On a night outing, Sijie Yuan meets an acquaintance and runs over to chat with him, leaving Wu Lin and Ye Wang staring at each other in disbelief.

Uh, that's not an accurate description either, it should be Ye Wang playing his game and Wu Lin being dumb.

After a long time, Ye Wang realized that his ears were very quiet today, and there were no more "You're not right to fight like this", "The murderer is XX", "Change the fishing rod quickly". ......

After getting used to the "pop-ups", it's a little hard to get used to them being gone all of a sudden.

"What?" The inning ended and he looked up.

"A brother in the dormitory had his cell phone robbed outside today." Wu Lin said.

 Ye Wang: "Where is he?"

 Wu Lin: "People are fine."

 Ye Wang: "That's fine."

 Wu Lin: "Uh-huh."

A few minutes later, at the end of another game, Ye Wang looked up again, frowning at Wu Lin.

What's with the wimpy look, if it's all right?

 Wu Lin hesitated for a moment, but still said, "I feel that something big is going to happen."

 Ye Wang: "Feelings?"

 Wu Lin said, "The school is unblocked on the surface, but don't you think it's getting tighter on the inside?"

 Ye Wang: "?"

Well, he shouldn't have asked this one. Wu Lin, alone with his worries, and alone with his distant view of the night: "Anyway, I think it's like the calm before the storm right now."

A month later, Wu Lin's hunch came true.

But it was half fulfilled - a big deal indeed, but not as bad as the storm.

In early November, an official announcement was made that a nationwide genetic test for "awakened animality" would be conducted. China thus became the first country in the world to implement a wildlife census.

It didn't take long for the announcement to go out, and the school had a specific arrangement - the

[Environment faculties group]

Ms. Lee: [Notice] The school is scheduled for November 17th and 18th, the whole school physical examination. Environmental institute physical examination time is 8:00 am-12:00 pm on the 17th, please be prepared.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!