Dense Fog - Chapter 21

Published at 1st of May 2024 07:11:31 AM

Chapter 21

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21. Handsome and spontaneous, wild as hell.

The night before the medical checkup, Wu Lin thought he would be excited, anticipating, and restless. In fact, he experienced all of these emotions, but when the sun rose, he was left with a solid peace of mind.

It's at crossroads that people get confused and panic.

But now that the path has been chosen, the National Awakening Census is the clearest signal of all, like a ship crossing a whirlpool and following a rushing river, continuing to move forward with determination.

The pale golden morning sunlight spills over the cloisters, and it is warm and bright to be there.

 Wu Lin went back to 333 first, and when he arrived at the dormitory, it was only 6:50 a.m. Later, he rested for a while, and only at 7:40 a.m. did he go out with Yang Xia and the others.

Physicals were scheduled at the school's conference center.

The conference center building has five floors, the first and second floors are the hall venue, the third, fourth and fifth floors are medium-sized conference rooms. Now that the seats and conference tables have been moved, the first and second floors have been converted into a basic examination area, with boys on the first floor and girls on the second floor, where height, weight, visual acuity, lung capacity and so on are examined; and the upper three floors are the awakening examination area, where a series of examinations, such as blood draws, are carried out.

 Wu Lin thought that they were the only ones from Environmental institute to come for the inspection this morning, but when they arrived, they realized that there were several faculties arranged for this time slot, and as soon as they entered the lobby on the first floor, they found that it was already crowded with people.

It was still some time before eight o'clock, and the doctors of the medical examination were making their final preparations.

It is not possible for faculties to send someone to follow each and every one of their students for medical checkups, and because of the great mobility of students during checkups, they usually arrange for one or two counseling teachers to stay on the sidelines, so that the students can ask the teachers if they have any questions, but most of the time they are still responsible for their own lives.

"Well, this show," Yang Xia looked around the room, "reminds me of my youth when I lined up to buy tickets for the New Year's Eve show at the Comedy Theater, it's true that the blood is not cold in the heady days."

"How is the momentous, how is the age," Wu Lin just starting point of the heart of all the air, "my youth has just begun a head, let you drag into nostalgia."

There is no clear order for the various inspections, so as long as you have checked all the first floor halls, you can go upstairs.

In front of each examination program, there were already long lines of students who had consciously lined up.

 Feiyu Ren, looking at all the people everywhere, was a bit uncertain: "Which one should we line up first?"

"Let's go clockwise, exactly one turn," Junchi Li said, "so we don't have to go east and west and miss another item."

"OK," says Feiyu Ren, looking around for a clockwise "starting point," "let's start with height and weight. ...... "

Halfway through her sentence, Feiyu Ren suddenly froze there as if she had been hit by a point, and lost her voice.

 Junchi Li wondered and just called out, "Yu Da?" Junchi Li wondered, "Yu Da?", and his arm was suddenly grabbed by Feiyu Ren with great force.

"That one, that's the one!" Feiyu Ren was so excited she was on the verge of jumping up and down.

"What ah, which one?" Junchi Li hurriedly held the man down, fearing that he would remove his arm in excitement.

"Tan Jiang," Feiyu Ren was overjoyed, "my benefactor!"

 Junchi Li followed his gaze and saw nothing but a black mass of people, "Which one is it?"

"What the hell?" When Yang Xia heard the word "benefactor", she drew close, squeezing Feiyu Ren's face to look that way, eager to coincide with Yu Da's line of sight, "Finally I've got a chance to see the real person, let's see what kind of person has charmed you! ......"

"That skin is particularly white, expression is particularly cool, body proportion is particularly great legs thief long that, hey you see he looks a little like a hybrid ......" Feiyu Ren eyes simply can not see others, all Tan Jiang, benefactor is I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good deal on a new one.

 Yang Xia did not listen to the back, afraid to listen to the end of myocardial infarction, a "white skin" is enough to lock.

In fact, Tan Jiang looks like what is not important, he is mainly on Feiyu Ren sulking: "I said brother, others just happen to meet by hand to fish you a hand, change who fell into the water are the same fishing, if he is lively and cheerful outwardly you invite him to dinner to formally thank you can also be, but people obviously do not have the intention of the line, okay."

 Feiyu Ren's excitement was visibly weakening, but she still insisted, "But he saved my life, I can't show nothing."

"No," Yang Xia said, "How many friend requests have you sent to people and you've forgotten?"

 Feiyu Ren blinked dumbly, somewhat recognizing the sarcasm in Yang Xia's words.

 Yang Xia continued, " Yu Da, if you really want to thank him, give him what he wants."

 Feiyu Ren was a bit unable to keep up with Yang Xia's pace, and subconsciously asked, "What does he want?"

 Yang Xia sighed, not wanting to be too blunt, but Feiyu Ren was now hot-headed and had to be doused with cold water: "I have a feeling he meant that he wanted to be quiet."

 Feiyu Ren stood there in stunned silence, and for the first time, was completely quiet.

 Wu Lin thought that Feiyu Ren's obsession with Tan Jiang had long run its course. After a series of failed friend requests, Feiyu Ren announced that he had given up. Since Feiyu Ren never mentioned Tan Jiang again, Wu Lin thought it was over.

Today, when I look at Feiyu Ren's reaction, I can see that on the surface, she is silent, but in her heart, not only did she not extinguish the flames, but she is also rubbing them out.

But as Yang Xia said, Tan Jiang clearly didn't need this kind of hospitality, and that's why Wu Lin didn't ask Ye Wang about Tan Jiang even though he had the chance to do so during the night tour.

Wait, Wu Lin suddenly thought of something else.

If Tan Jiang is here, that means Mechanical Institute is also having their physical this morning.

But when we parted ways this morning, neither Ye Wang nor Sijie Yuan mentioned it.

But conversely, he himself never said Environmental institute was this morning.

So, after so many nights of traveling, they seem to be hanging out with each other quite a bit. What are they hanging out for?

 Wu Lin was a little bewildered, and a little, indefinably, lost.

Liang Ge and Tan Jiang line up in front of the vision testing area across the street.

The test hasn't even started yet. Liang Ge can't keep his hands off him and looks around, then realizes that there's a group of suspicious people not far away, grouping together to keep an eye on him.

Liang Ge couldn't feel any happiness when he was stared at by the four mental boys, so he touched Tan Jiang with his elbow: "Hey, look over there."

His intention was to ask Tan Jiang to help identify whether the other party had bad intentions, but unexpectedly Tan Jiang looked over in the same direction and his eyes moved slightly.

This was a very obvious expression on Tan Jiang's face, and Liang Ge immediately noticed, "What, do you know him?"

 Tan Jiang was silent for a moment and said, "Environmental institute."

 Environmental institute?

 Liang Ge quickly turned his brain, their dormitory can be related to the Environmental institute, there is only one Wu Lin, every day with Ye Wang, Sijie Yuan night swim, a drowning, was saved by Tan Jiang.

 Liang Ge went to see the four spiritual boys again.

So is this Wu Lin or the one who drowned? Or both? He remembers they were in the same dormitory. ......

Anyway, the drowned one must be there, because Wu Lin didn't know him and Tan Jiang, and Sijie Yuan and Ye Wang weren't there, so it could only be that the drowned one recognized Tan Jiang, and the other side looked this way together.

In the middle of his thoughts, Liang Ge suddenly realized that one of the four people on the other side of the street, who had been glancing this way the most, was now wilting and drooping to the back, as if he had been hit by a major blow, or had suddenly realized some desperate truth, and his aura had gone grey.

Did ......

 Liang Ge had a rare flash of insight and quietly asked Tan Jiang: "The one who looked the most pitiful, is he the one you saved?"

 Tan Jiang was noncommittal.

 Liang Ge thinks this should be it, but he doesn't understand why he was so excited just now and now he's wilting.

Was it an afterthought to remember the embarrassment and embarrassment of having been constantly rejected?

 Liang Ge was mulling over Feiyu Ren's inner drama, and as he did so, he felt a bit sorry for the other party's wilted appearance.

Not his heart soft, is really that guy is too deadly, obviously quite a big man, clean up can also be quite neat and dignified, but a kind of abandonment of the Golden Hair like, yes, but also have to be the kind of Golden Hair docile temperless, Teddy Boomerang can not be too, too much spirit.

As soon as sympathy flooded, Liang Ge subconsciously began to persuade Tan Jiang: "In fact, I guess he added you just want to thank you solemnly, or invite you to dinner or something, you don't have to refuse ......."

 Tan Jiang raised his eyes and looked at him coldly.

 Liang Ge swooshed a chill down his spine, "I didn't say anything."

Liang Ge's biggest fear in 509 is not Ye Wang, but Tan Jiang.

 Ye Wang is the kind of person who can be touched if his temperament is right, but Tan Jiang doesn't have such a humanized thing as "temperament" at all. Liang Ge hasn't even seen Tan Jiang feeling happy, angry, sad or happy, no matter what good or bad things happen to him, he always reacts in the same way, that is, he doesn't have any reaction at all.

Maybe names really do affect personality.

 Tan Jiang.

The pools are always below the cliffs, cold and secluded, and deep.

On this side, Wu Lin saw Feiyu Ren's behavior and knew that he had really listened to Yang Xia's words this time.

 Yang Xia, that's not very nice, but it's true.

Maybe it's because of his personality, sometimes Feiyu Ren can be very stubborn, like if he thinks something is going to be bad, then even if you tell him there's hope, he'll be sad, and this is also the case when he's interacting with other people, he often follows his own way of doing things.

Someone like that, be a friend and he'll give 200% to you.

But if you don't want to be friends with him, all the ones he gives to you in his head will be a burden.

 Tan Jiang's matter is Feiyu Ren's fault.

But Wu Lin doesn't care what others think, he's glad he has such a friend.

Although occasionally silly, often pessimistic, negative energy spokesman, but this is Yu Da, 333's group favorite.

 Wu Lin was just about to turn back to pat Feiyu Ren on the shoulder when he unexpectedly spotted two familiar figures walking quickly towards the guy.

"There are too many people over there, let's line up together." Sijie Yuan pulled Ye Wang and managed to squeeze over from that side, and when he returned to the line again, he saw Liang Ge's face with a look of "Ask me, ask me, ask me, I have a melon here".

 Sijie Yuan asks, "What's wrong?"

 Liang Ge flicked his eyes directly in the direction of the four mental boys.

 Sijie Yuan looked over and saw Wu Lin instead of the melon, a little surprised, he immediately greeted this small friend who had been "staying with us" for days: "Wu Lin-- "

 Wu Lin only know Ye Wang and Tan Jiang is a friend, although in the school hospital when suspected that they are roommates, but then did not have the opportunity to verify, such as the night tour when met Sijie Yuan, also did not talk about this, completely forgotten.

At the moment, Wu Lin knew he was right when he saw the atmosphere of the four people across the street, which was obviously the same as theirs, just like pulling up a banner and writing "We are a dormitory".

 Feiyu Ren's eyes lit up when she realized that Wu Lin knew the opposite party, but they only lit up for half a second before they remembered Yang Xia's words and quickly dimmed.

 Wu Lin doesn't really want to go there.

He had only just recognized the nature of the nightly relationship, and now he was a little less enthusiastic. Of course, this is definitely not a problem with Sijie Yuan and Ye Wang, it's purely his own pretentiousness, because no one is giving and no one is receiving, it's completely and absolutely fair.

But it was a bit unnatural not to go over there, so Wu Lin could only sigh inwardly and walk over with a cheerful spirit, "Is this the same time of day you guys have your medical checkups?"

"Right." Sijie Yuan didn't seem to have any problem with the accidental encounter, and was still exclaiming, "This is too much of a coincidence."

 Wu Lin can be completely sure that the other side is not going anywhere.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." He concurred politely, then realized Ye Wang was staring at him.

 Wu Lin looked back in confusion.

 Ye Wang asked directly, "What?"

 Wu Lin was a little weak when he stared at him like that.

But the problem is that I'm not doing anything, and it's not right to recognize each other's relationship and return to simply being classmates!

He kicked Ye Wang in the heart, but his face was full of solidarity and love: "It's fine."

"Oh." Then Ye Wang had something, "You didn't say you had your physical this morning."

 Wu Lin shocked, I shit, I am not easy to self-regulate finished, you are still not happy!

"I didn't say that either." Ye Wang suddenly blew himself up first, then clapped, "Get even and pay attention next time."

 Wu Lin: "......"

Strangely, the little twinge in his heart abruptly dissipated.

 Wu Lin realized that she didn't seem to mind Sijie Yuan's lack of heart so much, but was easily moved by Ye Wang's words.

But it doesn't make sense.

The other guy really didn't do a single serious thing other than indirectly seed him with a bunch of weird little games!

...... Well except for one thing.

As much as he hated to admit it, Wu Lin admired, and even envied, Ye Wang's energy.

Screw whoever you love, it's handsome and slick and wild as hell.


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