Dense Fog - Chapter 22

Published at 9th of May 2024 09:20:42 AM

Chapter 22

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22. "Can't sleep hard."

"Are they with you?" Sijie Yuan asked Wu Lin as he looked at the three people still standing not far away.

"A dormitory."

 Sijie Yuan : "Then come over and stand in line together, and we can all have a chat."

 Wu Lin: "......"

The invitation came out of nowhere and was a bit of a ride.

Wu Lin is mainly afraid of Feiyu Ren's embarrassment. Yu Da is still in a state of pain and self-reflection, probably in a daze after being educated.

But this can't be explained to the four of 509, after all, it's an internal problem of their 333.

"Yeah, let's do it together," Liang Ge agreed. Wu Lin, Ye Wang, and Sijie Yuan would continue to travel together at night, so there was no need to keep a distance between the two dormitories. Tan Jiang didn't want to make friends with the rescued kid, but he didn't mind meeting a few more buddies at the university, and with that in mind, he simply and enthusiastically greeted them over there with a "Come on over here! --Come on..."

 Yang Xia and Junchi Li looked at each other.

 Wu Lin's acquaintance with them was already a surprise to them, but now they're asking them to come over, what kind of a story is this?

But if we don't move now, it'll seem even more awkward.

The two dormitories just converged on each other.

" Feiyu Ren , Yang Xia , Junchi Li ," Wu Lin introduces his brothers to Sijie Yuan, and then in turn introduces himself to his brothers, " Sijie Yuan , Ye Wang , we always meet when we are traveling at night. "

"This is Liang Ge, Tan Jiang," Sijie Yuan picked up, "we're in the same dormitory."

 Liang Ge knew of "Wu Lin", but today was the first time he'd gotten the right number.

 Ye Wang said that he hadn't jerked off to a cat since he met Wu Lin, and Liang Ge thought that he would be a fierce guy, but he turned out to be tall and handsome, and he's the kind of good-looking guy that makes people feel especially comfortable, and he's got a good personality at first glance.

 Ye Wang, how can he dump on such a classmate?

 Liang Ge as his own people had to run to an unoccupied corner to cover his mouth and mutter a ...... shameless sentence!

After criticizing Ye Wang, Liang Ge remembered the classmate who made him sympathetic, what was his name? Yes, Feiyu Ren.

Where are the people?

 Liang Ge subconsciously went to look for it, only to find Feiyu Ren standing on the periphery of the chat center, with such a low sense of presence that she almost blended in with the strangers, her head hanging down, and she didn't look for Tan Jiang with the same bated breath as she did before.

The line stirred - the physical examination had begun.

 Tan Jiang took an insane glance at Feiyu Ren, who was hiding in the periphery, and then retracted his gaze and moved forward in line with the flow of people.

 Sijie Yuan was crowded by her classmates to Yang Xia's side, and for the first time, she took a serious look at him.

 Yang Xia was looking at her awkwardly: "Come on, you've never seen a handsome man before."

"I've seen it before, but I haven't seen one this festive." Sijie Yuan pulled out her cell phone and smiled gently, "Add a wechat?"

 Yang Xia: "......You first explain to me what is called 'joyful celebration'."

 Junchi Li realized that Feiyu Ren was being carried away by the chaotic crowd, and Yang Xia's side was also chatting, so he had to find Wu Lin: "Lin ......"

"How would you feel if, in the end, you were tested to be a particularly cute little animal, like a chipmunk or a ferret?" Wu Lin was in the middle of an early interview with Ye Wang, completely oblivious to his roommate's half-syllable call.

 Liang Ge heard Wu Lin's question and said, "You are not provoking, I wild brother can give you a kick to roll flying ......

 Ye Wang: "It's all good."

 Liang Ge: "......"

 Wu Lin and Ye Wang follow the crowd into the line, leaving Liang Ge and Junchi Li in place.

The two male students looked at each other, and a hint of desolation seemed to float in the air.

"Why don't we add a WeChat?" Junchi Li took out her cell phone.

 Liang Ge has mixed feelings, he wanted to make friends, but now it's more like two forgotten buddies reporting for ......

 Junchi Li : "My WeChat name is AAA Junchi Li, after adding you can find it in the first place on the list, I am online 24 hours a day, undertake all legitimate business, homework drawing PPT, tug-of-war long-distance running aerobics, electives on behalf of the class, qualifying goods queue, send breakfast to your girlfriend... ..."

 Liang Ge: "I'll sweep you up!"

 Junchi Li: "This one, come on."

 Liang Ge: "Can I get 20% off for mentioning I know Wu Lin ......"

The basic program of the physical examination is the same as before, but the results of many people have changed significantly.

 Wu Lin, Junchi Li, and Yang Xia all showed significant improvement in lung capacity, especially Junchi Li, who improved nearly 40% from his freshman year physical!

 Feiyu Ren's lung capacity hadn't changed much, but he weighed seven kilograms less than before. Feiyu Ren was in shock when he stepped off the scale; he did have a poor appetite for a while when he first awakened, but he hadn't been eating much lately.

The doctor in charge of measuring height and weight was very attentive, and seeing this, explained, "Some awakened animality can cause bones to become lighter or muscles to decrease, which can lead to a loss of weight. But don't worry too much, the weight usually stabilizes after the initial period of change."

 Feiyu Ren's already poorly endowed essence was compounded by another piece of bad news: "'Usually' it would be stable ah, that's over, I must be the 'what if'... ..."

The brothers of 333 were well trained to drag him away so that he wouldn't really cry in public and embarrass the faculties.

After finishing the basic check, it was time for the awakening gene check upstairs.

 Wu Lin thought he would see a bunch of unrecognizable instruments, but he didn't. He simply had his blood drawn.

From time to time, people come in and remove boxes of blood samples marked with personal information, and then replenish the empty blood sample bottles and place holders so that those who are examined later can continue to access them.

Even with all this busyness, the phlebotomy room is still stacked with many boxes of drawn blood samples that have yet to be moved.

 Wu Lin intuitively sensed the magnitude of the workload.

And that's just the blood draw, which will be followed up by sending these blood samples, one by one, to a lab for testing.

 Wu Lin remembers the internet saying that there is still no method to quickly detect wild awakening animality, and that the length of the testing period is a major reason why many countries have been slow to conduct awakening censuses.

During the blood draw, Wu Lin heard one of her classmates ask the doctor how long it would take to get the results of the test.

The doctor said, "A month."

The inquiring students thought they would get the results in a few days, but when they heard it would take a month, they were very shocked, as if the rest of the wait would be another ordeal.

 Wu Lin, on the other hand, is quite normal.

Like Ye Wang said, you can't stop what's coming, but as long as you're tough enough, no one can take you down!

Because there were so many students, the medical checkups ended up taking three days before they were all over. On the last day it rained, and the leaves that had not yet turned completely yellow were knocked down in droves, paving every path on campus with deep autumn colors.

 Wu Lin was walking to class with an umbrella and waterlogged leaves when she received the call from her mother.

From time to time, there are students without umbrellas running wildly around them, so fast that they can't see their silhouettes at all, like a gust of wind in the rain, occasionally stepping on a puddle, the splash can fly up to a meter high.

Dusk was completely obscured by dark clouds, and the sky seemed to go into night early.

The umbrella could not cover the wind and rain, and Wu Lin was half drenched.

That's when the cell phone rang.

Seeing the name of the caller, Wu Lin let Yang Xia and the others go first before picking up the phone, "Mom."

The rain was sharp, but it slowed down time.

 Wu Lin felt like he waited for a long time before he heard a voice from over there, "How's your health?"

 Wu Lin's eyes warmed up at once: "Quite well, just finished the physical examination the day before yesterday, but the earliest will be the beginning of the next semester to get the results."

"Well, your sister's school organized a physical as well, so I figured your school should get it too." There was obvious relief on the phone.

 Wu Lin was slightly stunned, and his feet unconsciously stopped.

Was the mother relieved because he, her son, was in pretty good health, or did being in pretty good health mean she wouldn't mess up by awakening?

 Wu Lin doesn't know.

Or maybe he knows, but doesn't want to think about it.

"How are you ...... all doing physically?"

"It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but now it's much better. Alright, go eat, you should just be getting out of class at this hour, you haven't eaten yet." As if the task was completed, the caller automatically went to the end stage, "Message mom if you need anything."

I've been changing my class time to early evening for over a month ......

I don't want to send a message, I just want to call you directly can't I ......

Countless words rolled around in his heart, but in the end, Wu Lin only said, "I know."

Autumn chill after the rain.

As the number of students on the night tour began to dwindle, Wu Lin put on a thicker jacket, but still felt cold occasionally in the night.

In early December, the school issued three important announcements on the same day.

The first two are uniform documents issued by colleges and universities across the country, and the school just enforces-

I. Taking into account the situation since September, the various examinations scheduled for December have been temporarily canceled, and further notice will be given when teaching in colleges and universities has returned to stability.

Secondly, it has been proved by many practices that the disorganized biological clock due to awakening can be improved through the adjustment of work and rest, and universities should help the students concerned to adjust their work and rest as soon as possible and return to the normal study life.

The last one is the school's own--

[Environment faculties group]

Mr. Li: [Notice] From now on, after lights out at 23:00 pm, all students are forbidden to leave the dormitory, violators will be dealt with seriously. We also hope that all students can adjust as soon as possible and return to normal work and rest.

 Yang Xia over there was just happy about the cancelation of the fourth grade exam, when he saw the group notification: "From now on? You can't give us a buffer," he said, looking worriedly at 333's only nightwalker, "What should we do?"

"What else can I do," Wu Lin flopped down on the bed, his eyes wide open, "I can't sleep hard."

"Brother you don't have a bit of 'hard sleep' right now." Yang Xia felt like he could go into the dream world in a minute.

"No way," Feiyu Ren was anxious for him, "Wu Lin, if you sleep now, you won't be able to sleep at night at all!"

It was a little after noon when all this happened.

 With strong willpower, Wu Lin overcame the demon of sleep and persevered until lights out at 11:00 pm.

Then, his eyes now glazed over like the brightest stars in the night sky.

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