Dense Fog - Chapter 26

Published at 9th of May 2024 09:20:43 AM

Chapter 26

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26. "Didn't realize you were still in the carnivorous family."

On the day of his departure, Wu Lin slept until 9:00 a.m. After waking up naturally and packing his things, the dormitory building was so quiet that he had the illusion that he was alone.

For an entire semester, Wu Lin stayed at the school, first when the fog closed the school, then when the fog lifted and the wild awakening began, and even when the school lifted the closure for a limited period of time, he still responded to the school's call not to go outside the school grounds unless there was something special going on.

The north wind howls in winter.

 Wu Lin walks out of the school with his luggage in tow, and it's like a lifetime ago.

It's still the same traffic as I remember, but it seems like yesterday it was summer and they were going out over the wall to help Yu Da, whose suitcase had scratched someone's car, and today it's winter overnight.

The roads have been cleared of snow, and only on the sidewalks do you occasionally see snow piled up in flower beds.

It didn't take long to get to the subway station.

 As Wu Lin rode down the escalator, he noticed that only half of the advertisement spaces on the walls on both sides still had advertisements for businesses or brands, while the other half had all been transformed into the same public service advertisement, featuring a silhouette of a ferocious animal with four words of advocacy printed on it--

The Wild Awakening has come with a vengeance.

A little carelessness and impulsiveness.

Civilized cities depend on you and me.

Safety first in mind.

The security checkpoints are still the same as before, just pass your belongings through the machine, but in addition to the subway staff in charge of security, there are also more police around.

On the subway, the same public service announcement was posted in the train. The passengers, who are used to these, didn't give it a second glance, everyone was looking down and playing with their cell phones.

Wu Lin is alone, looking around.

Without realizing it, the standing man locked eyes with a six or seven year old child sitting in the seat in front of him.

The little girl had a round face and was wearing two goat horn pigtails, which was cute and adorable. Wu Lin's first thought was, could the little girl's family be a lamb?

The city looks like nothing has changed at first glance, but when you look closer, it seems like everything has changed.

 Wu Lin himself is no different.

For cities with subways, a business district may not necessarily be formed near a subway station, but there must be a subway station in a busy business district.

The Garden Apartment is in such a location.

Large shopping malls are adjacent to the left and right, and the subway station is across the street.

The Garden Residence itself is a dual-use building, with a shopping mall on the lower three floors of the podium and high-rise condominiums on the upper floors. The whole building is designed to be high and low, there is no plane is regular, it is said that the designer's intention is to create a "jewel mountain", after the completion of the building did make it become a landmark in this business district, but the bitter construction unit.

The apartment is mostly occupied by white-collar workers in the neighborhood, as well as some small netizens engaged in live broadcasting. The rent is not cheap, but the house is new, well-decorated, the rooms are not big, easy to take care of, and there is a shopping district downstairs, which is comfortable and convenient for young people.

And most of the people who buy property here do so for investment.

 Wu Lin's father was one of them.

But his father didn't point to the rent, the rising prices alone were enough to make a profit, so he bought it and threw it to Wu Lin to live in, and when Wu Lin was at school, the apartment was just left empty.

 Wu Lin hadn't been back for quite some time. He took the straight elevator all the way up to the sky garden, crossed the open-air garden, entered the apartment, and continued on the elevator to the twenty-first floor.

It seems that his father mortgaged this place last year when he had a cash flow problem. When Wu Lin pressed his hand on the fingerprint lock, he was still thinking that if his fingerprints were not recognized later, it was likely that his father had not paid back the money and the apartment had changed hands.

"Welcome home." The door opened in response to the voice of the fingerprint lock.


The apartment is dark, and Wu Lin feels for the wall switch to press.

The room was brightly lit and full of wreckage.

 Wu Lin was so shocked that he almost quit to check the door sign to make sure he hadn't made a mistake.

The curtains were blocked tightly, blocking out all the sunlight outside.

Inside the house, the bed is crooked, the table is slanted, the ground is full of all kinds of food wrappers, some have not finished being thrown there, potato chips, shrimp crackers sprinkled all over the place, the stove is full of used disposable paper cups, paper plates and all kinds of empty or not empty drink bottles.

...... This is coming to a party?

 Wu Lin was speechless.

But as someone who couldn't come back to live there more than a couple times a year, he was fine with his dad mortgaging the apartment, and borrowing a couple of friends as a party venue really wasn't a big deal.

All afternoon, Wu Lin did nothing else but clean up the house.

By late afternoon, the room was finally in a livable condition.

Carrying the several large bags of garbage that had been packed out downstairs to the open space in the sky garden to be dropped into the dumpster.

The sun was setting, and the shadows between the buildings tilted down and stretched out.

The sky garden is even an open space for apartment dwellers, and young people come back after work in twos and threes. The surrounding area is full of small stores, such as health care shops, nail salons, flower stores, and so on, each with its own specialty, and all with exquisite and beautiful facades.

After a day of emptying his stomach, Wu Lin is now hungry for more.

But the meal must still be eaten.

Walk into a convenience store.

"Welcome." The clerk looked up and smiled, a sweet looking young lady.

There were no other customers in the store and the air was somewhat quiet.

 Wu Lin smiled back at her, "Hello."

Today's dinner, tomorrow's breakfast ...... Wu Lin Take and take all the way to the cash register almost didn't hold it because there was too much stuff.

The young sister hurriedly took it helpfully, and then leered, "I didn't see it, you're still a member of the carnivorous family."

 Wu Lin was staring at the skewer order by the counter, and was about to add two more teriyaki chicken skewers when he sniffed, "Huh?"

"You're buying all the meat." The young lady spread out the items on the counter and moved to scan the codes one by one.

Covered beef and rice.

Pork chop sandwich.

Beef patties.

Diced meat ham hock.

Canned luncheon meat ......

 Wu Lin froze and watched, and what he took was really all meat.

It didn't seem to feel like much when he was in school, probably because every time he went to the cafeteria he would just hit two dishes, and for boys, hitting two meat dishes wasn't anything special, Wu Lin couldn't even kind of remember now what he had eaten at every meal after his awakening.

But there was one thing he was sure of, his pre-Wild Awakening self definitely didn't have such a predilection for meat.

So does Wild Awakening really even change tastes?

 Wu Lin I remember that Mr. Crocodile in the school forum, when he posted a question about whether he was a scum or not, I think he also said that after awakening, his rabbit girlfriend became more fond of salads ......

"Will do oh." The sales clerk lady swept the last item.

 Wu Lin realized that he had unconsciously asked what was on his mind.

"A total of 77.5 dollars." The sales clerk lady reported the amount of consumption before continuing, "Like the familiar customers who often come to our place, there are some who used to enjoy eating meat skewers and chicken fillets, but now that they have awakened to the herbivore family, they prefer to eat salads and vegetable buns. On the flip side there are also those who used to like to eat veggies, but now that they have awakened to the carnivore family, they want to eat meat all the time ......"

 Wu Lin paid the bill and walked out of the convenience store with his shopping bag in a bit of a trance.

Although the Awakening family is finished testing, Wild Awakening is like a shadow that keeps growing with you, or a book that never ends, with new content on every page.

As the elevator digits kept jumping up, Wu Lin remembered that the sales clerk had just said "I didn't realize you were a carnivore".

How did ...... not see it coming? How wolfish of him!

[333 Dormitory Group]

 Wu Lin: [picture] [picture]

 Xiaoye Xia: Dinner?

 Xiaoye Xia :Brother, you are following the amount of hibernation, eat and sleep for the winter is it?

 Wu Lin : There's still tomorrow's share, but that's not the point.

AAA Junchi Li :The point is that all you buy is meat [smack.jpg]

Please give me a koi carp: the meat is so good, why do you dislike it?

 Wu Lin :But I used to eat a combination of meat and veggies, but today I went to the convenience store and realized that it was all meat after I got it.

 Xiaoye Xia: You just realized?

 Xiaoye Xia :Done, what did I say, you a positive number one every day to talk to the penultimate number one, the three forces will be easy to all-round three-dimensional drive backwards.

AAA Junchi Li: Triforce?

 Xiaoye Xia : Observation, perception, judgment.

 Wu Lin: ......

Please give me a koi carp: top of the list? The three of us may have gotten average grades, but we're not at the bottom of the list, are we?

 Xiaoye Xia: Yu Da I'm convinced you're okay, good thing you a not to take on their own people, this thing you are dragging the family dragged us forward ah.

AAA Junchi Li: Who is Wu Lin chatting with on WeChat every day these days, like it's an online relationship, think again? Please give me a koi.

 Wu Lin: What kind of strange analogies are you using ......

Please grant me a koi carp: ah, Ye Wang , right right right right right!

AAA Junchi Li : [perfect.jpg]

Please give me a koi: I remembered as soon as you said internet dating haha!

 Wu Lin: ......

What kind of lackluster roommates are these!

AAA Junchi Li: Okay, let's get down to business. In my opinion, you just like to eat meat also have to pay attention to meat and vegetables with nutritional balance, more or less to a little food.

 Xiaoye Xia: With all my circle of friends and aunts and uncles raising their hands and feet in favor. Doesn't oatmeal smell good? The cabbage is not green, is it? The chicken broccoli is not cute, is it? You can't give up a whole forest and meadow for a pile of meat!

 Wu Lin: ......

 Wu Lin: Yu Da, what do you think?

Please give me a koi carp: actually, the meat is quite flavorful ......[slips away quickly.jpg]

 Wu Lin resolutely believed in Feiyu Ren.

After all, Yang Xia and Junchi Li are standing on their own two feet.

 Yang Xia (Panthera troglodytes), Junchi Li (Arabian horses), Herbivora.

 Wu Lin (Coyote), Feiyu Ren (Peregrine Falcon), Carnivora.

-333 The harmonious dietary tastes of the dormitory face a strong impact from the Awakening family.

After finishing the beef over rice and putting the rest in the fridge, Wu Lin swiped through the cell phone news for a while in the small couch, suddenly feeling compelled to find something different to do to spend the evening after all the time he'd spent away from the dormitory.

For example, watching TV.

The laughter of the variety show instantly swept away the coldness of the apartment, Wu Lin recently focused on brushing the news, full of awakening dramatic changes in the head, the world's wind and clouds, and now suddenly returned to the relaxed entertainment, watching with great interest.

And Variety didn't look any different than he remembered.

The male guest of honor, who is responsible for the hilarity, is strongly requesting to play: "I have to play this game, my family is the African continent buffalo, who will play this water game if I don't--"

 Wu Lin: "......"

Take back the preamble, it was arbitrary on his part.

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