Dense Fog - Chapter 27

Published at 9th of May 2024 09:20:44 AM

Chapter 27

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27. Ye Wang: Don't point at the moon, point at me.

Unconsciously, Wu Lin stays on the sofa until late at night, and when he wonders if it's time to go to bed, he looks at his watch and sees that it's already 1:30am.

On the first day of his vacation, Wu Lin's routine was just beginning to crumble.

Turn off the TV and go to bed.

Sleep, sleep, sleep with your eyes closed.

Two o'clock, awake.

Half past two, still awake.

At three o'clock, Wu Lin finally opened his eyes and gave up.

The curtains were pulled back during the day when the house was being cleaned up and left uncovered.

At the moment, it's neon-colored and starry outside.

Without the pressure of having to attend classes during the day, the restlessness in my body that yearns for the night seems to return.

 Wu Lin followed his instinct to get up, get off the floor, and walk over to open the window.

The cold wind of the winter night came in, biting like a knife, and instantly blew Wu Lin's face wooden.

He snapped the window shut again with a snap of his body and soul.

He wasn't a real wolf after all, and even a real wolf would have a hard time in the cold -20 degree winds of the northeast.

But the cold night air just now made his pores open up as if it was soothing.

Cold is real cold and cool is real cool.

Standing in front of the window, I really saw the moon.

Today is the first half of the moon, half light and half darkness, the brightness of the light is more abundant, and the darkness blends into the night sky.

But Wu Lin felt that he could see half the edge of the darkness, that the so-called half-moon was still the whole round moon of darkness to his eyes.

Unconsciously, he hummed a very ancient RTHK song about wolves, and with the low and distant melody, it seemed as if he was really disguised as a wolf, walking alone in the desolate wilderness.


The un-silenced cell phone beeped a message from the bed.

 Wu Lin's second song, which he had just started, was cut short.

 Ye Wang: Are you home?

Reading the message, Wu Lin wanted to send Ye Wang to the wilderness where he had just wandered.

 Wu Lin: This student, it's 3:11 in the morning.

 Ye Wang: It looks like it's here.

 Wu Lin : Theoretically, I should not only be there, but I should also be sleeping sweetly!

 Ye Wang: sweet you still reply to my messages.

 Wu Lin: ......

 Ye Wang: Can't sleep, can you?

 Ye Wang: What's going on in the house?

 Ye Wang: Or are you watching moon sing again?

 Wu Lin: ......

 Ye Wang: Oh, singing.

 Ye Wang: Don't point at the moon, point at me.

 Wu Lin: You can't sleep either?

 Ye Wang: too?

 Wu Lin: Okay, you win. I just can't sleep. I don't know how, but I've been adjusting my routine at school and on my first day back, it's all gone to hell.

 Ye Wang: If you can sleep, you sleep, if you can't sleep, you don't sleep, it's not a big deal.

 Wu Lin: Don't act dashing, if you don't want to sleep, what song should I sing?

 Ye Wang: Your songs are versatile

 Wu Lin:?

 Ye Wang : Hypnotize when you want to sleep, and refresh when you don't want to sleep.

 Wu Lin: ...... believe it or not I'll pull the plug on you.

 Ye Wang :[Who gave you the courage to open up the sky, Pangu? .jpg]

 Wu Lin served thoroughly, Ye Wang students equipment that is "aura + momentum + temperament + hairstyle + expression bag" five armor, all the way to crush, invincible.


[If you can sleep, you sleep, if you can't sleep, you don't sleep, what's the big deal.]

Reading this message again, Wu Lin hooked up the corner of his mouth. Also yes, are on vacation, love to sleep or not, who cares!

Villa Grove Waterfront.

Downtown villa along the city's busiest stretch of river.

 Ye Wang sits on the terrace outside his third-floor bedroom wearing only a thin jacket and doesn't feel cold.

The shadows of the trees hid the river, and the moonlight shone on the frozen water like a brush of silver.

Finally, after being quiet for several minutes, the WeChat end of the line sent this evening's single, with the title of the song in one word, Wolf.

 Ye Wang clicks directly on the voice out.

 Wu Lin's voice drifted out--

"I am a wolf from the north~~walking in the boundless wilderness~~"

The song went up as always.

Ten minutes later.

 Ye Wang: One more.

The little singer Lin over there, I guess he got high, and threw over a new piece without saying a word, the song was brand new, but the title was still the same as the last one, Wolf.

"I'm afraid that when the moon is full, I'll turn around and lose my bearings in a flash."

It sounds exciting, but Ye Wang is not happy about it.

 Ye Wang: How come they're all wolves?

 Ye Wang :Have a tiger [King of the Beasts Roar.jpg]

Rin - Jukebox - Have Your Say: "Two Tigers Two Tigers~~"

 Ye Wang: Is your night too short or your life too long?

 Wu Lin : Ouch, I'm surprised it's not an emoticon this time! [DiscoverNewContinent.jpg]

 Ye Wang: ......

 Wu Lin: Okay, okay, okay, here's a serious gold song for you.

Fifteen minutes later.

Here comes the kinetic light wave.

"Ask who is in charge ~ a man's life will not be defeated ~ to do the top of the sky all righteous ~ the momentum like a tiger ~ ~"

 Ye Wang: "......"

One night, two people chatting, four golden songs, eight paintings.

 Wu Lin chatted with Ye Wang until the morning, when the sun rose and the sky was bright.

The city awakens and the windows bustle.

 Wu Lin finally yawned and told Ye Wang that he was done talking and was going to sleep.

I don't think it's over here, but 333 already has a brother up.

AAA Junchi Li : [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo]

 Wu Lin seamlessly switches to the 333 chat group, clicks on a photo, and sees Junchi Li rolling around in the snow, rolling herself all over the place, and then taking a few selfies with her teeth whiter than the snow.

 Wu Lin :Handsome to the point of blurring [Kudos]

AAA Junchi Li: Damn, you're up early!

 Wu Lin : ...... Are you praising me or yourself?

AAA Junchi Li : I'm not excited, really, I'm in the mountains right now!

 Junchi Li's home has beautiful mountains, wheat waves in the summer, glaciers in the winter, mountain flowers in the spring, and forests with fallen leaves in the fall.

AAA Junchi Li: It's a wild ride, it's awesome, I just roared a couple of times at the top of the hill haha

AAA Junchi Li :The school playground is not comparable at all!

 Wu Lin : Well, I fully feel the excitement coming from you.

AAA Junchi Li : Alas, in school, I guess, I just feel like I'm running faster than before, and not much else.

AAA Junchi Li: But this time I came back I realized that I've really changed.

AAA Junchi Li: I got tired of running up this mountain behind my village 800 years ago, and I haven't been up there since high school, so I didn't even think about it, but today I ran up the mountain, and I was so happy, so released, like I was supposed to be like this, like I was supposed to be running all over the mountain, without any constraints.

 Wu Lin: Then run, I want to go to the wilderness and howl at the wolves, but I can't find the place yet.

AAA Junchi Li :But I'm afraid I'll be like this when I go back to school, what should I do?

 Wu Lin: You think too much, you are just on vacation, still fresh, when the wild enough you will stop.

AAA Junchi Li: I'm just afraid I'll turn into a horse.

 Wu Lin: No way.

AAA Junchi Li: Scientists haven't even figured out this wild awakening thing yet, are you sure?

 Wu Lin : I'm not sure about Wild Awakening, but I'm sure about you.

AAA Junchi Li:?

 Wu Lin: [red envelope]

AAA Junchi Li received your red packet.

AAA Junchi Li: How come it's only a dollar?

AAA Junchi Li: And why did you send me a red packet?

 Wu Lin: I don't know why you're picking up so fast.

AAA Junchi Li: red packets do not grab, brain white long!

 Wu Lin : So rest assured, there is an unbridgeable gap between you and your awakened family.

 Wu Lin: Horses love grass, you love money.

AAA Junchi Li : ...... Listening to you is better than reading ten years of books.

Junchi Li, relaxed, continued to run. Wu Lin wanted to wait for the other brothers to get up and chat, but as he waited, he fell asleep under the blanket.

Until he was awakened by the sound of the door opening.

Perhaps because of yesterday's mess left a shadow of suspicion, just heard through a layer of door not so real fingerprint lock voice prompts "welcome home", he opened his eyes suddenly, carp like sitting up from the bed.

Then came the sound of the actual door lock turning open.

A thirteen or fourteen year old junior high school teenager with a group of friends his own age entered the house with such a big grin without changing his shoes, and everyone behind him, except for the leader, was clutching a large bag of snacks or drinks.

When they came in they realized there was someone in the bed, and the noise and laughter immediately died down.

The air was suddenly quiet.

The lead teenager wearing a designer down jacket, froze and looked at Wu Lin on the bed, was first stunned, and only after a long time did he slow down and call out, "Brother ......"

 Wu Lin Seeing this familiar stance, and thinking about yesterday's scene, he probably got it.

When it's freezing cold during the holidays, kids don't like to run outside, so it's best to find a spot to gather and spread out behind closed doors.

"My dad didn't say you were coming back ......" The teenager, and Wu Lin's half-brother, Chuan Lin, was a bit overwhelmed.

"It's okay," Wu Lin smiled brightly, getting out of bed and starting to collect the covers, "I was supposed to go out today too, so you guys can play here."

 Chuan Lin sighed in relief and grinned at him, even his voice was livelier than earlier, "Thank you brother!"

 Wu Lin quickly dresses up and leaves the apartment to the kids to make a mess.

The security door opens and closes.

After the people left, the few friends in the room who didn't dare to make a sound from the beginning came to Chuan Lin's side and asked, "Who's that? Your own brother?"

"My dad had it with that girl from before." Chuan Lin said carelessly, while looking for the console, "Where's the switch, who's got it?"

The little ones who always feel like they're hogging the nest are still a little wary: "Is this his house or your dad's house?"

"It's my dad's, of course," Chuan Lin skillfully hooked up the proffered switch to the TV, "just for him to live in for the time being."

"So can we still pull an all-nighter today like last time?"

 Chuan Lin : "It has to be."

"What if he comes back at night?"

 Chuan Lin: "I'll just say something nice again, he's soft-hearted, and when he begs, it works."

"Why are you such a wimp, isn't this your dad's house?"

 Chuan Lin : "That's also what my dad promised him to live in, thinking he wouldn't come back before letting me use it... If I go too far, my dad should talk to me."

"Are we going to have to change places from now on?"

"Guess so." Chuan Lin sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning on his chin in annoyance as he watched the TV's slowly clearing game screen.

It's disturbing to see why college students have to take winter vacation too.

The sunlight is just right. The winter sun doesn't feel very hot on my body, but as long as I can see the sun, it seems to dispel some of the coldness in my heart.

"Welcome." The convenience store had changed its clerk for the morning shift, a young man with glasses, but just as friendly and cordial.

 Wu Lin asked for a couple skewers of Kanto Boil and asked the glasses guy to put more hot soup on it, then brought it to the dining table in front of the window next to him and sat down alone.

He's sleepy as hell right now, so he needs to figure out where to catch up on some sleep before he finishes his Kanto.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!