Published at 12th of October 2023 11:40:47 AM

Chapter 234

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I kind of did it, I guess? I'm sure I've put together a perfect, well, almost perfect Magic Motion Orb with all the materials I can find. I may not know everything about it, but I've been with them from the very beginning of its development, so even I can tell a thing or two about it, although we might accidentally talk more than we should, and I couldn't create another one, so we have to send this whether Sister Farhana likes it or not, and she didn't like it, since she said that anything we said back then could lead to angering my family and causing trouble for this land. 

Grandma Farhah's house is huge. For a place called the land of elves, I really thought their houses would be made of wood, but to my surprise, they used bricks. Well, a special brick that's not as heavy as the ones found elsewhere, but almost as strong. Some elven houses are made of bricks that are placed up in the trees, while other houses that are too big to be placed in one of the large tree branches are placed on the ground.

The river is also an integral part of the city. Unlike Amleth with its aqueduct, here they simply take their water from the river. Their waste... lucky they didn't think what I think, or diarrhea would be a common problem. Still, it's a little different from what I imagined. After all, I only heard and studied about it in school, so seeing it for myself is quite an experience. 

Carriages being towed by animals isn't that unique a phenomenon, it can even be found in Amleth, but what makes it special here is that the animals don't need to be put on a leash. They simply communicate with their trainer. I thought the upper class ones were all similar to a noble, but that just means they're more privileged, I guess? Still a strange concept, but as Sister Farhana says, they're still an integral part of this kingdom.

Since Sister Farhana is still trying to get permission for me to enter the realm of the World Tree, I am stuck here with almost nothing to do. I can just enter like Grandmother Farhah, but the elven council forbade me to do so, so I was almost thrown into the arena back then. Taking advantage of their bickering (Grandmother Farhah and Sister Farhana vs whoever they were back then), I befriended a young Tyrannosaurus Rex since I was bored and now

"So cool!"

"Let me ride it! Let me ride it!"

"Can he?" [Diana]


"Alright, he say you can" 


"Me next! Me next!"

"Can't you tame the other one?"

"Tame? I just ask them, and only this young T-Rex wanted to play with us voluntarily"

"Oh man..."

"It will be cool if we can fight each other while riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"This is just like what Sister Dana wanted" [Diana].

Sister Farhana has to argue with the Country Council, while Grandma Farhah has to do her job as the World Tree Priestess, and as for me, I am here playing with other elves. There are priests and priestesses watching over me, and now they're actively forbidding young elves from coming near the T-Rex. They even asked me to stop riding the T-Rex.

"I don't want to!" [Diana]

"It's dangerous!"

"You could get eaten!" 

"Are you going to eat me?" [Diana]


"See, he said no" [Diana]

"You're really cool!"

"Just like Madam Priestess!"

"Can you fight like her?"

"Pretty sure I am nowhere near her level" [Diana]

"That means you can!"

"All we can do is practice archery and magic, not fight alongside the forest..."

"Well, children, I'm sure you can if you try hard enough!" (They are suddenly discouraged... Hard to blame them when a human child can do something that only Madam World Tree Priestess can do) 

Anyway, since it's almost lunchtime for the T-Rex in the arena, I say goodbye to the T-Rexes. The guy who runs the arena is a nice guy. He even went out of his way to argue on my behalf, telling them that he wouldn't let something so horrible happen on his watch. Now I can visit the arena and play with the animals there. He also thanks me and the others, since our playing with the animals has lifted their spirits.

"I am hungry. I'll go back home then" [Diana].

"Have you tried our restaurant?"

"Not yet. I didn't have any money when I was transported" [Diana].

"Madam World Tree Priestess didn't give you any?"

"I'm usually with her, and she always buys things for me" [Diana]

"I see."

"That's okay. I will take you to a restaurant"

"Really!" [Diana]

"It'll be embarrassing, won't it, if you're here and still haven't tried any of our cuisine?"

"Thank you! Let's go, go, go!" [Diana]

Just as we are about to choose a restaurant, a group of elves "greet" me.

"So you are the child who is always with her. Both always causing trouble" [?]

"This is our first meeting and I already didn't like you..." [Diana].

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!