Published at 29th of December 2023 07:02:31 AM

Chapter 439: 437Shadow Elf

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Chapter 439 Chapter437-Shadow Elf

Ethan, brimming with caution, spent half an hour before finally reaching the small hill east of Shadow Moon Lake.

Standing atop the hillock, he could take in the entire vista of Shadow Moon Lake.

The terrain surrounding Shadow Moon Lake was a classic case of high in the east and low in the west. noVe-1b(1n

Apart from the small hill on the east, the west, north, and south sides of Shadow Moon Lake were all flat sandy areas.

Ethan had already explored the southern shore of Shadow Moon Lake.

There, aside from a heap of weeds and a few trees, there was nothing noteworthy.

There were scarcely any animals present on the southern shore of the lake.

To the north of the lake lay an expansive forest. Ethan had once passed through that forest, which contained a path leading to the Shadow tribe's Valhalla.

Moreover, that forest was imbued with a very potent Power of Shadow.

Ethan felt that the Power of Shadow in the forest probably emanated from Shadow Moon Lake.

To the west of the lake was a vast expanse of sand, where Ethan could see a few small animals seemingly foraging for food.

The entire periphery of Shadow Moon Lake seemed remarkably serene, as though the lake was just an ordinary body of water.

However, Ethan knew that the lake, along with the creatures around it, harbored many anomalies.

As Ethan surveyed the surroundings of Shadow Moon Lake, he still felt as if he was being watched.

Faced with this situation, Ethan grew slightly irate.

"Who is it that's watching me? I know you've been observing me all this time! If you really want to attack me, then come out and do it now! If you don't intend to attack, then stay away from me."

The thing Ethan detested most was being stealthily followed.

Although he believed it was unlikely that the observer was a member of the Shadow tribe or even an intelligent creature, he felt certain that his words would provoke a reaction from the mysterious entity that had been watching him.

Ethan's prediction was not wrong. Just as he uttered those words, the previously placid surface of Shadow Moon Lake began to ripple.

Something from the depths seemed to be rapidly approaching Ethan's location.

Faced with this situation, Ethan was not one to simply stand by.

He promptly drew his Dragonblade.

Under the command of his will, the Dragonblade emitted a beam of silvery-white light.

This beam shot directly towards Shadow Moon Lake.

The collision between the silvery-white light from the Dragonblade and the unknown presence beneath Shadow Moon Lake's surface created colossal waves.

Normally, such tumultuous waves would have allowed Ethan to glimpse the lake's bottom.

Perhaps, after a moment of thought, the Shadow Elf would choose to leave.

Unfortunately, Ethan's attempts at persuasion were unsuccessful.

The Shadow Elf remained stationary in midair, showing no intention of leaving.

As Ethan's patience finally wore thin, he decided to launch an attack.

Once again, Ethan used his will to command his Dragonblade, which transformed into a beam of silvery-white light, rapidly advancing towards the Shadow Elf.

Ethan, in truth, had the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

However, he felt that driving the Shadow Elf away would be the best course of action.

The people of the Shadow tribe harbored goodwill towards the Shadow Elves.

With Sherry now as the chieftain of the Shadow tribe, she naturally hoped for a peaceful coexistence with the Shadow Elves.

Ethan did not wish for Sherry to face criticism from her people over issues related to the Shadow Elf.

In the face of Ethan's attack, the Shadow Elf remained motionless, seemingly indifferent to his offensive.

Ethan, too, refrained from any additional actions, opting to observe what the Shadow Elf would do next.

As Ethan's attack was about to hit the Shadow Elf, a dramatic change occurred on the surface of Shadow Moon Lake.

The tumultuous waves suddenly calmed, and beneath this tranquil surface, Ethan could clearly see a multitude of shadows rapidly approaching.

He knew these swiftly approaching shadows were other Shadow Elves.

The moment Ethan realized this, numerous Shadow Elves burst forth from the lake.

They merged into one, their collective Power of Shadow plunging the entire Shadow Moon Lake into darkness.

Even Ethan found himself unable to penetrate the dark barrier formed by these numerous Shadow Elves.

It dawned on him that this might well be a trap set by the Shadow Elf.

The moment Ethan realized he might have fallen into a trap, he immediately sprang into action.

He attempted to use his Wraith Magic to create a passage.

If he could just open a pathway, he could utilize his Space Magic to escape the snare set by the Shadow Elves.

Ethan was confident in his abilities, believing he could triumph even against formidable foes.

Thus, he had no doubts about facing these Shadow Elves; no unexpected outcomes were anticipated.

To his astonishment, Ethan's Space Magic proved ineffective.

The Shadow Elves had formed an impenetrable barrier of utter blackness, using it to confine Ethan within Shadow Moon Lake.

After a brief moment of total darkness, Ethan's vision adjusted, and he realized with startling clarity that he was at the bottom of Shadow Moon Lake!

Above him loomed a barrier of complete darkness, crafted by the Shadow Elves, so robust that not even his Space Magic could break through.

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