Published at 19th of January 2024 01:10:19 PM

Chapter 445: 443Deepening Misunderstandings

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Chapter 445 443-Deepening Misunderstandings

Ethan and the elders were locked in a mutual standoff, each wary of the other yet reluctant to make the first move.

In their hearts, they believed that cooperation was still the preferable path.

Amidst this tense atmosphere, the Shadow Elf, who had been observing silently, spoke up.

"I can attest to the truth of Ethan's words. High Priest Sherry, for some unknown reason, has fallen victim to the corruption of shadows."

"Under normal circumstances, as a High Priest of the Shadow clan, she should be immune to the influence of the Power of Shadow."n/(o).V--ε/(l-(B/.1-)n

lightsnοvεl "However, High Priest Sherry seems to differ from her predecessors."

The members of the Shadow clan were skeptical of the Shadow Elf's claim.

However, the elders considered his words with a degree of credibility.

Sherry had earned her position as High Priest because she had caught the attention of the God of Shadow.

Notably, previous High Priests had only gained this divine notice after their appointment.

If Sherry had indeed been corrupted by the Power of Shadow due to such a unique circumstance, it made a certain sense. The oldest of the elders spoke decisively, "If that's the case, we do have a way to awaken the High Priest. However, we must enlist Ethan's help to succeed."

Without hesitation, Ethan nodded in agreement.

He had a rough idea of what their method might entail – it would undoubtedly involve the Primordial Light within him.

"We can use Ethan's Primordial Light to awaken the High Priest, but this would mean that the High Priest will temporarily lose the ability to use the Power of Shadow," one of the elders explained.

As Ethan had anticipated, the oldest elder proposed using the Primordial Light as a solution.

However, Ethan had already attempted to revive Sherry using the power of the Primordial Light, but his attempt had ended in failure.

"This plan won't work, as I've already tried it," Ethan asserted firmly.

"Moreover, I believe that Sherry is not just corrupted by the Power of Shadow but also by another force. We need to understand the true nature of her power before we can proceed."

"If we can't unravel this mystery, awakening her will be impossible. You must assist me; my knowledge of Shadow clan affairs is limited, and I need all the information you can provide."

Ethan's tone was unyielding.

He felt justified in speaking so forcefully, considering his previous efforts had indeed saved the Shadow clan members.

However, the Shadow clan leaders found Ethan's demands somewhat overbearing.

Several of the Shadow elders even whispered among themselves, contemplating whether it was time to confront Ethan directly.

"He's becoming far too arrogant," one of the Shadow clan elders muttered under his breath.

"Does he truly believe that his strength surpasses ours? While it's true that none of us can face him alone, together we might stand a chance."

"Indeed," another elder agreed.

"The affairs of the Shadow clan shouldn't be dictated by an outsider. Sherry is our High Priest; it's our duty to ensure her safety."

The Shadow Elf, sensing the depth of Ethan's emotions, chose not to say anything further.

It was clear that Ethan wouldn't tolerate any interference in his mission.

Outside the High Priest's dwelling of the Shadow clan, the elders began to disperse in small groups.

They understood the necessity of acting on Ethan's commands and shared the earnest hope of reviving Sherry.

However, their dissatisfaction with Ethan's earlier behavior was palpable.

Those elders who were initially friendly towards Ethan had now developed a strong dislike for him.

Elder Eck, who had always been hostile towards Ethan, felt a sense of satisfaction with the current situation.

He saw an opportunity arising, possibly to persuade the other elders to agree with his plan.

Eck approached the most powerful among the elders and laid out his plan in detail.

The elder, upon hearing it, was visibly shocked.

"Are you joking right now?" the elder asked incredulously.

"You can't seriously believe that we can defeat Ethan together? Have you not seen the immense power he demonstrated before?"

Faced with the elder's surprise, Eck maintained a relaxed expression.

He believed in his plan, acknowledging its risks but confident of its potential for success.

"Of course, my plan carries some risks," Eck conceded.

"But one thing you must understand is that all plans have risks.

When facing a dangerous opponent like Ethan, having even a 50% chance of success is quite good."

The most powerful elder still showed no inclination to agree with Eck's plan.

He wondered if there might be some misunderstanding between Ethan and Eck.

"Aren't you being overly hostile towards Ethan?" the elder questioned.

"Ethan has provided us with considerable help in the past. If there is any misunderstanding between you two, I hope it can be resolved quickly."

Eck's response to this advice was one of sudden anger.

He firmly believed there was no misunderstanding between him and Ethan.

"There is no misunderstanding between me and Ethan. Indeed, I acknowledge that he has saved our Shadow clan before. But now, he poses a greater threat to us."

"My plan is to completely eliminate Ethan! And if in the process of doing so, we can acquire the powerful weapon Ethan possesses, it would be an unexpected boon for our Shadow clan."

With these words, Eck revealed his true intentions.

His primary goal was to gain possession of Ethan's divine artifacts.

Whether Ethan truly posed a threat to the Shadow clan was of little concern to him.

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