Published at 19th of January 2024 01:09:51 PM

Chapter 462: 460The Arrival of the Blizzard

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Chapter 462 460-The Arrival of the Blizzard

After Ethan and Shadow Elf had tidied up their room at the inn, they decided to rest.

After all, they had been on their journey for a long time.

Since a blizzard was imminent, they knew they had to take this time to rest properly.

Ethan had chosen to sleep early on the day they arrived at the inn, and by the late evening, he woke up.

As he opened his eyes, he gazed out of the window.

Outside, all he could see were distant black clouds and a few buildings in the town.

The buildings in the far-off part of the town were now barely visible.

The window rattled from the powerful gusts of wind, sending an eerie, unsettling sound that even Ethan, who had faced many crises and possessed great strength, found discomforting.

"You woke up so early? I thought humans needed a lot of time to rest," Shadow Elf's voice emerged from behind Ethan.

As the embodiment of the pure Power of Shadow, Shadow Elf naturally had no need for rest.

All it required was a sufficient supply of Power of Shadow to maintain its optimal state indefinitely.

Ethan remained silent, his gaze fixed on the window.

After a while, he felt something was amiss because he couldn't spot anyone on the town's streets.

"Why are there no people on the streets of this town? I remember that when we first arrived, the town was bustling with activity," he remarked.

"The blizzard is about to arrive, and the townsfolk must have retreated to their homes by now.

Even for me, the impending blizzard is going to be extremely challenging.

Ordinary humans would never choose to stay outside when a blizzard is imminent.This content originates from n0v3lbin•

If they were to remain outside, they would freeze to death in the cold brought by the blizzard," Shadow Elf responded, finding Ethan's question somewhat peculiar.

How could regular humans possibly be wandering the streets when a blizzard was on the horizon?

Ethan didn't press further with Shadow Elf and instead made his way down to the inn's ground floor, where he once again encountered the innkeeper.

Upon seeing Ethan, the innkeeper wore a kind smile and inquired, "What's the matter? Do you need something? Are there any issues with the furniture in your room? If you wish to replace it, you can search for better furniture in the storage room."

"However, I must inform you in advance that the furniture in the rooms is already of the highest quality.There are no better pieces left in the storage room."

Ethan shook his head; he hadn't come to change furniture.

"Power of Frost is harsh, and in some ways, it's quite similar to Power of Curses. It's possible that the God of Frost and the God of Curses are acquainted with each other."

The Shadow Elf's words imposed a significant burden on Ethan.

If the Shadow Elf's speculation was correct, Ethan would have to prepare for a tough battle ahead.

Ethan checked his equipment; it was still unaffected by the Power of Frost, meaning he still had a fighting chance unless the God of Frost made a direct appearance.

As Ethan and the Shadow Elf conversed, the dark clouds outside the window thickened.

Even through the thick glass, Ethan could feel the wind outside growing stronger.

The monsters that had previously appeared had vanished, signaling the imminent arrival of the blizzard.

Ethan prudently moved away from the window to a safer distance.

Ethan had a nagging feeling that being inside the inn might not guarantee absolute safety once the blizzard struck.

The storm, powerful enough to intimidate even the strongest monsters, was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

It appeared to be specifically designed to prevent travelers from crossing the Glacial Peaks.

Ethan's cautious movements caught the attention of the Shadow Elf, who began to tease him for being overly cautious.

"We're inside the inn; we should be safe from the effects of the blizzard. Even if you're worried, there's no need to be this careful."

Just as the Shadow Elf finished speaking, a loud boom echoed from the sky, and both of them felt the inn shake.

"Do not worry, dear guests! Such occurrences are expected just before the blizzard arrives! As long as you stay in your rooms, you'll be safe from any danger," the innkeeper's voice reassured.

Clearly, the innkeeper was well-informed about the events that were unfolding.

Her words signified that the blizzard had truly arrived.

Outside the window, Ethan could no longer see any scenery; all that was visible was a vast expanse of white.

The blizzard struck the town at the base of the Glacial Peaks, burying it entirely under heavy snow for the upcoming week.

Regardless of how powerful Ethan was, it was impossible for him to leave the town before the blizzard subsided.

Ethan was not the only one trapped by the storm; several others were in the same predicament.

They would all have to stay in the inn for seven days, and during this period, various unexpected events might occur.

Ethan couldn't feel the presence of the creatures he had seen earlier moving away from the inn.

He sensed that they were still lurking around, seemingly waiting for something.

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