Published at 19th of January 2024 01:09:40 PM

Chapter 472: 470Vigilant Collaboration

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Chapter 472 470-Vigilant Collaboration

As Ethan and the Shadow Elf successfully escaped the clutches of the cursed nightmare, they found themselves with a moment to contemplate their next course of action.

Both of them were now certain that the mysterious figure in black was the mastermind behind it all, but the challenge remained – how to track them down.

"It seems we must seek the assistance of Prophet Magus.

Without his help, the clues we've uncovered within the cursed dreamland will be of no use," Shadow Elf remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

He was well aware that convincing Prophet Magus would be a formidable task, especially after their recent intrusion into his dream realm.

Prophet Magus would undoubtedly be on high alert.

"You're absolutely right; we should seek out Prophet Magus," Ethan agreed.

"I can only imagine how disturbed he must be feeling right now, as no one would want their dreams invaded by others. Nevertheless, we have no choice but to collaborate. Without our assistance, he won't be able to find the person in black."

Ethan was acutely aware of the delicate situation they were in.

However, he believed that cooperating with Prophet Magus was their only way forward, and he hoped Prophet Magus would understand this as well.

With their decision made, the two of them made their way directly to Prophet Magus's doorstep.

Ethan knocked on the door, and it didn't take long for it to swing open.

Prophet Magus's expression displayed a hint of impatience as he fixed his gaze on Ethan for a moment before slowly inquiring, "What is the purpose of your visit? Have you encountered something peculiar recently?"You can trace the roots of this content at n0v@lbin

The reason behind Prophet Magus's question was his uncertainty regarding whether his own dreamscape had been infiltrated by Ethan.

While he had indeed seen Ethan within the dream not too long ago, he remained unable to determine whether the Ethan he saw was an intruder or simply a manifestation within his own dream.

Faced with Prophet Magus's query, Ethan maintained an outwardly composed demeanor.

He understood the importance of appearing natural in this situation, aware that any signs of unease would only fuel suspicion.

He knew that the more doubt Prophet Magus harbored, the greater the impact it would have on their potential collaboration.

"I've come here to offer my assistance," Ethan stated boldly.

"I believe you may have gathered some clues yourself, especially since you've encountered the person who killed Cryo Magus."

Ethan's words effectively confirmed his previous intrusion into Prophet Magus's dream.

After listening to Ethan, Prophet Magus made a decision and invited both Ethan and the Shadow Elf into his chamber.

Ethan's words were clear and logical, and Prophet Magus couldn't help but acknowledge their validity.

He too recognized the danger of the person in black lingering within the hotel, and the urgency of their search was now apparent.

However, Prophet Magus remained skeptical, convinced that there were no hidden spaces within the hotel where the person in black could conceal themselves.

"Surely there are no concealed areas within the hotel, correct? I even know the innkeeper personally, and she has assured me that there are no places to hide, not even a cellar," Prophet Magus voiced his doubts.

While he acknowledged the logic in Ethan's argument, the information he had received seemed to contradict it.

Faced with Prophet Magus's words, Ethan chose not to press further.

Instead, he contemplated the situation, recognizing that it presented a perplexing puzzle.

Just as both of them were deep in thought, Shadow Elf suddenly proposed another possibility.

"Perhaps there are no hiding places for the person in black within the hotel itself," he suggested.

"But they could be hiding within the dreams of the hotel's guests. Let's not forget that the reason we were able to encounter them in our dreams is because Ethan provided you with some clues."

"So, why does providing clues in a dream lead directly to encountering the person in black? Does it not suggest that the person in black has been hiding within dreams all along? If they have been concealed within dreams, it could explain why we haven't found any clues related to them within the hotel."

Shadow Elf's words illuminated both Prophet Magus and Ethan.

They found his theory to be a compelling explanation.

However, it posed a challenging question: What should they do next? They still harbored significant reservations about each other.

While they were cooperating, their collaboration was cautious and guarded.

The idea of reentering the Cursed Dreamland was fraught with danger.

This dream realm was an extension of the deity's power of curses, and stepping into it meant continually absorbing curses.

The more curses one accumulated, the closer they came to being consumed by the curse's malevolence and perishing.

Prophet Magus found himself in a quandary, uncertain about the secrets of the Cursed Dreamland that Ethan held.

However, he was also unwilling to allow Ethan to enter his dreamscape once more.

Therefore, he waited for Ethan to propose a viable solution.

After some contemplation, Ethan addressed Prophet Magus and Shadow Elf directly, "Why don't we enter the dreamscape of the innkeeper? In her dreams, we should have a chance to encounter the person in black. After all, the innkeeper must have seen this individual for certain."

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