Published at 30th of October 2023 08:19:04 AM

Chapter 312

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A few days after he went shopping with his family for the first time in a long time, Leolde  came to the royal castle to meet his fiancée, Sylvia, and to make an appearance before the king. Well, it was an appearance, but the purpose was to report on the progress of his research. It was also to apologize for blowing up the laboratory several times.

"It's been a long time, Your Majesty."

"Yes, it has been a long time. Leolde."

 In front of Leolde, there was a king who looked a bit older than before. Leolde wondered what had happened to him and asked the king what had happened to him.

"Your Majesty. I think you've lost some weight."

"...... would you say that?"

 I don't have any idea what  happened ...?

"We've been getting complaints from the public about the labs you've been blowing up! And it's been every day for the last few days!"

"I'm sorry about that. t, but it's inevitable in order to develop new magic."

"Are you sure about that? Is it really unavoidable?"

"I'm afraid your Majesty i  will continue development ."

 When he saw Leolde  bowing his head, the king held his temples with his hands and looked up at the ceiling. The only thing he can do now is to allay the fears of his people. No matter what he says, Leolde  won't stop . There was no way the king could ask him to stop now, since he had asked him to do so in the first place. If there is anything to regret, it is the his favor .

"Your Majesty. I don't know if it's appropriate to say this here, but this is a gift of apology."

"That's right. I don't think it's appropriate to say this now."

"What's in it, by the way?

"It's wine. It is one of the best products made in Ze'at.

"I see. I'm looking forward to  try it . By the way, you came here for something else today, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. I came to see  her Highness."

"I see. Is your apology to me a part of that?"

Leolde looks away while scratching his cheeks  while th king listens with a slightly mean look.

Uh, well, yes."

"Huh. You're awfully familiar with me, aren't you?"

"You don't like it,? If you don't like it, I'll change it.

"No, it's fine. There are not many  people who treat  king the way you do. But you have to know the right time and place."

"Of course. It is only because  your trusts and  prepared a space for us to be alone that I can behave and act like this.

"You've changed. Just a little while ago, you were much more scared, but now you have a lot of courage. Well, for better or worse, you've grown."

" Yes, I've grown up to the point where I can call you my father-in-law whenever  I want.

"Are you sure you can call him that?"

"Yes, I can."

"Then call him that."

". Daddy, give me your daughter."

"All right. Don't do that. Just call me something else , please."

"Well, what do I call her?"

"Hmm. That's right. Just your father-in-law."

"That's the same as your  before , isn't it?

"That's what I thought. You called Beluga that way. Then you can call me Father-in-law.

"If your father knew, he would have a complicated look on his face."

"Ha-ha-ha. Yes, he would. Yes.

 The two of them continued to chat for a while. In the event that you have any kind of questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

 While Leolde was chatting with the king, Sylvia was getting nervous because Leolde was going to visit her today. He had written in his letter that he would come after he had apologized to the king, so she did not know when he would come. Sylvia was hoping that he would come soon.

"Your Highness, the Count of Leolde has arrived.

"I see. Rebecca, go and  lead him here ."


 Sylvia took a deep breath  as Leolde finally arrived. She asked her servant, , if there was anything wrong.

"Hey, Rince. Is there something wrong with me?""

"There's nothing wrong with you. You don't have any sleeping habits and your makeup is perfect. Not a single wrinkle   on your dress.'

"Really? I'm glad. I can't show my embarrassment to sir Leolde."

"I'm sure Count Leorolde  will have no problem with whatever you're wearing."

"No, you can't. I want him to see me  as most beautiful.

"Your Highness, ....... If you say that line to Count Leolde, he'll be impressed."

"Oh, really?"

 As they were talking, Rebecca came back with Leoldo. When Sylvia catches sight of Leorde, her expression becomes crisp, as if the previous exchange had been a total waste of time.

"It's been a while, Your Highness.

"It's been a while,  sir Leolde . Please have a seat."

"Now, if you'll excuse me.

 Rince offers Leolde a cup of tea as he sits in his chair. It's a good idea to take a look at the actual information on the web.

"Thank you.  I'll take   it right away.

 After taking a sip of his tea, he tells Sylvia about what has happened recently.

"Your Highness. I'm sure you know this, but it's still difficult to replace sacred barrier .

"It seems so, ....... A lot of people have tried to figure out the sacred  barrier and make replacement for it , but they have not been able to do that .

"Yes. It's frustrating, but I still haven't found a clue."

"...... I'm sorry.  I've been such a burden to you, Leolde.

"Your Highness. It's not like that. It's no one's fault, so please don't blame yourself."

"But, because of my skills, my marriage with  you is ......"

 Yes, Sylvia's biggest concern is that unless she can replace the sacred barrier , her marriage to Leolde will be delayed. The two of them will get married sooner or later, but with the sacred  barrier surrounding the capital, Sylvia can't leave the capital for the rest of her life even if she could. If Leolde came to the capital, there would be no problem, but Leolde is the lord of Ze'at. He can leave Ze'at, but he can't live in the capital forever .

 That's why the king ask him  to solve the problem. However, even he is having difficulty in creating a barrier to replace the sacred barrier . Therefore, it is no wonder that Sylvia blames herself.

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