Published at 25th of April 2024 07:36:17 AM

Chapter 15: " BLOO-DY-SNOW!! "

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Chapter 15: " BLOO-DY-SNOW!! "

POV: Duncan;

The morning after the Snow Mill massacre...

"So Captain, what's the situation? How many casualties have we suffered?" I asked after putting off this question as long as I could.

"Three dead my lord, and another eight wounded but none in serious condition." Drobhert.

'Three dead....Could I have done more?....maybe if only...' I thought of various possibilities but finally decided that now was not the time.

"'Try to treat the wounds as best you can. Search the village for any healers, use all the alcohol and soap we have to temporarily clean the wounds. I want those men escorted to Torrhen's Square as soon as possible. Let's avoid possible further losses." I said, trying to do so as authoritatively and clearly as possible.

"Yes my lord!" Drobhert replied, bowing his head. The poor soldier had probably forgotten that if he wanted to, he would have the authority to command otherwise...

"The names of the fallen soldiers?" I asked the captain.

"Jon, Mullyber and Gardy..." he paused for a moment and then added.

"Gardy had just become a father my lord..." Said Drobhert. A few moments passed and then I said:

"I want their bodies transported with the wounded and delivered to their families with all the honours they deserve." I said to the captain, then asked another question.

"How many prisoners and losses by the enemy?"

"Seventy-eight dead in total and nineteen prisoners in all my lord. Though I doubt 4 of those prisoners will make it through the night. Also among that group are 8 prisoners who should be part of that mercenary group. It seems their leader managed to survive." Drobhert paused for a moment and then continued.

"We are still interrogating the prisoners, 11 we believe to be true bandits are accusing each other and we are not sure what to believe. The captain of the mercenaries is a knight and has pleaded for mercy for his men. He assumes all responsibility and swears by all the gods that none of his men have ever touched captive women or attacked a village. It seems they wanted to try to kidnap you my lord, or obtain the secrets of soap making." Drobhert said, waiting a moment before continuing. I gave him a nod to go on with the report.

"The knight and his men refused to say a word about where they came from or who they worked for. The leader, nicknamed Phitt, said he is willing to reveal all information about the bandits' hideout and the captive women in exchange for the lives of his comrades. He has already told us that four bandits are guarding the den and that two days ago there were seven women still alive." Drobhert concluded.

"Ask Ramas if he can help, I want you along with him to ask 'Phitt', using these exact words, 'Are you Lannister or Tyrell men?' Have Ramas tell you when his eyes have shown astonishment and we will have our answer. Inform him further that if he reveals all he knows within the hour about the lair, the bandits, and the prisoners, we will offer him and his men shelter and care for the wounded in Torrhen's Square and that as soon as they are healed, they will have a chance to join the Night's Watch." I replied. Drobhert seemed satisfied with my choice.

"As for the bandits my lord?" Drobhert.

"Ask the villagers for help. See if any of the victims recognise one of their attackers. I also want all 11 to be interrogated separately. Inform them that 'the first one who confesses to every crime of all, including his own, will be able to leave this village unharmed'. That way we should have confessions. The ten stragglers will be escorted to Torrhen's Square as prisoners." I said remembering every single body of the villagers.

"As you command my lord!" Drobhert was preparing to leave the tent.

"And Captain....I want the bandit who will be released, as soon as he sets one foot outside the village, to be captured and hanged." Drobhert stared at me, widening his eyes. He was visibly starting to sweat....

"Y...Yes, my lord." Drobhert.

About an hour later...

Ser Vane Westbrook (yes, he revealed more than he meant to) agreed to the terms offered.

Ten bandits were bound and prepared to be escorted to Torrhen's Square along with the wounded and future 'Night's Watch'. One of the bandits was hanged in a forest near the village.

Before the Tallhart men left, I wanted to thank them in person.

Fifty-seven men stood before me and Captain Drobhert.

"Men of the Tallhart house! Thank you for risking your lives for the safety of the people of the North! Unfortunately, I will have to ask you for further effort and sacrifice..." I said, I had their undivided attention.

"Half of you will shortly be leaving to escort our wounded and prisoners to Torrhen's Square. The rest will have to leave to try and rescue the women kidnapped by those godless beasts!" I took a pause and said more loudly:


"YEAAAHHHRG!!!" the men echoed in unison.


The men nearly went mad, screaming with happiness, hugging each other... then, pointing their weapons rhythmically to the sky, they echoed in unison:

"BLOO-DY-SNOW!!! BLOO-DY-SNOW!!! BLOO-DY-SNOW!!!" They shouted non-stop spurting with pride and happiness....

'EH??!' I thought for a moment confused.

"Captain, why are the men shouting 'BLOODY SNOW'?" I asked Droberth beside me.

"Well...there...Cought! Counght!....I.... I don't know my lord... "Said a very agitated and not very good at lying Droberth.

"BLOO-DY-SNOW!!! BLOO-DY-SNOW!!! BLOO-DY-SNOW!!!" the shouts continued unabated.

"Speak up! This is an order Captain! Don't you dare lie or leave out any details!" I ordered Droberth, already fearing the worst.

"Yes, my lord... that would be... the nickname the men have given you... let us say that in the heat and happiness of victory,... cought cought! ....yes that is... I may have let it slip that you were the real mastermind of the battle plan... ....emm....there are also rumours..." Droberth tried to speak in a lower voice, to avoid anyone hearing him, myself included.

"What? ME??? 'BLOODY SNOW'? WHY EVER???? What rumours? TALK DAMN IT!!!" I'm starting to rage.

"BLOO-DY-SNOW!!! BLOO-DY-SNOW!! BLOO-DY-SNOW!!!" The men did not stop.

"YES MY LORD! Yes there would be some rumors about your real mother 'Lady Varra'....the fact is that.....and I beg your pardon in advance My Lord.....some think that you don't look much like Lord Helman....and that in short....the rumors say that you might be a...a 'bastard'....hence the name 'SNOW' believe that you led them to victory in this battle, which has been dubbed ' The Snow Mill Massacre',..... also...some men saw you kill an enemy in a swordfight....and....well...that during the final blow you were covered in blood.....unfortunately the fact that you are still stained with blood and that your hair is indeed white, doesn't help My Lord.... .yes, I would say that because of all these 'coincidences', the soldiers created the moniker 'BLOODY SNOW'.....I assure you my lord I tried to stop them....but... "The captain didn't know what to say anymore.

Anger, confusion, anxiety, disappointment...these and other emotions overwhelmed me.

"But...but...Blo.....'Bloody Snow'..." I stammered like a fool looking at my still stained clothes, even my hair was dirty.

" Tu Quoque Ronan!" replied Duncan instinctively.

"I beg your pardon, my lord? I'm afraid I don't understand." Ronan.

"Never mind. Just let Lady Syggha know I'm on my way, thank you Ronan" Duncan said as he saw the boy politely exit by closing the door.

A thought occurred to Duncan.

"'Maester, when will my mother and the twins return?" Duncan.

"'A raven warning us of their departure arrived this morning my lord. Your uncle has already sent eighty men to meet them halfway. Within three days at most they should reach Torrhen's Square." Qyburn.

"Good, very is time to answer Ser Qyburn!" Said Duncan with a devilish grin on his face.



POV Leobald Tallhart;

3 days after a chat between a 'master' and his knight...

The castellan of Torrhen's Square and his nephew were awaiting the return of Lady Myra and her children.

Leobald had stopped prodding his nephew since he had received the raven from 'Castle Cerwyn'.

He had rehearsed and rehearsed his speech to his sister-in-law about the recent events, even enlisting Master Zick's help and support.

Even though the master had not shied away from supporting him in their 'choices' he still had problems with insomnia and anxiety.

His nephew beside him showed no hint of malice, in fact he seemed eager to see his mother and the twins again.

The castle doors opened and knights and a carriage arrived...

As soon as the carriage doors opened Duncan rushed forward elated.

'Calm down Leobald....he's just anxious to see his family again.' Leobald thought as he wiped his brow.

"'Mother!!! Eddara! Benfred!!! I missed you so much!" Rejoiced the nephew.

"My little boy!!! Come here!!!" Replied Myra hugging her son. The twins were being held by Nanny Bicka but they were both elated to see their brother again.

"DUNCAAANN!!! DUNCANN!!!" They both shouted for attention.

"Here they are! My favourite bears! Bruaaaa!!!!" Duncan.

"Ahahaha! Ow! No! No! Get off me! Away bad! Ghighighi!" Screamed the children in laughter.

A few minutes of various games and tickling Bicka took the twins to the rooms to sleep....

Lady Myra approached her brother-in-law holding her son Duncan's hand firmly.

Leobald already noticed Lady Myra's icy gaze, he understood that the events with Syggha had not yet fully passed.

And then it happened...

A few steps away from Leobald, Duncan knelt on the ground holding the grip of his hands on his mother's robes and began to cry...

"Ghu ghu!!! Sniff sniff!!! Forgive me mother! Sigh sigh sigh!! You don't know how much I've missed you!! Thank the gods you're back!!! GHUAAA!! Ghu, ghu, sniff sniff." Whimpered Duncan with a pitiful scene.

Leobald's blood froze at the scene....

'No! No! The little monster has only been faking the whole time!!!' Shouted the monster's uncle inwardly.

"What's wrong my baby! Why are you crying?" Myra asked worriedly trying to calm the baby down.

"I DIDN'T WANT TO MOTHER!!! Ghu ghu! Sigh sigh THEY ORDERED ME TO GO!!! and now....and now.....I AM A MONSTER!!! Uaarrghh ghu! Ghu! Now everyone.....everyone in the calling me that!!! Sigh sigh" the boy screamed between sobs. Lady Myra was confused, shocked and angry.

"Calm down my little darling! Calm down! Everything will be alright I promise!" Lady Myra said, staring at her brother-in-law with icy eyes that screamed 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?'....

Leobald panicked. He looked around desperately for his 'faithful ally' Master Zick....had disappeared.

Several hours later...

Leobald stared at the door of his study, which was still vibrating from the strong impact that had just occurred.

Lady Myra had just stormed out of the room...

'Chaos' and 'destruction'... these were the only words to describe her previously well-ordered study.

Many objects had shattered, pages of undone books were everywhere.

His ears were still ringing. He touched his sore red left cheek. Traces of blood covered his fingers that had just touched his lower lip.

After regaining consciousness of time he said palely to himself....

"Good game nephew...A very well played hand little would be better to say.....'Good Show', 'Bloody Snow'! "...

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