Published at 25th of April 2024 07:35:43 AM

Chapter 32: "Ser Haymitch 'The Drunk' "

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Chapter 32: "Ser Haymitch 'The Drunk' "

POV: Roose Bolton;

Torrhen's Square.

One day before the start of the Tournament....

"Lord Bolton, we are honored that you have responded to our invitation. Torrhen Square, welcomes you, my Lord." Said Helman Tallhart with a respectful tone and a friendly look.

"The honor is mine, Lord Helman. House Bolton thanks House Tallhart for his hospitality." He replied, Roose Bolton giving a small smile and a bow.

"Come, my lord. You and your men, you must be tired after such a long journey...ah, I note that Lady Bethany is not present...a regret." Said Helman.

"Regrettably so, my lord. My lady wife did not feel very well just before my departure...that is the reason for my delay." Roose.

"I hope it is nothing serious, my Lord...My wife Lady Myra, was hoping to meet her in person...after all, my son Duncan and your son Domeric, are bonding so there anything we can do to help?" Helman asked, showing a concerned face.

"I thank you, my Lord, for your help and consideration for my family...I don't think there will be any problems. In addition to Maester Wolkan, I have also left my faithful healer, Adoamros, in his care...I don't think there will be any problems, my Lord." Bolton.

"I see...that heartens me, my Lord. Please be seated, my Lord. Let me offer you the refreshment and hospitality you deserve." Said Helman showing a warm smile.

"Thank you, my Lord..."

End POV;


POV: The Protector of the North;

Torrhen's Square.

A few hours after the Boltons arrived...

Ned Stark, walked, slowly holding with each hand, his son Robb and Jon, towards what seemed, the entire Tallhart family.

"Welcome to Torrhen's Square, Lord Stark." Said Helman bowing, all members of the family following suit.

"Thank you, my Lord. House Stark, thanks you and all the Tallhart family, for your warm welcome. Please rise, the ceremonial formalities are no longer necessary." Said Ned offering a cordial and polite smile.

"My Lord, may I present my wife, Lady Myra?" Helman pointed to Myra, who immediately took a step forward upon hearing her husband's call.

"Lord Stark." Myra curtsied like a true Lady.

"A true honor, to make your acquaintance, my Lady." Said Eddard Stark responding to the bow.

"HELLO!!!" Jon.

"LADY!!!" Robb.

"Ahaha! And who are these beautiful little Lords?!" Said Lady Myra, bowing to the height of the children.

"Robb, Jon...about how we rehearsed earlier." Said Ned, encouraging the children.

" Lady.", "My Lady!" Said the children, taking an awkward bow.

"Ahahah, Thank you my Lords...They are lovely, my Lord Stark...May I ask, will I have the pleasure of meeting Lady Stark?" Myra asked politely, offering a caress to the two smiling children. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Eddard Stark, hearing that question, instinctively looked for Helman's gaze, in order to understand 'what' he should have answered...

Both Helman and Duncan, responded promptly to their Lord's request for help. Both quickly shook their heads with a terrified was a clear message:

[She doesn't know and she ABSOLUTELY must never find out.]

Ned Stark replied with a look of understanding and complete cooperation.

"My wife, she hasn't been feeling well lady. She would have liked to come too...I apologize to you and your family on her behalf, Lady Myra." Said Ned trying to be as elusive as possible.

"Ah, such a shame, my Lord. I hope it's nothing serious, I would have liked to talk to her..." Myra was interrupted by her husband.

"My beloved, why don't we introduce the remaining members of the family to Lord Stark. So that our guests, can avail of refreshments as soon as possible." Said Helman offering her wife a hand to help her up.

"Ah, I beg your pardon, my lord. Duncan, Benfred, Eddara, come forward my dears." Said Myra.

"You should already know Duncan, my Lord. These here, however, are little Benfred and little Eddara." I introduce Myra, pointing to each of the three children.

"My Lord Stark.", "An honor to meet you, my lord", "Honored to make your acquaintance, my Lord." They replied, one after the other the children making a synchronized bow.

Myra was pleased and proud, of the perfect tags shown by her three most important treasures to her.

"A beautiful family, my Lady. Honored to see you again young Duncan and a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young lord and young Lady Tallhart." Lord Stark replied kindly, making a bow.

"The pleasure and honor is ours, my lord." The three children replied in unison.

"My Lord, thank you for attending the celebration in honor of my future unborn child and my wife." Said Leobald, bowing.

"Thank you, my Lord." Said Berena Tallhart soon after.

"A pleasure to be invited, my Lord and my Lady."

"Well, I would say it is time to offer bread, salt and refreshments to our honored guests. Come my Lords, all in Torrhen's Square are eager to meet you." Said Helman showing the entrance to the hall and then concluded by saying:

"Now that the entire North is gathered, the real celebrations can begin."

"Thank you, Lord Helman. Let us begin this long-awaited tournament."

End POV.


POV: Domeric Bolton;

Torrhen's Square.

Ser Haymitch, succeeded in the same trick 2 more times...probably the remaining 12 competitors were still unaware of his presence.

"Damn coward!!! I found you at last!" Intimated a Harrion Karstark, more exhausted and bruised than before.

"Have mercy Ser! I'm just a poor Country Knight trying to get by!" Replied Ser Haymitch, trying to simulate a desperate and frightened tone....false as a Brass Dragon...

"YOU DARE TO MOCK ME! NOW YOU'RE GONNA LEARN SOME MANNERS SER!!! HAAARRGHH!!!" The crazed bull charged towards the red cape.

Haymitch, kicked a shield to the ground that went to crash on Harrion's foot unbalancing his furious charge.

The knight took advantage of the opening to slide to the side of the young man covered in steel. He struck, a loud, rounding, smith hammer blow, on the side of the back of Harrion's Karstark helmet.

"SDOOONG!!!".....Harrion, remained unconscious on the ground....

"FACE ME SER!!!" Shouted, immediately followed by another man...Jory Cassel.

"If I must, Ser." Haymitch, parried the high slash and kicked a foot over Jory's knee.

Jory was knocked off balance to the side...The knight spun around and cleaved, a sword strike, across the young captain's right hand. Jory was disarmed, and didn't have time to pick up his weapon from the ground that a blade point was already aimed at his throat.

"I surrender, Ser...congratulations." Said Jory as he stood up again.

"...I'll buy you a drink later, Ser." Responded Haymitch sliding off somewhere else.

Fifteen minutes later...

Haymitch, was waiting for Lord Greajon Umber to finish his fight with Theo Knott.

He took advantage of the break, to take a shot of liquor from his flask....

'Ummm that behemoth Umber seems do I land him?' Haymitch pondered carefully....

After another minute of wild blows....

"I give up..." Said Theo Knott with one knee on the ground...the poor warrior, he had at least two cracked ribs and a fractured collarbone, he could no longer lift his weapon, both from fatigue and pain.

"AHAHA!!! Anf! Anf! Well done Theo! But an Umber won't come second for...UARG!", "STIINGH", Greatjon parried a sudden dirty slash from the last and rested opponent.

The errant Knight didn't give him a moment's respite. A blow to the left, a blow to the right, a kick on the shin, a hammer on the forearm....

"URARGHH! BASTARD!!! I'LL SHOW YOU!" Greatjon charged it was his turn to attack.

Ser Haymitch, concentrated on dodging rather than parrying.

"SWISSHH!!!", "SWOOFHH!", "COWARD! FACE ME LIKE A MAN!" Shouted Greatjon cleaving blows, left and right empty with his two-handed broadsword.

Haymitch took advantage of the proximity, to spit out the liquid he held in his mouth....

"SPRUZZTHH!" A flush of alcohol, hit Greatjon's eyes. "UAARGHH!!!" The giant had suddenly gone blind. Out of anger, he cleaved four more blows hitting absolute nothingness.

"I'm here!"


"No sorry, I meant there!"


"Watch your hand!" "SNOOKK!!! CRACCKH! " The knight firmly struck the giant's bearing hand with his 10-pound hammer.


"SDINGH!!!" Another slash completely disarmed Greatjon.

"....I won, Lord Umber....." Said Haymitch showing everyone that Greatjon was unarmed and with his blade in a deadly spot.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN....OUR CHAMPION!!!!!!!" Proclaimed Leobald Tallhart loudly.



POV: Helman Tallhart;

Torrhen's Square.

One minute after Lord Umber was disarmed.

Helman, sat in the grandstand beside Lord Stark.

"I didn't think he could beat Greatjon...Lord Helman, do you know who that Knight is?" Eddard Stark asked curiously.

"Yes, my Lord. That knight errant is Ser Haymitch...he is not from the North...but I invited him personally to thank him for his services to my House." Said Helman.

"I you know anything about his past?" Ned.

"Well, my lord...I believe he has a tragic past full of suffering...though I don't know precisely, 'what' happened to him. He...doesn't talk about it...we believe my lord, that he lost his wife and child. He has no fixed abode, we know his Home was in a village in the Riverlands...which now, no longer exists..." Said Helman in a sad tone.

"...War?..." Ned.

"In part, my Lord...Bandits who took advantage of the war. He fought in the Trident under the Blackwood banner...when he returned home...the village was in flames, my lord." Helman.

"...I see." Said Ned, showing a moment's respect for the poor man.

"I tried to offer him a home...especially, after he saved a dozen villagers near my manors...He wouldn't even accept the reward. He has a sharp tongue, my Lord. He says what he thinks without apologizing to anyone...but his actions, express more than a thousand words...I sincerely hope that one day he can find a purpose and a home where he can find peace." Helman.

Ned pondered hearing those words for a long time....

"Lord Helman...would it offend you if I tried to recruit that man?" Eddard Stark asked.

"Certainly not, Lord Stark. In fact, I would be more than happy for Ser Haymitch to remain in the North and help protect the lands of our forefathers, my Lord."

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