Published at 25th of April 2024 07:35:45 AM

Chapter 31: ' The Bear and the Maiden Fair. '

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Chapter 31: ' The Bear and the Maiden Fair. '

POV: Duncan;

Torrhen's Square.

Year 285, 16th day of the first moon.

"Tell me again, please." Lady Dustin implored.

She and her nephew Domeric Bolton, a page in her service and son of Roose Bolton, had arrived at Torrhen's Square two days ago.

"All right, my Lady. But this will be the last time....Catelyn Stark, was staring at me with a suspicious, murderous look. At that point I began to play hard to get...I said, 'A TRUE DEFENDER AND PROTECTOR OF WINTERFELL JON! KUDOS!'...'KEEP YOUR GUARD UP ROBB'...'WAY TO GO JON. IT'S IN YOUR BLOOD!'...'NOT BAD ROBB!'....when the Stark men joined in the cheering, I saw Catelyn trembling...she had a murderous twitch in her eye. I knew it was time to strike the last I gave her this smile...she went crazy, stood up and shouted in front of over three hundred people, with her husband next to her: 'STOP!!! EVERYONE STOP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!!! AND YOU!!! MEN, GET THAT DEMON BASTARD AWAY FROM MY SON! PROTECT YOUR LORD! BY ORDER OF YOUR LADY!!!!'....the whole room fell silent and stopped staring at Catelyn who looked ready to stab me with her own hands, when more or less everyone turned their gaze to me...I made this the eyes of the others, I looked scared and confused. My father's men jumped up to shield which point Ned Stark got up from the table and shouted: 'CATELYN!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?! GET AWAY FROM OUR GUEST NOW! DO NOT DARE TO OBJECT TO MY WIFE'S ORDER OR YOU WILL BE HANGED!'...he grabbed Lady Tully by the arm and dragged her forcibly towards the door behind the big table, while Catelyn shouted: 'NO NED, LEAVE ME! WE CAN'T LEAVE THAT MONSTER NEAR ROBB! IT'S A DEMON NED! I TELL YOU IT'S A DEMON!'....." I recounted the same scene, four times in a row...Lady Dustin was insatiable. I tried as hard as I could to imitate Catelyn and Ned Stark's voices.

"AHAHAHAAHAHA!!! OK!...STOP...let's stop win Duncan Tallhart...I admit, I would have paid 100,000 Golden Dragons to see this scene. Ahahahah! You're a genius, a true genius." Said Barbery Dustin wiping away a tear.

"Thank you, my lady. So, do we have a deal? Will you wear that dress to help us spread the word about fashion? What about the new perfume?" I asked, asking for my part of the deal.

"I'll keep my end of the bargain...I hope you're not doing this to make me more palatable to 'someone'. Your 'candidate', will he be at the tournament?" Lady Dustin asked, trying again, for the millionth time, to ask me about her prospect.

"No, I'm not going to tell you who he is or whether or not he will be attending. You were the one who suggested 'three years of waiting,' and I'm a man of my word." I replied, then changed the subject....

"My Lady, how is the production of coarse and fine salt going?"

"I'd say fine, we're on schedule. Nine thousand tons of the former is already ready, I'm building more warehouses. We're starting to have space issues, the place needs to be dry after all." Barbery.

"'ll see my Lady, all the lords of the North, will buy that salt at a price of at least 5 pennies per kg and 3 copper stars per kg for fine salt." I said activating my 'merchant-bargainer' mode.

"We'll see...first, we'll have to build the road network. A big 'IF', my Lord." Barbery.

"Not so big, my Lady...Now, with your permission, my lady. I must join my trusty knight, for a final breefing, before all the guests arrive. Tomorrow morning, I will play with your nephew again." I said as I rose from my chair.

"Don't you dare infect my nephew with your devilry. He's a good boy...Act like a normal seven-year-old!" Lady Dustin.

"Yes, my Lady. I will be the perfect companion for a child my age. I promise you that. Have a good evening, my Lady." I replied.

"Good evening, my Lord." Lady Dustin.

About half an hour later.

"So, Ser Qyburn. Is everything ready?" I asked Qyburn in our penthouse study.

"Yes, my lord. Both the stimulants, and the tonic, are ready." Qyburn. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"So it will react as intended? Will it only affect him?" I asked for further confirmation.

"It should, my lord. The tests have yielded positive responses, I cannot guarantee it 100%...but we have a good chance." Qyburn.

"That's good enough for me. I hope all goes well...Gods only know, how many seas and mountains I had to move for this plan." I said with a sigh, then asked:

"As for our main goal?" I asked curiously.

"He should be here within two days, my lord. He has an escort of fifty men, he and his cousin, should encounter no problems or delays." Qyburn.


End POV.


POV: Dacey Mormont;

Little Dacey, was riding alongside her cousin, Lord Jorah Mormont. Now almost 8 years old, her mother Maege, had recently given her permission to ride the new colt. One of House Tallhart's gifts, brought by their emissaries to invite them to the tournament.

"Cousin, how much longer?" Dacey asked, to the man at his side.

"We should be almost there by now, the flow of people coming and going is proof of that, little Dacey." Replied Jorah continuing to look ahead as he rode.

Jorah by now, had become familiar with his new red Dothraky stallion. Another gift from House Tallhart.

"You promised that when we got here, you would never call me 'little Dacey' again!" Said the little girl giving a sullen look.

"Ahaha! You're right cousin. I won't call you that in front of others, I promise...but will you comply with your poor favorite cousin's request?" Jorah asked, trying for a tender look.

"NO! NO and NO!...I am a Mormont, cousin Jorah! I don't wear 'whiny lady' outfits...I am a warrior and I will always be a warrior! If the other 'prince lords' don't like me, that's their problem!" Said Dacey in a proud tone.

"Phew...I won't force you Dacey...but will you at least promise me that you will be polite to Lord Helman's son? Please, at least do that for your Lord..." Jorah asked in an almost desperate tone.

"Who? That 'Bloody Snow?'.... I'll try...but if I find out that the 'legends of his great deeds', are just hype from singing bards and that he is nothing but a blowhard, NO! I will treat him as thieves and scoundrels should be treated!" Said Dacey with conviction.

"May the Old Gods, protect the Mormonts...You look just like your mother...No! That was not a compliment. Don't look at me with that smirk little lady!" Reprimanded Jorah.

"Cousin Jorah, then are you sure you want to participate in the jousting instead of the melee?" Dacey asked trying to change the subject. Several times his the Lord of Bear Island, had scolded her for her masculine manner of dress. Dacey, to spite him, even cut her hair down to her chin to appear less feminine.

"I would say yes, I have a better chance of winning in the jousting than in the melee...and then the melee is held the day before. I could get hurt and jeopardize the jousting...the prizes are even better and to tell you the truth, we Northern men, we're not very good at jousting." Explained Jorah.

"Alright, but if you win, will you buy me a suit of armor? I want one like yours!!!" Dacey asked with stars in his eyes.

"I don't think your mother would agree...we'll see how you do." Said Jorah, satisfied that he had at least found a way to entice his cousin to not embarrass his House.

About ten minutes later...

"Look cousin! There she is, it's Torrhen's Square!" Dacey.

"I see it Dacey, I see it. Nice castle isn't it?" Jorah.

By now only House Bolton and House Stark were missing. By tomorrow they would be there.

The main tables had been set up in a circle, so that all the Northern Houses could look towards each other. In the center of the horseshoe-shaped arch were the two main tables. House Tallhart's table and House Stark's table. A bishop always had to show the respect due to his Lord Protector.

Jorah, still couldn't believe that all the Northern Houses had answered the call. This was a historic event, there were: the Glovers, Forresters, Ryswells, Dustins, Cerwyns, Manderlys, Umbers, Karstarks, Reeds, Hornwoods, Woldfieds, Flint of Flint's Finger, Flint of Widows Watch, Lockes, Whitehills, the Clans of the mountains and even House Magnar...of Skagos Island....

The Mormonts sat alongside the Forresters and the Glovers. Relations, between the three Northern Houses, were very good. Across from Jorah, less than 15 feet away sat Lady Dustin.

The woman, only 23 years old, stood out among them all, even Lady Myra Tallhart or Lady Berena were eclipsed by the lady from Barrawtown. She wore a beautiful, one-of-a-kind, custom-made silk gown with wool doublets, showing traits of her native House, Ryswell and traits of House Dustyn. Even Jorah, who had no taste in women's clothing, found the dress really pretty. Many lesser lords buzzed around her like bees on a flower. All the men, showed gestures of courtesy and gallantry and tried in every way to approach Lady Barbery, who seemed 'subtly annoyed', but always showed courtesy and elegance worthy of a true Lady.

Her husband William died in the Battle of the Tower of Joy, and I pity the poor woman...she hadn't been married for a year...and it is also said that she was abandoned by Brandon Stark, who did not return her love...' Lord Mormont thought.

"Lord Jorah, my Lord, are you all right?" Jorah immediately interrupted the line of sight upon hearing Lord Galbart Glover's call.

"Yes, my Lord. I beg your pardon, I was just lost in my foolish thoughts, you were saying my Lord?" Said Jorah refocusing his thoughts.

"No problem Lord Jorah, I was saying it's amazing that even the Magnars of Skagos were invited." Galbart.

"Surprising in fact, I heard from Lord Helman himself that they were also planning to invite the Stanes and Crowls...but that the emissaries had to decline because of the inhabitants of those lands...the danger was too great." Jorah.

"I should like to see, they are just cannibals on par with the Thenn, it doesn't seem very appropriate to invite them to this tournament...what do you think my Lord?" Galbart.

"I must admit that I appreciate House Tallhart's gesture of showing respect and consideration to all the people of the has been hundreds of years since the people of Skagos have been left to their own devices. Trying to establish a relationship with them could lead to positive results in the future...Lord Helman is constantly sending aid, with food and furs towards the island...the Magnars hate us Northern Lords...yet they seem to have appreciated the gesture of House Tallhart. My father told me that no one in the North revered the Old Gods more than the people of Skagos. They would not break the laws of hospitality if that is what you are wondering, my lord." Jorah.

"Mmm...yes perhaps I am exaggerating a bit...but the fact still remains undeniable..." Galbart was interrupted by an announcement....

"My Lords, my Ladys, I can't thank you enough for coming all this way to celebrate my Wife's pregnancy. I hope the stay will be to your taste and that we can all forget for a while the sufferings past and those to come. Thank you all Noble Gentlemen, House Tallhart will remember this gesture." Said Leobald Tallhart politely as he stood, holding Lady Berena's hand.

"AYEE!!!", "TO TALLHARTS!", "GO LORD LEOBALD!"....various voices and cackles followed Leobal's words.

"My Ladies, my that the dishes have been served and the drinking has been 'drained'..."

"ahahah!", "we want more!!!", "Who wants to challenge House Umber?!", "haha!"....

" Ahaha...My Lords I was saying: now that we're all warmed up and's time for the 'Dances!'....Clap...Clap...grab your Ladies, and accompany me and my wife to the dance floor....please my Lords help me...I'm not a great dancer and I need your support! ahah!" Said Leobald in a jovial tone.

"ahahahahaha!", "To Lord Leobald!!!", "Invite your bride and show us what you can do!", "Phew!!!"

The voices were muffled by the musicians as they entered the halls.

Instruments began to be groomed and blown, musical notes blazed throughout the hall. Many Lords and Ladies stood up, many young men and children wanted to join in as well.

"I beg your pardon, Lord Jorah...I absolutely must answer my Lady wife's call, or I will go through the pains of hell later! hahaha" Glover.

"Ahaha, no problem, my lord. Don't keep your lady waiting." Mormont..

Twenty minutes later...

"Some Red of Arbor, my Lord?" A maid asked Lord Jorah.

"Yes, thank you." The maid poured the wine into the Lord's cup, then walked away making a short bow.

Jorah enjoyed with pleasure the rare and expensive drink famous all over Westeros. He continued to observe the dance floor.

Little Dacey, had refused more than 5 children...Jorah had put one of his men to watch her case of 'trouble'...poor Ted, serving the Mormonts for over 20 years, had had to stop his cousin more than once.

"You dare make fun of my House?!" or "The Mormonts never back down from a fight! Try laughing it off if you dare!"....many fights were foiled by the heroic Ted.

Jorah trying to think of something else observed Lady Dustin again...the poor thing had been invited by dozens of men. Not once had she refused....

I lost my Gisly not even two years ago...and I'm already having strange thoughts about another woman...' Jorah thought as he remembered his poor wife who died during the last delivery...Gisly Glover cousin of Galbart Glover had been pregnant three times...and each time the newborn was stillborn...the last delivery caused the poor woman to hemorrhage badly...

Few men in these lands, had suffered as Jorah Mormont had. His father Jeor Mormont, in an effort to lift his son's broken spirit, joined the Night's Watch, to leave him in charge.

After a few minutes of sad thoughts, thoughts of reproach and regret...Jorah gathered his courage and got up from the table.

He headed for the dance floor...he wanted to try and invite the most coveted lady of the evening. He had even donned the elegant gowns donated by House Tallhart. The man wore a dark brown bearskin doublet decorated with various branching silver streaks. Too expensive a suit for his taste...but he meant no disrespect to House Tallhart....

Jorah pulled over to one side of the dance floor, waiting for the ballad to conclude. At the moment, Lady Dustin was dancing with Lord Lutt Whitehill, a rough-looking, slightly fat man in his thirties.

A few minutes later the song ended....

"I beg your pardon, my Lord. I need to freshen up a bit, it's been a real pleasure dancing with you." Lady Dustin.

"The pleasure was mine, my Lady." Lord Ludd.

Lady Dustin approached just in Lord Jorah's direction.

At that moment a sweet fragrance hit the man's smelled like caramel, blackberries, woody pines...Jorah was totally stunned, he felt like he was drunk. Dizziness, confusion, drunkenness, light-heartedness...he was swept away as if he had been charged by a hundred men on horseback.

He had to smile with all his might, trying to maintain some semblance of control. He couldn't take his eyes off of Lady Dustin....

After a few seconds, the woman noticed the intense gaze scanning her from the tips of her toes up.

"...Is there anything I can do for you, Lord Jorah?" Lady Dustin asked in a gentle tone. The woman was annoyed by that look but maintained the armor that every Lady should possess.

"...I...I beg your pardon, my Lady! It must be because of the wine, I was lost in my thoughts...I have shown you rudeness and given offense, Lady Barbery, I apologize." Said Jorah managing to regain control.

"...No offense taken, my Lord. Did you want to ask me something?" Barbery.

"I...actually my Lady, I was going to ask you for a dance...but since you have been so annoyed all evening by so many other men...I would prefer to postpone the invitation for another time. You must be tired after all." Said Jorah offering an apologetic bow.

".....In fact I am, Lord Mormont...but, it seems they are beginning to play the ballad: ' The Bear and the Maiden Fair' will be a pleasure to accept your invitation, my Lord."

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