Published at 25th of April 2024 07:34:06 AM

Chapter 81: ' Ser Davos Seaworth '

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Chapter 81: ' Ser Davos Seaworth '

Hello everyone, here is a new chapter.

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-12 days!!! ( Damn how time flies!!! NOOOO!! I DON'T WANNA GO!!! HELP ME!!)

Happy reading!


POV: Ser Davos Seaworth;

Northern army camp. Less than half a mile from the gates of Lannisport.

Some four hours after a powerful Northern Lord joined a council of war...

The Onion Knight, the head of House Seaworth, captain of the Black Betha, and the most loyal and honest landed knight in the service of Lord Stannis Baratheon, had just arrived at the camp of the allied Northern army.

There was his son Dale accompanying him. A boy of just fifteen with features very similar to his father.

Brown hair and eyes, normal dry face, well-proportioned joints, both almost six feet tall. They even wore similar clothing. A brown leather tunic with a green wool cloak. The distinguishing feature of the duo was the leather purse hanging on the older of the two.

A purse that held bones... Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

The four first phalanges were amputated by Lord Stannis himself as punishment for Davos' past crimes.

A well-deserved and merciful punishment according to the victim himself. Davos kept the bones of his joints in a bag around his neck because he believed they were lucky, having bought a future for his family.

Davos stopped a soldier decorated with emblems of House Tallhart.

"I beg your pardon, my good man." The soldier stopped and noticed the well-kept, though not too flashy clothes of the duo.

"Can I help you, Ser?" The soldier.

"Davos. Ser Davos Seaworth.

Knight in the service of Lord Stannis Baratheon. I have been ordered by my lord to meet with Army General Tallhart. Lord Duncan Tallhart. Could you by any chance point me in the direction of his tent, soldier... your name good man?" Davos asked politely.

"Edmund. Vice-Captain of the crossbow unit of the Third Legion, Ser. Of course. I'll lead the way, Ser Davos.

This way." Vice-Captain Edmund replied.

"Thank you, Vice-Captain," Davos replied gratefully.

About five minutes later...

"Ser Davos, welcome.

My Lords, I beg your pardon. Might I ask you to postpone this meeting until after dinner? I had an appointment with Ser Davos." Said a young man with white hair.

Six men prepared to leave the tent, paying their respects and greetings.

The boy personally thanked each of the northern nobles.

"Please take a seat, Ser.

Jansa, would you please take care of our guest's son who is waiting outside? Food and drink in good company if possible." Said the young lord to a woman in her thirties dressed in military clothing. She did not look like a simple servant... Davos had never been a good fighter, but he could tell from a glance whether someone in front of him was dangerous or not.

The Onion Knight's alarm bell was going crazy...

"Of course, Lord General. Ser Davos." Jansa stepped out of the tent to fulfill his duties. Davos bowed and gave his respectful greetings to the polite woman with eyes as sharp as blades.

At that point, Davos stepped forward and approached the table.

'I thank you for the offer, Lord Duncan. But I would prefer to follow your example and remain standing if that is not a problem for you, my Lord. I always manage to have a clearer mind ready to respond when I remain firmly on my feet." Ser Davos.

"I understand completely, Ser.

In that case... I will not allow you to refuse a sip of my favorite drink. A concoction of my devising, Ser Davos.

It helps to keep your mind fresher and your body's energy restored." Said the boy, filling a cup from the carafe beside him.

"I would not dare refuse, my Lord." Davos politely accepted the cup and tasted the drink.

He sensed a slightly sour taste of lemon, the sweetness of honey, and slightly spicy contrast. The drink was cool, but at the same time, it also warmed the palate.

"An excellent drink, Lord Duncan. I would even venture to say that it would make an excellent seafaring ratio. Does it happen to have a name?" Davos.

"Not yet, Ser, but I shall have to find one for you soon. Several Northern Lords have already shown interest in wanting to purchase such a mixture... In any case. Thank you for coming so quickly, Ser Davos. Allow me to say that it is an honor for me to meet in person one of the world's best known smugglers and the hero of Storm's End." Said the boy.

"My honor to meet you, Hero of the North. I thank you for your praise... but I would beg you to refer to it more if possible.

They are belittling in the face of your accomplishments, Lord Duncan.

I am a man who is very susceptible and unprepared for awkward situations." Davos.

"Ahahah! As you wish, Ser...

You are probably wondering [Why an eleven-year-old northern noble desires my advice]. Am I wrong perhaps?" Duncan.

"Almost exactly, my Lord. You would have fully guessed it simply by replacing ' Northern Nobleman of eleven years ' with ' The legendary Bloody Snow '." Davos.

I will have you in my service even if I have to pay ten times your weight and that of your family is gold." I said with a firm tone and look.

Davos was visibly impressed by my previous statement.

He remained silent, not knowing how to reply.

"... Fear not, Ser Davos. You are still Lord Stannis' trusted vassal.

It will still take me some time to seduce you and your lord.

I promise I will be aggressive but gallant. Ahahahah!" I said.

"...Ahahahah." Davos laughed in good taste.

"YES! I finally found someone who appreciates my jokes!!! I'll have to have you by my side, Ser!!!" I said euphorically, unconsciously admitting that I couldn't make everyone else laugh...

"No promises, my Lord...

I don't mean to be tactless or rude, Lord Duncan, but... I believe Lord Stannis and King Robert sent me here to you to discuss invasion plans." Davos.

"Ah! Right!... Cogh! emmm... Yes. Well said, Ser.

Thank you for reminding me.

I had requested your presence here primarily to discuss a naval offensive idea with you.

I could use some tips and refinements from a master craftsman like yourself, Captain Davos." I said, opening the map on the table.

"I am at your service, Lord Duncan."

End POV.


POV: Captain of the Black Betha.

Tent General of the Tallhart Army.

About ten minutes after a plan of attack was explained...

"I'm going to need some more of that honey and lemon mixture...

Your plan... Yes, even I would say it is mad, my Lord." Said Davos with wide eyes and a dry throat. The sailor poured himself another generous cup of the soft drink and drank greedily.

"Undoubtedly, Ser Davos... But is it feasible in your opinion?" The madman asked.

"Highly unlikely and very suicidal for the poor fools who will have to sacrifice themselves to accomplish it...

It would be much more 'Feasible' if two huge problems could be solved." Davos.

"And they would be?" The suicidal madman.

"The most significant one is moving over ten miles without any source of light. If the starry sky were to be even minimally covered by clouds on that new moon night, the 50 ships would be completely blind...

We couldn't reach the naval blockade of the harbor without losing at least half those ships in accidental collisions...

and it wouldn't take just two men per ship. I'd say at least five...

The second big problem is the lookout ship. There's bound to be at least one Greyjoy lookout with a mast as tall as the quarterdeck.

That ship would be able to spot our fleet. Even if we were to paint every inch of our ships with a perfect mixture of black dye and ocean blue...

The lookout ship will be at least 2,000 feet away from the fleet. One warning light and our little trick won't work.

It might have been possible with three or four ships at most, but fifty... impossible.

Even if they were invisible, fifty ships would create ripples in the water and wave shifts perceptible even to deaf sailors. We wouldn't have the manpower to make those ships go unnoticed even if there were two at a time. We might as well light those fires at that distance and try our luck." Davos.

"Unlikely, Ser Davos. The word impossible should be erased from man. However small and invisible, the possibility still exists...

Now let's turn your 'Improbable', into 'Feasible'.

It won't be a big problem to increase the number of men per ship from two to five, one lifeboat will be enough to bring everyone back.

How many men do you think will be on that lookout ship?" Duncan.

"... I'd say thirty-five or forty, but no more than fifty. She'll be among the fastest of the longships, but not that big." Davos.

"How close would you be able to get without one of our ships on target without being seen?" Duncan.

"With just one good ship and a good silent crew? Three hundred maybe even two hundred feet." Davos.

"I'll settle for three hundred.... I'll be able to neutralize the crew of that ship, Ser Davos." Duncan.

"And how are you going to do that? One waving of a torch would make it all worthless." Davos.

"By swimming with twenty good blades, and as many warriors capable of wielding them. Trust me. If you can get us that far from the lookout ship, we'll be able to swim silently over there and silence those forty mouths forever...

If we neutralize that lookout and find a way for you and the other forty-nine captains to find your way around safely even at night, then the plan would be feasible?" The boy asked in a confident and determined tone.

Davos was speechless for a moment. He was trying his best to solve the mystery 'How to find your way at sea in the middle of the night without a light or a signal', but even though he had seen and heard everything, he could not find a way.

''Extinguished the fires of these two very dangerous 'IF'... Then yes. The plan would be feasible." Davos.

"Well then...

Might I ask you, Ser Davos, to go and select forty-nine trusted captains and their four most intrepid and competent men at once?

We have only seven days before the new moon arrives... We shall also have to equip at least two thousand dyers as soon as possible.

Leave it to me to find the twenty mad blades that will accompany mine." Said the madman.

Davos could only think of two words when he saw the excitement and confident look of that intrepid young nobleman from the North.

'Bloody Snow.'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!