Goddess Cultivation Plan - Chapter 241

Published at 26th of March 2024 09:02:21 AM

Chapter 241

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"Hey, Liu Shengqi." Lin Jinwas half lying on the sofa as he called Liu Shengqi.

Yuli was now staring at Lin Jin’s phone on the coffee table with wide eyes.

Just a few minutes ago, Lin Jin felt guilty for interfering with Yuli chasing a man, so he suggested making a call to ask Liu Shengqi about his feelings for Yuli. If Liu Shengqi said he liked Yuli, then Lin Jin was prepared to support Yuli even if it meant failing the task. However, if Liu Shengqi answered no, then Yuli could give up on Liu Shengqi with slightly more peace of mind.

If the task failed, Yuli, who was quite close with Liu Shengqi, might turn hostile towards Lin Jin due to the task penalty. But Lin Jin felt that since Yuli had been his good friend since childhood, he shouldn’t make Yuli sad just because of this task.

After all, Yuli was one of his best friends.

"Lin Jin?" Liu Shengqi was somewhat surprised by the call from Lin Jin, but still excitedly asked, "What do you need?"

Liu Shengqi had already begun to fantasize about Lin Jin making a heartfelt confession over the phone, especially since Lin Jin's younger brother had called earlier wanting to talk about Lin Jin's matters, which could very well mean that Lin Jin had fallen for him.

Wow! Just thinking about it was so thrilling!

"Why does he sound so excited?" Yuli, sitting beside Lin Jin and leaning on his shoulder, asked softly.

"Maybe something’s wrong with his head" Lin Jin replied without a second thought.

"Lin Jin?" Liu Shengqi, noticing the silence on the other end, asked anxiously again.

Lin Jin leaned forward slightly, speaking into the phone, "Oh, I want to ask you something, and I hope you can answer me honestly."

"I loved before!"


Lin Jin was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Sorry, that was an internet meme, it just slipped out" Liu Shengqi scratched his head awkwardly, feeling a strong impulse to show off himself while on the phone with Lin Jin.

"Alright then." Lin Jin shrugged helplessly, then with a serious face, he started to ask.

"Do you have feelings for Shi Yuli?"

"Shi Yuli?" Liu Shengqi was very surprised that Lin Jin would ask him such a question, "Why would you ask that?"

"I think you and Yuli would make a good match." Lin Jin said the insincere comment under Yuli's watchful gaze, "So I wanted to ask."

"Really?" Liu Shengqi frowned slightly, feeling uneasy as he tried to guess Lin Jin's intention, but after pondering for a while and still coming up blank, he could only respond, "I don't feel anything for her."

"Not even a little bit? Yuli is so pretty, you don't have any feelings for her at all?" Lin Jin was quite surprised, Yuli was a beautiful and cute girl, even if not liked, one would at least feel some fondness, right?

"Maybe she's just not my type" Liu Shengqi said honestly, "And being too pretty isn't good either, I don't really feel anything for pretty girls, maybe because I'm face-blind?"

Face-blind my ass.

Lin Jin rolled his eyes. If Liu Shengqi were face-blind, he wouldn't be clinging to him like this. Although someone with face-blindness might mistake him for a girl, if Liu Shengqi were face-blind, wouldn't Lin Jin appear no different from other females in his eyes? Then how could he possibly bother to pester a man who, in his view, was no different from other women?

Glancing at Yuli by his side, her expression seemed very downcast at the moment, her face full of grievance as she scrunched up her nose and said to Lin Jin, "Ask him, who does he like."

"What?" Lin Jin was stunned, then immediately started to stammer, shifting his eyes away.

If I ask this, won't Liu Shengqi just directly say that he likes me?

"Quick, ask him."

"Alright." Lin Jin shrugged helplessly, then continued to ask on the phone, "So, who do you like? What type do you like?"

Liu Shengqi was somewhat bewildered by Lin Jin's question. Logically, Lin Jin should know that the person he liked was Lin Jin himself, yet he was still asking this.

He thought he had just heard a woman's voice nearby...

Could it be Yuli?

Could it be that Lin Jin's questions were instigated by Yuli? If so, does that mean Yuli likes him?

Liu Shengqi was not a fool, and moreover, Yuli hadn't lowered her voice when she spoke. When he heard the female voice, he immediately ruled out Lin Jin’s mother.

Because so far, he did not know that Lin Jin's mother had come back already.

"I like..." His face twisted in conflict.

If he admitted he liked Lin Jin, would Yuli, who was good friends with Lin Jin, fall out with him? I heard that girls were very jealous creatures.

"I prefer someone virtuous, preferable the kind with a cheerfully personality and is quite endearing." Liu Shengqi sidestepped Lin Jin's first question, continuously thinking of attributes unrelated to Yuli, "Preferably someone who doesn't like to study, because I'm not well-educated myself. Right, and she should be only between 1.6 to 1.5 meters tall, because if she’s too tall, she’ll almost be as tall as me when wearing high heels."

Yeah, this way Yuli would be completely excluded, wouldn't she? Liu Shengqi suddenly felt extremely smart.

After hearing this, Lin Jin turned his head to look at Yuli. What Liu Shengqi described was almost completely unrelated to Yuli, only the cheerful personality might fit. As for being virtuous, endearing, not liking to study, and being under 1.6 meters tall...

Well, if it were me, I could only match the short stature and disliking study.

Yuli heaved a heavy sigh, stood up, turned around, and walked towards the front door, leaving Lin Jin's house.

So, without saying goodbye to Liu Shengqi, Lin Jin hung up the phone, his expression unnaturally shifting towards Lin Chen, who had been enjoying the drama unfold.

"There's nothing you can do if he doesn’t like her." Lin Chen shrugged. He noticed that Lin Jin seemed to be in a bad mood and comforted "If Liu Shengqi doesn't like her, there's nothing the two of us can do about it."

Lin Jin watched his phone tremble on the coffee table and took a deep breath. If it wasn't for the task, he would wholeheartedly support Yuli and Liu Shengqi getting together.

But there was no 'if'.

"Forget it, I'm going to make lunch." Lin Jin sighed, stood up, and walked towards the kitchen.

This task was completed, but he wasn’t happy at all.

Whether it was the reward or the outcome...

What's even the use of a mini bomb?

Yet the punishment for failing the task was something Lin Jin found unacceptable.

"Brother, need help?" Lin Chen approached the kitchen door and asked Lin Jin, who was in the kitchen dealing with cabbage, "Shall I help you chop the vegetables?"

"You'll cut your hand." Glancing at Lin Chen, Lin Jin spoke casually, "Look at how rough your hands are, if you get cut, it'll take off a big chunk."

Lin Chen looked down at his own thick, short fingers, indeed, they were a bit rough compared to Lin Jin's, but why does a strong man like him need such slender hands?

"Help me wash the vegetables." Lin Jin finished chopping the vegetables and piled them into a bowl on the side, then looked up at Lin Chen, "And about today's matter, let's not mention it to Yuli."


Ploania The meme seems to be when two people are breaking up, the girlfriend answers that "she loved him" before the boyfriend even asks the question of whether she has ever loved him.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!