Published at 18th of December 2023 05:42:22 AM

Chapter 4

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Sophia pov

 My name is Sophia.

I am a maid working for the Dietrich family.

 Sometimes people call me by my real name, Sophia, and sometimes by my nickname, Sophie.

My official job is to take care of the personal needs of Master Elias, but I am also his bodyguard.

However, to go against Master Elias is to go against Master Leon, who has more power and troops than even the king, so this has never happened before.

As for Elias, the man I work for, he is a lazy man who is always either eating or sleeping.

But suddenly he said he wanted to play a game.

He also said something else that I didn't understand, such as "Arpy-ji," which made me worried, but since he found something he wanted to do, I was happy for now.

I explained the rules of chess to Master Elias.

We played a few games, but Elias was hopelessly lacking in skill at chess.

To be honest, I am gigigied

As I spent time with Master Elias every day, the feeling that arose in me was a need for protecting him.

 I want to protect this person. There are plenty of aspects of him that are not good, but even those are cute.

 I always wish this peaceful time would last forever.

Such lazy Master Elias suddenly said that he wants to go defeat monsters.

I couldn't believe it when he said things like "I want to be strong" and "I want to develop myself," words that I couldn't imagine from the Elias up until now.

It is wonderful that he wants to develop, but I want master Elias to live his days in peace forever.

The Dietrichs have it all, and I feel that it is fine for him to stay as he is.

Until now, I have only had a protective desire like a mother, but when I look at the valiant Master Elias, I feel a different feeling in my heart.

Is it weird for me to feel this way about a seven-year-old boy?

But for now, all I can do is pray for the safety of Elias-sama as he leaves on his journey, and wish him all the best.

 Leon pov

 I am Leon von Dietrich.

I am the head of the Dietrich family, which is the largest and most powerful family in the country, or even in the world.

 But that is not important.

My thoughts are on my son, Elias, who is a lovely little boy.

Of course, my wife Ela's children, my girls, are adorable, but Elias, my mistress's child, is just as adorable.

Yet, I am always harsh on Elias.

Deep down, I wish we could always stay together and live in harmony, but I am bound by the fact that I am the head of the Dietrich family.

Although we do not currently live together in the main house, we only have meals together.

Ella, my wife, and our daughters have asked me to keep Elias out of the main house, but I couldn't do it, so I allow him entry to the main house.

It is nice to see his face once a day, but honestly it is not enough.

He has a lovely face, just like his mother, Leila.

Well-rounded eyes, long eyelashes, and fair hair.

As someone who lives a rough life of kill-or-be-killed, Elias' presence is a healing force for me.

I wish I could just stop living this way and enjoy my life.

But I was too afraid of the surrounding people's view of me and could not do so.

One day, I couldn't resist and went to see Elias at his annex.

I did not care what the servants or my family thought.

 Then Elias said to Sophia, 'I want to go to the dungeon to defeat monsters. I want to be strong. I want to develop".

As a parent, I was happy to see my child growing up, but I really didn't want Elias to be in danger.

 I was determined to stop him.

Elias, who had been so valiant just a few minutes before, was a little reserved.

 Of course, he was a seven-year-old child. He could be scared.

 I thought this was the perfect opportunity to stop Elias.

 But what came out of my mouth was, "What are you talking about? You said you wanted to go, didn't you? What are you waiting for? Or are you saying you won't go? "I was so surprised that I said that .

 Dam----!!!!! It was the perfect time to stop..him. ----!!!!!

And what's with the iron sword? I gave it to him. No, I'd be happy to give him my lion king sword!

 I don't want to see Elias being attacked by monsters.

Even one scratch on him would make me mad.

Watching over Elias' back as he was trying to grow up, I was not the aristocrat the world fears, but just a foolish parent

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