Published at 18th of December 2023 05:41:11 AM

Chapter 63

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'Albert, stop trying to challenge Mira. I will be your opponent."

 Princess Luisa is going to accept Albert's challenge instead of Mila.

'Princess Luisa, I do not intend to fight you. I want to cut Princess Mira to pieces. The princess who is always protected by those around her. Hahahaha, hahaha, hahaha!


"Sister, please stop."

 Luisa-sama was about to strike Albert, but Mira-sama stopped her.

"Albert, I understand. I accept your challenge."



Really? I'm so pleased! Must feel good to be able to slice up a princess.'

'Don't get me wrong, Albert. I'll use the no-win provision.'

'What? Now you're accepting the challenge. ......'

'The non-combat stipulation means that you don't actually fight, but you win or lose on the official record. I'll offer the rank and the pawns to my opponent. The piece I'll offer you a pawn.'

 Non-warring provision.

 The "no-fight" (no-win) provision is in force. (This is a provision to avoid an actual match if the higher-ranked opponent decides that the lower-ranked opponent who has offered a challenge is stronger than he is. This is to avoid unnecessary harm. The higher-ranked competitor surrenders his ranking and pieces to the lower-ranked competitor who challenges him. No actual match is played, but it remains in the official record. (Undefeated players are deprived of the right to challenge for two weeks, as are normal loser competitors).

 Provision to accept the challenge but omit the actual fighting.

 This provision is to avoid unnecessary damage.

 If the opponent is considered dangerous, it is a final defence measure to protect oneself by offering the rank and pieces.

 Offering the rank and pieces to the opponent is a method of finality, which students would not want to employ.

'Screw you! Fight! You're using the rules as a shield and you're running away!'

'I'm not running away. I'm offering up my position and my pawns. This is not a method I take lightly. This is how I fight. It's not all about strength. You have to remember that there is a clever way of doing things."

"What's happening ...... is this allowed ......?"

'Albert, give up, you've lost. As Mira-sama said, strength is not everything. Not only this provision, but you can also encounter legal problems when you go out in society. Don't think that you can always get your way."

'Don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me!"

'Give it up. You get the rank and piece. You're supposed to be pleased about it. You've got to accept it. Or you can fight me. I'll take it. I'm still higher in the rankings. I won't use the no-fight rule, so feel free to come at me."

Don't be silly! I won't accept such a cheap provocation! I told you, you're the last man standing. I'll make you watch as your loved ones are killed, give you a taste of despair, and then I'll kill you. Until then, I'll leave you alone."

'Albert, stop it already ......'

'Emily, why don't you understand ......'

'I don't understand ......, just go back to the way you were, Albert .......'

 Emily's plaintive pleas do not reach Albert.

'Damn, I'm losing my temper. I'm leaving."

 Albert is about to leave.

 I wanted to tell you something.

"Good luck, Albert."


'We're going to be classmates from now on, right? We'll be in class together from now on, so I say that.'

 Albert got second place in the ranks because he won an uncontested victory against Mira-sama.

 I was moved up to second place because of my victory over Ilsa-san.

 Albert's unbeaten victory over Mira moved him up to second place in the rankings.

'Humph, what an abominable man. That doesn't make me feel good".

I'm always up for a challenge. Come and get me."

You don't listen to me. I told you you'd be the last. I'll kill you one day, you can look forward to it.

 From now on, Albert will be very close to me.

 I will find a solution.

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