Published at 18th of December 2023 05:40:51 AM

Chapter 78

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"Hey ...... stop it ...... I didn't do anything!"

'Shut up! People who seem timid like you make me want to abuse them."

That's right, a feeble-looking man like you makes us want to abuse you.

 A feeble-looking man was being entangled by two men.

 The sharp-eyed, cunning-looking man's name was Hagen.

 The other monocle-wearing, clever-looking man is Franz.

 He is the man who approached Elias and Mira to join their faction, but was turned down.

 Frantz had then joined the Listerdo faction, but decided that Listerdo was no longer of use to him and joined Albert's faction.

 The two men had become puffed up by their entrance under the umbrella of the high-flying Albert.

 They have become like foxes who borrow the authority of the tiger.

 And they were bullying the weak to overcome boredom.

 The man involved is Barney.

 He was a timid-looking man with black eyes and black hair, and he resembled the Albert from five years ago.

'Stop it, please. What have I done?"

'Shut up! You should just shut up and let us abuse you!"

'That's right. You are doomed to be bullied."

"That ...... kind of ......."

 The students around you are turning a blind eye.

'Stop it, boys.'

 Among them, there was one who condemned their actions.


'Master Albert, ......."

'The faction is disgraced. When did I tell you to abuse the weak? I will not tolerate such behaviour."

 Even the seemingly ruthless Albert still has a human heart.

 It is unforgivable to abuse the weak.

 He is determined to kill only the strong.

 He believes that oppressing those below him is an act of humiliating himself.

'I am sorry, Master Albert. I did not mean to humiliate Master Albert. Hey, Hagen, you too, bow your head.'

'Oh, oh, I'm sorry, Master Albert.'

 Franz grabbed Hagen by the hair and forced him to lower his head.

'Let's go, guys".

'Yes, Master ".


 Albert and the others were about to go on, when Albert looked back.

 There, Bernie was shaking.

'Don't you feel sorry for yourselves? You don't remember doing anything blameworthy, do you? Why are you scared?'

 Albert saw in Barney his former self.

 His former timid self.

 He was annoyed by that.

'I didn't ...... certainly don't remember doing anything blameworthy. But I was afraid of these people ......."

'If you think you are not to blame for anything, then stand firm. They will take advantage of you."

 The words were not so much directed at Bernie as at his past self.

'Yes, I understand.'

 Albert hesitates for a moment.

 And then he says something to Bernie.

'Will you come with me? You want to change, right?"

'Oh, hey, Albert-sama ......, you can't just let a man like that in.'

'Master Albert, our faction has no need for such a diminutive being."

"Shut up! Don't talk to me. It's my decision. What do you say, man? What's your name?"


Oh, forgive me. ......"

I'm Bernie. I want to change! I want to be strong! I don't want to live my life being weak and mocked anymore! I'm begging you. Please let me join you."

"All right. Come on, Bernie."

"Yes, I will."

 Bernie's will is strong.

 He wants to be strong.

 He sees Albert as a great hero.

 But he didn't realise that he was actually a devil.

'Bernie, is there anyone you hate enough to kill?"

'I hate myself for being weak.'

'No, it's not. it It's other people. A stranger you hate so much you want to kill him.'

"I'm scared ...... to kill someone like that ......, but ......."

But what? Tell me?"

'I hate those two people there. I haven't done anything to them, and they're trying to make me do something I didn't do.

"Hey, you! Are you fucking kidding me?

"That's right. I don't tolerate insults to me."

Shut up, you guys! I'm talking to here. I'. - Shut up, guys!"

"I'm ...... sorry, Master Alberto."

"Sorry, Master Albert."

Bernie, turn that desire to kill on them. And picture a black chain in his head. Picture binding them with those chains."

"You are ...... ."

'That's not right, Master Albert."

"Yes, Master Albert."

"I said be quiet!"

"But that's ...... the way it's supposed to be."

"Master Albert, ......."

 Even though they were enthralled by Albert, they couldn't overlook the situation.

 This is because they don't want to suffer from dark magic.

Barney was imagining a jet-black chain in his head, regardless of the state of these two people.

 Being involved with Albert made Bernie less frail.

 As the image in Bernie's head grew stronger, the jet-black chain bound them together.


'Ugh...... no way. ......'

 Surprisingly, he easily revealed his dark magic.

 He must have had a talent for dark magic.

'Gu......fu...... haa.......'

 But he ran out of magic, and the chains fizzled away like sand fluttering in the air.

'Good job, Bernie. If you can do that well for the first time, you've done well. Magic is all about imagination. Face yourself. If there's someone you want to kill, don't hesitate to keep that image in mind."

'Yes, Master Albert."

 At first, Bernie just wanted to be strong.

 He had no desire to be evil.

 He wanted to change his destiny by getting involved with Albert.

 Albert himself, in the beginning, just wanted to be strong.

 But his encounter with Shadow changed his destiny.

 He was trying to reproduce what had happened to him with Barney

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