He is a Nymphomaniac. - Chapter 669

Published at 19th of December 2021 01:33:06 PM

Chapter 669: 669

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The man's voice was so loud and confident that everybody felt silent for a few seconds. They all tuned around looking at the source of the voice. A tall and muscular man wearing dark and thick spectacles was standing close to the door very casually. His clothes were full of dust and he had a big dirty patch on his sweatshirt. He was carrying a large back pack on his shoulders; which had a tiny dog hanging out its face from it.

He was looking at the people who had just crated a ruckus in a matter of seconds, with disgusted eyes. "You all call yourself employees? Is this how an employee should behave with its boss? It is not even one hour and you have already lost faith in the company you have been working under for so many years. I have been hired just a few minutes before, and I still want to be here in this place and work under such a wonderful boss. What is wrong with you all? Disgusting and highly unimpressive on your parts!" he made a sad face looking at the people; as if they were the most disgusting people he had ever seen in his life.

Ezra was stunned for a few seconds. She did not know if Leo could do this work or not, but he was currently the only one who was supporting the company and had faith in her. Even the IT Department people were in doubt and he was the only one rooting for the company.

"Listen boy; give this lecture to somebody else. Just because you have been hired by the boss, does not mean you have become the boss of all of us.'' Steve pointed his finger at Leo in much anger.

"Hah! This boy claims he can solve he problem. Even the entire IT department has not been able to solve it and he is standing alone with so much confidence, telling us in our faces that he knows it all." The suited man in the audience spoke up in disgust.

"This is not a joke boy this is matter of our livelihoods. Go back to your college." an elderly lady from the crowd spoke in much anger.

"The boy does not even know how to wear clothes and is saying he will solve this big issue. Impossible." Another lady spoke up looking at Leo in disgust.

Once again another huge ruckus was created as everybody was shouting in anger this time looking at Leo. Leo yawned out loud as if he is bored of hearing all the nonsense from the people. He quickly pulled down his bag from his shoulders and first pulled out fluffy from the bag's pocket and walked up to Ezra. 'Boss, could you please hold him for a few minutes. You are the only one he would let himself hold."

"sure." Ezra spoke in much surprise and held fluffy in her arms, which immediately snuggled to her neck once again, licking her skin lovingly. "But Leo, everyone is really angry right now. This is not the time to act like a hero or make false claims." she whispered to the boy scared that he might later have to face the wrath of the people.

Leo smiled assuringly looking in her pretty eyes. Somehow the boy's smile felt like a ray of sunshine in the cold weather, which provides soothing effect to the body. "Don't worry boss. Have faith in me, I promise I will not disappoint you. I have solved worse cases during my college time itself, this is nothing." He nodded his head reassuringly.

Ezra smiled back at him and nodded her head in an approval. Somehow the boy was already bringing back the courage in her heart and felt extremely positive that the boy can actually solve he problem.

After getting an approval from the boss, Leo confidently turned to look at the people sitting ahead of him. "Hello everyone, I am Leo. You might not know me yet and it is fine because I have just been hired a few moments back."

There were loud murmurs from the people once again who were disapproving their heads looking at the boy.

Leo raised his hand, signalling everybody to be silent and then he quickly pulled out his laptop from his bag once again looking Ezra. Ezra looked like a parent who was eagerly praying for her child's exam to go well. Leo could not help but chuckle looking at the nervous girl, holding the dog with her hands.

He then pressed a few buttons of his laptop looking at it carefully, while the crowd once again shouted in disgust.

"Is this a joke?'

"Boss, do you really think this kid can help us?"

"If the IT Department failed, do you think he alone can do something?"

Even Robin who was now looking at Leo with hopelessness got up from his seat a little. "It is not so easy boy, have faith in us. We will settle this, but thank you for your help.

Ezra in return spoke looking at Robin. "Let him try it once. We need to show some patience.' After hearing Ezra's words, everybody felt silent, still cursing the boy in their hearts.

Leo for a few seconds was frowning looking at his laptop and then turned to look at Steve. I need one of the company's laptop, which is infected by the virus. I need to connect it with my laptop." He looked at Steve in a pensive mode.

Hearing his words, Robin once again got up from his seat looking at Leo. ''boy, if you connect your laptop with Steve's laptop your device which catch the virus too."

They all looked hopelessly at Leo who seemed to be just wasting their time. It was only Ezra, who had some faith in the boy, even though she was also scared.

Leo looked up at Robin and then chuckled hearing his statement. "And this is where people get scared and commit technical blunders." He pointed his finger at Robin and smiled.

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