Published at 25th of March 2024 05:36:47 AM

Chapter 28.1: ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ?????

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Chapter 28.1: It Was Warm in the City That Year (2)

Khan, The oldest among the mercenaries predicted exactly right.

As soon as Gamson and Pell brought out a warhorse, they were plunged into chaos.

Johan was too scared to run out of the town, but there was no proper way to do so.

━Do we have to go to the city? If we stay outside like this, we might be attacked by wild beasts or monsters. . .

━Just shut up, you! I’m thinking.

Gamson got irritated. Pell couldn’t respond and shrank back. Outside the town, especially alone, Gamson seemed as high as the sky to Pell.

━Ah. . . Damn. We should at least sell the horse.

━Why don’t we just go to the city and sell it?

━Shut up, you! It’s not that easy! Do you think someone who doesn’t know us will buy a warhorse that easily? If you don’t want to get ripped off, just keep quiet!

━Didn’t we pass through a city last time? Isn’t there a merchant you know there?


It sounded like a crazy idea, but it was impossible for their minds to work well while wandering the cold, dark fields at night. Gamson thought hard.

‘Anyway, the city is big, so there won’t be any encounters with other merchants or mercenaries, and if we tell the horse seller that we’re selling it cheaply, they’ll probably take it because it’s good for them.’

Talking to a horse merchant, not a merchant or a mercenary, seemed like a good idea to Gamson.

It was a foolish decision made without knowing that the merchants of the city were interconnected like a spiderweb.


“You’re very healthy, you b*stard!”

“I prayed to God that you wouldn’t die. I wanted to kill you myself!”

“Ah. . .”

The employees momentarily showed a look of discomfort. To them, who were commoners, violent and high-ranking knights were naturally objects of aversion. A collision with them could only lead to their downfall. . .

“Don’t worry. He’s a young knight who knows honor and respects the weak.”

“. . .?”

Johan was flustered.

‘Did I do that?’

However, the assurance from Eldans was more effective than expected. The clerks immediately lowered their guard upon hearing it.

“If Mr. Eldans says so, he must be a remarkable person. . .”

“How honorable must he be? What achievements has he made?”

“He’s not yet famous, but soon his name will be known throughout the Empire. . .”


“Yes, Johan-nim?”

Johan put his arm around Eldans’s shoulder and whispered softly.

“Be modest, it’s embarrassing.”

“. . .Yes!”

Eldans thought to himself upon Johan’s words.

He doesn’t swagger about such praises but humbles himself.

Truly, a knight out of an old tale!

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