Published at 15th of May 2024 05:28:39 AM

Chapter 45: We Are Looking For Someone (1)

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Chapter 45: We Are Looking For Someone (1)

We Are Looking For Someone (1)

In the era when the Murim Alliance did not exist, the Orthodox Faction were just loosely connected conglomerates of large sects and clans.

The important point was that they were connected, albeit loosely.

They maintained friendships by attending each others family events or inquiring about each others well-being through letters.

It was during this time that the Hidden Dragon Assembly was established.

Initially, it was not even a gathering of Rising Stars.

It was simply a group where the real authorities of the clans and sects got along and formed a sort of society for family events.

It was a gathering where they collected small amounts of money to contribute to each others celebrations, such as first birthdays, sixtieth birthdays, weddings, and funerals.

Then, the Demonic Cult attacked.

The Orthodox Faction had to unite their strength to survive.

But what had to be remembered was that everyone within the Hidden Dragon Assembly were practically neighbors.

Moreover, their connection to each other was similar to as follows.

Our son is your son-in-law and your son is his son-in-law and his son is our son-in-law.

Thus, while shouting Are we not all family?, the united forces of the Orthodox Faction in the Central Plains repelled the invasion of the Demonic Cult.

It was the birth of the Murim Alliance.

After the alliance of the Orthodox Faction officially launched, the Hidden Dragon Assembly was transformed into a reserve combat team composed of young martial artists.

However, there was always a social hierarchy, even amongst such a supposedly close-knit alliance.

The noble youths of the Nine Sects One Union and the Ten Noble Clans could not possibly share the same table as the crude Orthodox Faction.

Therefore, the Hidden Dragon Assembly was divided into two groups.

The Heavenly Martial Team. And the Earthly Courage Team.

The Heavenly Martial Team consisted of youths from the Nine Sects One Union and the Ten Noble Clans, including special members who had received recommendations from more than 10 members of different affiliations.

The Earthly Courage Team gathered the rest of the youths.

Therefore, every young sprout of the Orthodox Faction dreamed of becoming a member of the Heavenly Martial Team.

To them, the members of the Heavenly Martial Team were the true powerhouses of Murims Orthodox Faction, floating and playing above the clouds.

Even after excluding materialistic factors, all the members were Masters far beyond their age group.

The true Hidden Dragons who achieved remarkable accomplishments!

As such, it was no wonder the youths of the Orthodox Faction aspired to join the Heavenly Martial Team.

In their imagination, the members of the Heavenly Martial Team spared no effort in elevating each others martial arts through earnest focus and practice.

Surely, they would generously share and debate the principles and logic of the martial studies they had realized.

Ah! If only I could be there to join in their discussions and share my opinions!

It was the dream of every young person in the Orthodox Faction.

And here in this place, Qing was enjoying that very dream.n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

It was a clear, pure, and meaningful debate on martial studies with members of the Heavenly Martial Team.

Everyone in the world has stated that the order was Hundred Day Spear, Thousand Day Dao, and Ten Thousand Day Sword. Does this not prove that the sword is the King of All Weapons, thus showing its superiority over all armaments? What do you think, Sword Brother?

I agree. What about you, Daoist Changbin?

The Mount Hua Sect was also known as the Mount Hua Sword Sect.

Basically, it meant they were people who wielded swords.

As a Plum Blossom Swordsman myself, I cannot help but acknowledge that..

Qing nodded and declared.

Then, by an overwhelming majority, the motion that the sword is far superior to the dao has passed.

Peng Daesan frowned.

Qing grinned and brought up the next topic.

Then, for the next item on the agenda, I propose that since a dao is a sword that only has one edge, it should be considered half a sword. Shouldnt we start calling it a half-sword from now on? What do you think?

Ohh! Sword Brother, to think you came up with the word, half-sword. What a precise description of the dao. This is the first time I have heard such an accurate term in my life. In fact, it is even moving to hear such a word. I shall agree.

But still, do you really need to go that far about someone elses weapon

Dao Master Changbin, are you betraying us right now? We are all Daoists, right? Were all friends who cultivate the Dao together, right? Are you abandoning Daoism?

.I acknowledge the term, half-sword.

Then, with three votes of approval, from now on, Sanie is not a dao user, but a half-swordsman

Hence, there were three swordsmen and one half-swordsmen.

Even if Peng Daesan wished to oppose, he was outnumbered, thus falling into the trap of majority rule.

Ha. It is too childish to even bother to interact with all of you.

Peng Daesan gritted his teeth and thought.

Was there really any particular reason he had to travel with Qing?

Even he himself couldnt figure out why he had decided to.

However, there was one absolute truth he was sincere about.

I shouldnt have done that.

I should have just let her go on her way. Damn it.

Then, should we have the half-swordsman pay for todays snack?

I cant believe it. Regardless of who it is, as long as they buy for her, she just crams everything down her throat. How ridiculous.

Even Heukgu raised by the clan would not eat food given by strangers. Yet, she

Okay, and? Did I ask?

was what Qing would probably say if she could read his thoughts.

Regardless of what Peng Daesan said, Qing was simply having a good time.

Currently, the group had been traveling west from Huangchuan for three days and were on their second day staying in Xinyang.

This was what traveling with young masters was like.

After reaching a city by carriage, they rested for a day or two depending on how tired they were.

Then, they rented another carriage and departed.

Of course, Peng Daesan, who was relatively frugal, and Changbin, who was genuinely frugal, preferred joining a escort convoy rather than renting carriages and coachmen.

However, among their groups was Namgung Shinjae, who tore off chits3a short official note, memorandum, or voucher, typically recording a sum owed. at every bank they stopped at, filling his moneybag to the brim.

Among the Five Noble Clans, the Namgung Clan was the second wealthiest. As such, the Young Sword Kings expenditures were the very definition of the God of Wealth, Caishen4Known as the God of Wealth. He is a mythological figure worshipped in Chinese folk religion and Taoism., descending to the human world.

For reference, the wealthiest household among the Five Noble Clans was said to be in Sichuan or whatever.

It was when they were about to depart since they had rested for two days.

This is a crossroad. If we go north, itll be easier and faster. If we go west, we will not see a city for a while and itll be a longer detour.

Then cant we just go north?

If we go north, it leads to Luoyang.

Aw, shit. There were ill-fated relationships in Luoyang.

It was the same situation, whether then or now; her Inner Qi might have increased, but her realm remained the same.

If only I had reached the Transcendent Realm Then I would have gone there and caused a shitfest.

And there was still the Sudden Mission she had left unfinished.

Just you wait and see. Once I reach the Transcendent Realm, I will fucking slaughter you all.

Wash your necks cleanly until then, Black Shadow Association!

No, wait. Was it Black Shallow Association? What was it again? Whatever. Anyway.

Ugh, this damn ancient China. Fucking hell. Whether its sects or people, their names are all so similar. Its confusing the fuck out of me.

Of course, Qings face had changed quite a lot.

But with Peng Daesan by her side, they were bound to attract attention and if anything happened, they would have to flee again.

If we go west

The next city will be near the Dabie Mountains, so itll take about a week.

Qing grimaced.

A week meant staying in villages or sleeping outdoors.

And in reality, there werent much difference between those two in the Central Plains.

From sleeping arrangements to food, it was either a bit more troublesome or the expense of just a few coins to be exempt from such troublesome matters.

But what could be done about it? It seemed like there was no choice.

Qing asked for the groups understanding.

That it seemed they would have to take a bit more of an arduous path because of her.

I am dismayed. Did I really appear like someone who would ignore Sword Brothers troubles?

Uh, as for this Daoist, I.

What? Youre going to abandon your fellow Daoists? Are you turning your back on the values of status and allocation? Do you not know whose family name I carry?

will agree.

Both of them agreed so very cheerfully.

It was truly a relief that she didnt lose her financiers.

As such, they packed their bags and stepped outside.

Strangely, the streets were crowded and the ratio of women was, once again, oddly high.

But honestly, it wasnt all that strange anymore. Nor did it feel novel.

After ignoring it, they headed to the stable.

That was when Qing witnessed a peculiar situation.

Please, find my son.

Agh, hey! You old hag! Who do you think you are to come here?!

Aigo, please, my son definitely said he was going to the Daijing Sect. Please. Please, just look for him once. Please

In front of a small side gate in the imposing wall

An old woman with white hair pleaded with a martial artist wielding a b.


sometimes called by its literal translated name Dragon Well tea. Its a variety of pan-roasted green tea from the area of Longjing Village in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. It is produced mostly by hand and renowned for its high quality, earning it the China Famous Tea title


it means that the Sword Kings insides are burning due to the strong alcohol he drinks.


a short official note, memorandum, or voucher, typically recording a sum owed.


Known as the God of Wealth. He is a mythological figure worshipped in Chinese folk religion and Taoism.


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