Published at 5th of July 2023 06:36:19 AM

Chapter 51

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 Chapter 59 - Sincere Apology Chapter 58 - Hostage Queen Chapter 57 - Affectionate King Chapter 56 - Igor’s Wish Chapter 55 - He Cares For You Chapter 54 - Basil Chapter 53 - Garden Check (19) Chapter 52 - Maidenhood Gone (19) Chapter 51 - Taste of Wine (19) Chapter 50 - Tradition Annulled Chapter 49 - Yearning Kiss Chapter 48 - You’re Beautiful Chapter 47 - Dimi Over You Chapter 46 - I’m Sorry, Rihannan Chapter 45 - The Truth Chapter 44 - Anastasia’s Daughter Chapter 43 - I Owe It to Her Chapter 42 - Igor’s Clumsiest Best Chapter 41 - Queen’s Palace Chapter 40 - Human Nature Chapter 39 - Igor’s Debt Chapter 38 - The Medicine Chapter 37 - Women Love Flowers Chapter 36 - Public Disgrace Chapter 35 - A Wife Who Does Not Love Chapter 34 - He Liked Her, After All Chapter 33 - Are You Crying? Chapter 32 - You’re My Wife, I’ll Protect You Chapter 31 - Mother's Grave Chapter 30 - Rihannan and Arundell Chapter 29 - Your Majesty, Please Get Out Chapter 28 - Suicidal Impulse Chapter 27 - Igor’s Regret Chapter 26 - But Divorce Me a Year Later Chapter 25 - Long Time No See Chapter 24 - I’ll Kill You Myself Chapter 23 - I’ll Be Alright Chapter 22 - A Favor Chapter 21 - Danil Lyurik Chapter 20 - A Future Worse Chapter 19 - Suffer the Same Fate Chapter 18 - New Man Chapter 17 - The Dream Chapter 16 - There Was a Time... Chapter 15 - Young King Chapter 14 - Years Later Chapter 13 - If She Did Her Job Properly… Chapter 12 - Of Chrichton Blood Chapter 11 - I Don’t Want To Marry Chapter 10 - Life In Her Belly Chapter 9 - Dimitri Priebius Chapter 8 - The First and Last Chapter 7 - Feared Queen Chapter 6 - Send Them Out Chapter 5 - Wanting His Love Chapter 4 - Get Out Chapter 3 - Hertia Cesca Chapter 2 - Loveless Marriage Chapter 1 - Golden Bird’s Feather 




“Embrace me, Igor,” she whispered, her mere presence stealing his breath away, a poignant reminder to him to draw air into his lungs. He fixated on the velvety contour of her lips, leaning in slowly as the weight of their bodies compressed the yielding bed.

And then… their lips met.

Her essence tasted of wine—an intoxicating sip of eternity, of sunlight, of distant celestial bodies, of the heavens themselves.

The touch of her lips ignited an inferno within him, a fervor that blazed through his bones, transforming his very soul into a fluid essence.

Their lips engaged in a gentle, sensuous rub, each brush dissolving him, melting his being, until his essence was ablaze, consumed by an insatiable desire. His hand caressed her hair, cradled her cheek and neck, as he enfolded her with all the passion he possessed.

A subtle lift of her hand, her lips parting slightly. His tongue delved into her mouth, pressing against hers with an unrestrained hunger.


Her tongue surrendered to his, covetous in its pursuit.

She attempted to pull away, a fleeting instinct, but he pursued her with unwavering persistence, intertwining their tongues in an insatiable embrace.

His heart thundered within his chest, a wild tempest seeking its rightful place in the shelter of her arms, the haven of her tender lips.

Her body yielded, succumbing to the bed beneath his unrelenting kiss.

She felt the weight of his passion pressing upon her, immobilizing her. Each movement of their entwined tongues echoed in her ears, accompanied by the moist, indelicate symphony that flushed her cheeks crimson. It was the first time she had been privy to such lascivious sounds in the realm of intimacy.

Was this customary? Normal?

Until now, her encounters with him had been sterile and awkward, lacking in the fervor and ardor that now enveloped them. In the past, she had been taught to remain still, her eyes squeezed shut, fearing the disdain of a man who held no affection for her. It plunged her deeper into the abyss of oblivion.

He would touch her, caress her for agonizingly long minutes, while she remained as motionless as stone. As he withdrew from her, sighing with a tinge of disappointment, she could never fathom his intentions. Her instinct, however, whispered that he found no pleasure in her company. Her body would constrict further, her essence withering under the weight of shame. And when he sought her body, her sanctuary, she bit her lip and endured the ignominy.

Each night concluded in pain.

But she remained oblivious to the abnormality of their encounters, believing it to be the essence of love. Whispers among the ladies-in-waiting hinted at his dissatisfaction with her, finding greater pleasure in the arms of Leticia.

She dismissed such rumors, focusing her gaze upon Igor. His ebony hair cascaded over his forehead, his eyes fixed upon her as if she were the sole inhabitant of his thoughts and dreams. Unbeknownst to her, she danced gracefully within the depths of his heart, smothering his every aspiration.

Igor stared at her with trembling eyes, his fingers tenderly tracing the contours of her swollen lips.

“…I told you… once you accepted me… I would desire you without end…”

He murmured the words softly, his voice a gentle caress, as he cradled her face in his hands.

He kissed her again, deeply. He was unequivocally hers, bound to her inextricably. His hands explored her body, navigating the terrain of her chest beneath its diaphanous covering.

She bit her lip, closing her eyes, a tingling sensation coursing through her being.


An involuntary moan escaped her, her cheeks aflame with shame, while a contented smile graced his lips.

“Do you feel it, Rihannan?”

“Feel what…?” Rihannan found herself lost in a haze of confusion. Meanwhile, Igor deftly untied the strings that held her garments together, gradually unveiling her exquisite form.

Her porcelain skin emerged, drawing an awe-filled breath from him as he marveled at her beauty. She possessed an enigmatic allure, perpetually pulling him closer—then and now.

Leaning in, he bestowed featherlight kisses upon her slender neck, and she clenched her lips tightly, suppressing the moans eager to escape.

Yet, the endeavor proved arduous, challenging. With each passing moment, the tingling sensation grew more pronounced.

And then he descended upon her mound.

Her flesh was a symphony on his tongue, her perspiration akin to moonlit elixir. Her contours consumed him, a tantalizing feast that inexorably drew him further into the abyss of pleasure.

She would become his religion, an entity worthy of veneration to the very ends of the earth.


She muffled her constant moans with a hand pressed against her mouth.

While he luxuriated in the suppleness of her skin, her nether lips drowned in the enticing moisture of desire.

His hands traversed her skirt, deftly sliding aside her undergarments, revealing her glistening garden.

A fervent blush spread across her countenance.


Her body writhed, attempting to evade his touch, but he held her firmly, ensnaring her in his embrace. He kissed her cheek, nibbled her earlobe, and savored her lips, one after another.

“Relax. I won’t harm you.”

His deluge of kisses soothed her, easing her tension gradually.

Strangely, she felt herself drifting, her mind engulfed in a haze.

Is this what Mrs. Cesley meant?

The thought flitted through her consciousness, then vanished. Meanwhile, Igor reached the most intimate depths of her womanhood. His fingers ravaged her inner sanctum, moving with calculated precision.

She gasped, clasping his clothes tightly with both hands.

“…Yes. Just hold onto me, Rihannan,” he whispered into her ear, punctuating his words with tender kisses along her neck.

Her body quivered, her flesh tightening around him as he ventured further, navigating her with utmost care.

“Do you feel unwell?”

She shook her head. Uncomfortable, perhaps, but not painful. Rather, it was a strange and embarrassing sensation.


She had seldom experienced this euphoria before.

“Is this how it is supposed to be?”

The Duchess had instructed her to promptly communicate any discomfort during such moments, urging her to never endure pain needlessly. Communication was the key.

She didn’t fully comprehend the Duchess’s words, but perhaps this was what she had meant.

Yet, with each lapse into contemplation, her attention gravitated back to the tingling sensation between her lower lips. Igor’s fingers explored the depths of her sanctuary, delving in and out.

She trembled and gasped beneath his disheveled attire.


Her bosom heaved, toes curling in response. Her breath grew labored, the sensation increasingly foreign. Her lips parted instinctively, met immediately by an invading tongue.

Pleasure swelled from above and below, rendering her helpless, her only solace in clinging ever closer to him.


Then, in a single moment, she glimpsed a burst of whiteness, a release of something deep within her. Her muscles spasmed and relaxed.

“It’s all right.”

He reassured her, blowing a gentle breath into her ear.

Her body continued to tremble, the lingering sensation persisting. A newfound desire burned within her, refusing to be extinguished.

She existed in a daze, everything blurring together. When she looked up, he began to undress.

Hastily, she averted her gaze.

This marked her first clear glimpse of nakedness, for she had always averted her eyes or turned away deliberately.

A man and a woman’s bodies were distinct. Hers exuded softness, while he was enveloped in solid muscles. He possessed a grand physique, far larger than she had ever imagined.

And below… she wondered how it would ever fit inside her…

Her cheeks reddened once more.

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