Published at 10th of April 2024 08:34:13 AM

Chapter 438: Chapter 438: Confirmed Fake

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Chapter 438: Confirmed Fake

Translator: _Min_ |

Zhang Sheng nodded, Alright, explain then.

Sheng Xin was taken aback and after a long pause, she finally spoke, Gu Dai is just slandering me. Maybe she tampered with the screen, causing the images to look identical.

Hearing this, the host quickly debunked the claim, Our big screen has no issues. We ensure fairness and integrity in all our events.

Sheng Xin, almost reflexively, accused the host, Are you bribed by Gu Dai? The hosts expression soured instantly, his gaze towards Sheng Xin was no longer friendly.

Gu Dai spoke calmly, Theres no need to wrongfully accuse others when youre out of options. As for your claim that Im framing you, its completely baseless. Sheng Xin scoffed, Just because you say its baseless, does it make it so?

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Gu Dai responded, Master He Zhis works are available online. If you doubt

me, you can search for yourself and see if they match exactly.

Sheng Xin, her retort halted, opened her mouth but found herself at a loss for words.

Zhang Sheng, after repeatedly comparing on his phone and confirming the match, angrily demanded, Refund my money, now! I spent a whole 800 million, and it turns out to be a fake!

With that, he set out to confront the organizers.

The organizers approached Sheng Xin, What is going on here?

Sheng Xin, feeling extremely embarrassed, especially aware of the shift from admiration to disdain in peoples eyes, foresaw the impact her actions would have on her company.

Sheng Xin explained, This piece was sourced by my assistant. I dont know much about calligraphy, so I was unaware it was a counterfeit. Im sorry for the negative impact this has caused.

Upon her admission, the organizers refunded the 800 million to Zhang Sheng. The crowd erupted into discussion again, but this time, the condemnation shifted from Gu Dai to Sheng Xin.

Does this mean the piece Sheng Xin auctioned was indeed a fake?

Obviously, why else would the organizers refund Zhang Sheng?

I dont think its Sheng Xins fault. After all, it was her assistants mistake, and she was unaware.

Brother, youre too naive to believe Sheng Xin. Shes clearly making her assistant take the fall. In reality, she must have known it was fake, just relying on our ignorance.

Exactly, we need to be cautious in future dealings with Sheng Xins company. Im getting angrier the more I think about it. Just now, I condemned the Gu Group because I believed her. What if they refuse to work with me now? Its all because Sheng Xin misled us!

Sheng Xin, her face unsightly, couldnt resist taking a jab at Gu Dai, I auctioned a fake unknowingly, but you dont even have the heart to help the impoverished.

Gu Dai met Sheng Xins gaze, Actually, I intended to auction something, but seeing you had already presented a piece by Master He Zhi, I refrained. Since you mentioned it, I might as well bring it out now.

The crowd pondered the possibility upon hearing Gu Dais words.

Song Ling sat up, instinctively murmuring, Could Gu Dai possess a genuine piece by Master He Zhi?

As the charity banquet staff brought something onstage, Gu Dai lifted the cloth, This is the piece with a signature identical to your auctioned work, but mine is authentic.

Sheng Xin felt as if the word authentic had slapped her across the face.

Zhang Sheng, upon seeing the piece, exclaimed, No wonder Miss Gu Dai knew the Hes Preface was fake. Shes well-versed in Master He Zhis works.

After saying this, he quickly apologized and bowed, Im sorry for my rashness earlier, for judging you without knowing the facts. I hope you wont hold it against me.

Gu Dai was unbothered, Its fine.

Zhang Sheng sighed in relief.

As the auction of Master He Zhis calligraphy began, the pieces, each a masterpiece, instantly ignited fierce bidding.

Sheng Xin, her face even more unsightly, seized the moment when the attention was diverted from her, hastily gathered her things, and left the charity banquet. She then dialed her assistant to vent her frustration..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!