Published at 30th of August 2022 01:48:47 PM

Chapter 78

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Violette have never voluntarily went home so early before. Most of the times, she would try to delay returning to the place of her anxiety as much as possible. It was the first time she went so early, of course not because she wanted to but because she had to.

Just like any other day, she didn’t wanted to visit the town with Yulan. If she forced herself to stay with him, she knew it wouldn’t end well. Because right now, her thoughts were a tangled mess, and the person she was thinking about was Yulan.

She was afraid if she forced herself to stay with Yulan, she would say or do something that she would regret. So it’s better for her to return home early and stay away from him, until she figured out her own emotions.


“I’m want to take a break.”

“Yes, I’ll leave you then.”

When Marin saw Violette’s complexion upon her returning home, she immediately sensed something was wrong.

Violette was well aware of Marin’s worry for her, but she didn’t have the energy or will to think about it. She wanted to thank her for giving her a cup of sweet hot milk, but the only thing she could do was send her smile a of appreciation. She just wanted to sleep the day away and reset her thoughts.

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