Published at 29th of January 2024 05:57:55 AM

Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Mission Start, Again.. (part 2)

In such a short time, the slimes can defeat them easily by taking advantage of the support magic that is given by stacking using the benefits of using ofuda.

In short, if we give support magic to someone, when we use the same magic on the same target, then there is no significant effect on the person, only if you do it after a certain time lag, it only adds the time the use of the magic applies to the person's body becomes longer.

Meanwhile, if we use ofuda as a catalyst, the magic effects become stacked, for example 'Support magic, Strength up' adds about 20% to the attack power we have, using 5 ofuda is the same as adding 2x the power we have.

Generally, when our bodies gain more strength than they should in a certain amount of time, it can put a strain on the body. I had previously tried this on myself as well as the zombies wandering around the dungeon we were going to.

If our body is gaining 3x our original strength, it will start to feel soreness in the muscles, and if done twice a day, the result is... I ended up lying down with extremely sore muscles for a whole day thanks to that experiment.

When I tried it on zombies, adding about 4x the strength could damage the muscles, exceeding that is something I don't recommend. Coming back to the present, what's interesting about the jelly-like body structure of slimes is that their strengthening limit is greater than the muscles in an ordinary human body.

With 3x the strengthening they were still fine, and even they could easily defeat the goblin fighter. At least thanks to the sacrifices of the goblins I got more detailed experimental results than I had previously.

When I returned to the village and planned to resume my work, Rag and Jil and the others approached me and asked me to perform maintenance on their weapons and equipment before they patrolled the forest at Ricardo's request when he knew they would be staying in the village.

I told them not to wear themselves out hunting in the forest and asked them to take the monkeys for a walk. One of the monkeys refused to go with the others and chose to stay with me, while the other two were happy to accompany Rag and the others.

I continued my work and the monkey who had stayed behind accompanied me as I worked with Leo. Like in my old world, it seemed that the monkey in this world was also quite intelligent. It helped us get the things we asked it to, even daring to add coal to the furnace. In the afternoon, Rag and the others returned and they brought back some of the things they had gotten from the forest.

"Did you bring any souvenirs?" 

"Hyuga-nii, this monkey is very smart, although at first we were confused when he left us, however, after we followed him, he showed us where mushrooms and fruits grow. "

Sica showed me the bag in his hand, when I examined it, there were several types of mushrooms that looked like oyster mushrooms and champignons. In addition, there were also berry-like fruits that they got. 

Ann also gave me the other bag and when I examined it, the shape of the mushroom was a little strange and seemed to say 'I am poisonous'. I checked everything in both bags with the appraisal, ragnag mushroom, wild mushroom and wild berry, these three types seemed to be safe to eat.

Then I also found paralize mushroom and ragnag poison mushroom which are obviously dangerous materials to consume, I decided to keep them carefully. After that, Jil and his party returned and brought some horned rabbits and rush turkeys and said the monkey that came with them, he showed the location of the beast and made the hunt easier.

(Rush turkeys: turkeys that run very fast and make it difficult to catch. Rank: E. Material: Meat.)

That night we ate together with the Tomahawk members who had also decided to remain in the village along with the other vigilante corps members. Gili, one of the Tomahawk members who usually prepares meals for their party members, cooked the ingredients that Rag and the others brought.


"Woah, I didn't expect you guys to have a member who can cook this good. "

"HAHAHA... Since all of us can't cook properly, we always rely on Gili to cook for us."

"It just so happens that I love to eat, and eventually learned to cook a little. "

"No need to be modest. Have a little faith in your abilities!", Tomahawk leader Aram patted Gili on the shoulder while asking for more food on his plate.

"Alright! I appoint you to be the one in charge of meals during this quest. Hahaha...", I pointed at Gili who was cooking and made him surprised, and as if he understood my words one of the monkeys (who likes to eat the most) clapped his hands and danced around.

"Even the monkey approves... HAHAHA..."


One day before departure, I had finished my work and put away all the equipment that was likely to help us with the quest.

I still had time, it was a good idea to visit the Secret base and check the conditions there and also the area around the dungeon.

Upon arrival, my Familiars who were there welcomed me, including the goblin who first became my Familiar (which I realized at that time). According to him, the barriers and traps that I installed using magic tools that can make fog made of holy water have disappeared as I expected, the barrier only lasted for one day and after that the undead began to roam near the entrance to the dungeon.

' This goblin is starting to get better at conveying things, or am I the one who can start to understand it better? '

This is what came to my mind when the goblin finished explaining about the conditions around the dungeon. After that he explained the increase in beasts living around the Secret base and according to him, he managed to persuade some beasts to become my Familiar.

"Wait a minute. Did you persuade them?"

This really surprised me to be honest, as he proudly puffed out his chest and smiled at me. After that, he seemed to call out several beasts that soon approached us.

Ten green flying squirrels, two rolling hedgehogs, five goblins, and one each of a sleepyhead skunk and a hardmadillo approached and when I checked them all became my Familiars.

“ Heeee...!!! “

I didn't expect a route like this! Even before I still didn't understand how I could get a Familiar and plus this time it was a new method again that made me get a new Familar.

"Wait... If it's like this, I'm really like a zoo owner! Aaa... I think my head hurts a little..."

Saying that, the goblins and some monkeys approached me like they were worried as I held my head. I said I was fine and they seemed to calm down.

"If they find out about this, they will definitely scold me again... But... "

At least for now all the Familiars that joined me are not the kind that I dislike and I hope that no beasts of the snake species will join.

I checked on the condition of the Familiars, played with them, used the time to refresh myself from all the fatigue for quite some time, I also went fishing and really enjoyed my time.

Before returning to the village I took the time to check the conditions around the dungeon, seeing that the sun was still quite high I spent some time separating the two types of undead and re-installed a barrier filled with fog made of holy water in front of the dungeon and left it.

In the afternoon after I washed up, I visited Yui and talked to her for a while. After that I visited Ricardo to discuss this quest, I also met Paolo while in the meeting hall and today the aura on his body was a little different from the previous days, he prayed for my success and returned safely, it's just that at the end of the conversation his killing intent came back out and said "quickly complete your task and don't make the young lady worry.".


At around ten in the morning, all the members gathered and prepared to leave.

"Once again, I thank you for your participation in this quest. On the way to the dungeon, we will rest by the river on the way and continue until we get near the entrance of the dungeon. The target for conquering the dungeon is within 1 week. Once the preparations are complete we will leave immediately!".

The members immediately rushed to prepare all the items to be carried, some of the equipment was ready for me to carry and they only carried the other parts that had been prepared in bags for them to carry. 

I went to my Familiars and brought them. I checked one of the containers where the slimes I used to put in it I saw that the slimes there had increased by two slimes, when using the appraisal on them

Slime A

Rank : F

Level : 6

Mana : 1

Skills : Acid production 2, Absorb 2, Multiplication 1, Spitting acid 1

Baby Slime

Rank : F

Level : 1

Mana : -

Skills : Absorb 1

"Hoo... The most active slimes get some new skills and one of them can make them multiply. "

Seeing the development of this slime, I tried to check the others, on average all of them were level 4 and all of them got absorb skills. However, the previous slime stood out the most compared to the others from the level and number of skills possessed.

I also put the two baby slimes into the Dimension room and we were ready to go. Shyan joined us as a scout as well as a representative of the guild who was also in charge of overseeing this quest.

We traveled quite smoothly until the river where we rested, arriving near the entrance of the dungeon people were surprised by what they saw.

The undead wandering around there were walking without direction and at some point something blocked their steps.

"Hyuga... I've heard your explanation of the barrier before... But can you explain again what happened here?"

"Yesterday I had some free time and separated them. I thought this could be used as an opportunity to practice directly against them. "

"You realize that this is unusual? ", everyone nodded at sister Kim's words. "And another thing, what kind of fog is that over there, and it doesn't dissipate while we're talking like this?! "

"Ah! That's the result of the experiment I did, I turned the water into a fog and held it there. Holy water of good quality doesn't even lose its properties even if it changes form like that. Yun and Rana can use what they learned against the undead!"

"It feels like all these years of my career were wasted in front of this kid... "

"Even though there have been several times with the young master, there are always unexpected things. ", Bjorn scratched his head while looking at the scene before him.

"Yes old man, this time I agree with you."

'Heee... Why is everyone looking at me like that?!'

"Don't act like you're that surprised by our response! So what's the next step? "

"You can all take sister Kim's advice and try it out on them. After that we will rest for a while before entering the dungeon. "

After that Sister Kim again reminded all the tips for dealing with undead and could immediately practice it with the target in front of us.

While the others were busy I called one of the squirrels, used support magic on it and asked it to enter the dungeon, using my shared sense I could see what the squirrel saw.

Entering the dungeon the number of undead along the hallway was quite large, considering that some of them tried to get out and only ended up becoming dust once they touched the trap.

With support magic, my squirrel's speed increased and the undead couldn't touch it. I outlined the dungeon passages to Shan who was quite good at drawing maps.

"I'm wondering about you now, I don't think I need to be here... "

"We still need you, I can't detect traps using my Familiar, when we're inside your skills are needed! "

After drawing the first level map, I called out to my Familiars to return. And after all the undead in front of the dungoan had been finished off, I asked them to take a short break and discuss the next strategy.

Note: Wow... 19 chapters with 72 part posted every week. Thanks guys for any of you that read every single part every week. Hopefully all of you can enjoy the stories, and I will try my best to write it more chapters! Big thanks from your almost oji-san novel writer wannabe.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!